Chapter 7: Latin Suffixes 4 (words) Flashcards
cerumen (cer-u-men)
cer = wax
men = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a wax-like secretion in the ear
contracture (con-tract-ure)
con = with, together, very
tract = to draw, to drag
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
rigidity in the muscles or joints (lit. “a drawing together”)
rupture (rupt-ure)
rupt = to break, to burst
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
the breaking apart of an organ or tissue
foramen (for-a-men)
for = to bore, to pierce
men = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
an opening or orifice
halitus (halit-us)
halit = to breathe
us = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a vapor or exhilation
scissure (sciss-ure)
sciss = to cut, to split
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a fissure, a cleft in an organ or body part
tentacle (tent-a-cle), tentaculum (tent-a-culum)
tent = to stretch
cle/culum = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
an appendage (lit. :a means of trying for”)
pressure (press-ure)
press = to press
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
the result of the act of pressing
acupuncture (acu-punct-ure)
acu = sharp, sour
punct = to prick
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a needle-based form of therapy
nutriment (nutr-i-ment), nutrition (nutr-it-ion)
nutr = to nourish
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a means of nourishing
sedimentary (sed-i-ment-ary)
sed = to sit, to settle
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
ary = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
related to the act of settling (e.g. of minerals)
tinnitus (tinn-it-us)
tinn = to ring
it = to go
us = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a ringing sensation in the ears
sentimental (sent-i-ment-al), sensual (sens-ual)
sent/sens = to feel, to perceive
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
al/ual = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
having to do with or stirring up feelings
temperature (temperat-ure)
temperat = to moderate, to blend
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a measure of hotness or coldness
stamen (sta-men)
sta = to stand
men = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
the pollen-producing male organ of a flower
coitus (co-it-us)
co = with, together, very
it = to go
us = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a “coming together”, esp. of sexual contact
vinculum (vin-culum)
culum = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a bond or tie, a ligament
gravamen (grav-a-men)
grav = heavy
men = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a grievance, the heavy part of something
ictus (ict-us)
ict = stroke, blow
us = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a stroke or seizure
culture (cult-ure)
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
the act of artificially growing microorganisms (or the result of that act)
pungent (pung-ent)
pung = to prick
ent = person or thing doing something (nominal)
causing sharp pain or intense sensation (pricking)
evolution (e-volut-ion)
e = out, from
volut = to roll
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
a wheeling or turning movement, (biol.) a process of development
flatus (flat-us)
us = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a blowing or breathing, the accumulation of wind in the bowels
filament (fil-a-ment)
fil = thread
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a delicate fiber or thread
ligament (lig-a-ment)
lig = to bind
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a band of fibrous connective tissue
momentum (mo-mentum)
mo = to move
mentum = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a moving object’s force of motion
spectrum (spec-trum)
spec = to look at
trum = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a band of wavelengths (lit. “image, apparition”)
fracture (fract-ure)
fract = to break, to bend
ure = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
the breaking of a bone
spectacles (spect-a-cle-s)
spect = to look at
cle = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
glasses, apparatus for viewing
ceraceous (cer-aceous)
cer = wax
aceous = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
tractellum (tract-ellum)
tract = to draw, to drag
ellum = little (nominal)
an appendage that moves a protozoon by dragging
flatulence (flatul-ence)
ence = quality of being, act of (nominal)
excessive gas in the bowels
hyperpigmentation (hyper-pig-ment-at-ion)
pig = to paint, to dye
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
increased coloration (esp. of the skin)
temperament (temper-a-ment)
temper = to moderate, to blend
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
personality (the “mixture” of one’s qualities)
ambulacrum (ambul-a-crum)
ambul = to walk
crum = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a means of walking, apparatus for the feet
volvulus (volv-ulus)
volv = to roll
ulus = little (nominal)
a twisting or rolling of the bowel on itself