Unit Opportunity 3 Flashcards
tubercle (tuber-cle)
tuber = swelling
cle = nominal
a small swelling (e.g., on a bone or the skin)
cerumen (cer-u-men)
cer = wax
men = nominal
a wax-like secretion in the ear
mortiferous (mort-i-fer-ous)
mort = death
fer = to bear, to produce
ous = adjectival
bringing death
nodose (nod-ose)
nod = knot
ose = adjectival
swollen or knot-like at intervals
lamelliform (lam-ell-i-form)
lamin = thin plate
ella = nominal
form = shape, form
having the shape of a small, thin plate
contracture (con-tract-ure)
con = with, together, very
tract = to draw, to drag
ure = nominal
rigidity in the muscles or joints
virucide (vir-u-cide)
vir = virus
cide = killing, murder
an agent that destroys or inactivates a virus
extensor (ex-tens-or)
ex = out, from
tens = to stretch
or = nominal
a muscle that extends a part of the body
vivarium (viv-arium)
viv = life, to live
arium = nominal
a place where organisms are kept alive
ligament (lig-a-ment)
lig = to bind
ment = nominal
a band of fibrous connective tissue
pluripotent (plur-i-pot-ent)
plur = many
pot = to be able or powerful
ent = nominal
capable of growing into more than one type of cell
expectorate (ex-pector-ate)
ex = out, from
pector = chest
ate = verbal
to discharge from the chest
mollify (moll-i-fy)
moll = soft
fy = verbal
to make soft
visceroparietal (viscer-o-pariet-al)
viscer = entrails
pariet = wall
al = adjectival
pert. to the entrails and abdominal wall
tinnitus (tinn-it-us)
tinn = to ring
us = nominal
a ringing sensation in the ears
stimulant (stimul-ant)
stimul = to urge, to goad
ant = nominal
any agent temporarily increasing functional activity
glabella (glab-ella)
glabr = smooth
ella = nominal
the smooth area on the forehead between the eyebrows
depilatory (de-pil-at-ory)
de = down, away, off
pil = hair
ate = verbal
ory = nominal
a substance used to remove hair
mediolateral (medi-o-later-al)
medi = middle
later = side, flank
al = adjectival
pert. to the middle and side of a structure
maculopapular (macul-o-papul-ar)
macul = spot
papul = nipple
ar = adjectival
having colored spots and small, elevated bumps