Chapter 24: Greek Compound Suffixes 3 (words) Flashcards
cholestasis (chole-stasis)
chole = bile, gall
stasis = conditiong, standing
stoppage or suppression of the flow of bile
ageusia (a-geu-sia)
a = not, without
geu = to taste
sia = nominal
absence of the sense of taste
oogenesis (oo-genesis)
oo = egg
genesis = birth, origin
the process of forming female gametes (oocytes)
laparoscopy (lapar-o-scop-y)
lapar = abdomen
scop = to look at, to view
y = nominal
examination of the interior of the abdomen through a special device
splanchnic (splanchn-ic)
splanchn = entrails, viscera
ic = adjectival
relating to the viscera
acanthoid (acanth-oid)
acanth = thorn
oid = adjectival
resembling a spine or thorn
dacryostenosis (dacry-o-sten-osis)
dacry = tear
sten = narrow
osis = nominal
stricture or narrowing of a lacrimal duct
orchidopathy (orchid-o-pathy)
orchid = testicle
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
any disease of the testes (also spelled “orchiopathy”)
colpeurysis (colp-eury-sis)
colp = vagina
eury = wide
sis = nominal
dilation of the vagina (by a device known as a colypeurynter)
spermatocytogenesis (spermat-o-cyt-o-genesis)
spermat = semen, seed
cyt = cell
genesis = birth, origin
creation of spermatocytes, the first stage in the formation of spermatozoa
metastasis (meta-stasis)
meta = after, change, transfer
stasis = condition, standing
transfer of a disease or tumor from one organ to another
bradycardia (brady-card-ia)
brady = slow
card = heart
ia = nominal
slowness of the heart, measured by pulse
dynamogenesis (dynam-o-genesis)
dynam = power
genesis = birth, origin
development of energy or force, as in muscles
acanthocyte (acanth-o-cyte)
acanth = thorn
cyt = cell
spiculed erythtrocyte, a “thorny cell”
stethoscope (steth-o-scope)
steth = chest
scope = instrument for viewing
a device for listening to internal body sounds
colpitis (colp-itis)
colp = vagina
itis = nominal
inflammation of the vagina
prototype (pro-to-type)
pro = before, in front of, forward
typ = imprint, form
an original form or pattern
chromosome (chrom-o-some)
chrom = color
some = form, model, example
structure in the nucleus carrying genetic information
spermatolysis (spermat-o-lysis)
spermat = semen, seed
lysis = dissolution, breaking apart
the dissolution of sperm cells
ideology (ide-o-logy)
ide = idea, mental image
logy = study or science of
the science of the development of ideas
ideokinetic (ide-o-kine-tic)
ide = idea, mental image
kine = to move
tic = adjectival
aroused by an idea (e.g., of involuntary motion)
stethography (steth-o-graphy)
steth = chest
graphy = writing, imaging
technique used to measure movements in the chest
pachyderma (pachy-derm-a)
pachy = thick
derm = skin
abnormal thickening of the skin
hypertrichous (hyper-trich-ous)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
trich = hair
ous = adjectival
having hair over the entire body
dacryocyst (dacry-o-cyst)
dacry = tear
cyst = bladder, sac
the lacrimal sac
metrectopia (metr-ecto-pia)
metr = uterus
ecto = outside, external
ia = nominal
uterine displacement
orchitis (orch-itis)
orch = testicle
itis = nominal
inflammation of the testes
karyokinesis (kary-o-kinesis)
kary = nucleus
kinesis = movement
the division of the nucleus of a cell in mitosis
rhizotomy (rhiz-o-tomy)
rhiz = root
tomy = cutting
procedure involving the killing of nerve roots
phantogeusia (phant-o-geu-sia)
phant = to appear, to show
geu = to taste
sia = nominal
abnormal taste perception without external stimuli
clysis (cly-sis)
cly = to wash
sis = nominal
the administration of a solution introduced for replacing lost fluid, supplying nutriment, or raising blood pressure
cholesterol (chole-sterol)
chole = bile, gall
a substance named from its original discovery in gallstones
splanchnesthesia (splanchn-esthe-sia)
splanchn = entrails, viscera
esthe = to feel, to perceive
sia = nominal
awareness of sensations arising from the visera
metrophlebitis (metr-o-phleb-itis)
metr = uterus
phleb = vein
itis = nominal
inflammation of the uterine veins
rhizoid (rhiz-oid)
rhiz = root
oid = adjectival
a slender “root-like” filament
stereoscope (stere-o-scope)
stere = solid, three-dimensional
scope = instrument for viewing
instrument used to produce an image of a three-dimensional solid
mycosis (myc-osis)
myc = fungus
osis = nominal
any disease caused by a fungus
tocolytic (toc-o-ly-tic)
toc = childbirth
ly = to loosen, to dissolve
tic = nominal
a substance that inhibits uterine contractions in childbirth
parthenogenesis (parthen-o-genesis)
parthen = virgin
genesis = birth, origin
a type of reproduction in which embryos develop without fertilization
idiotrophic (idi-o-troph-ic)
idi = one’s own, distinct
troph = nourishment
ic = adjectival
capable of choosing its own nourishment
neurosome (neur-o-some)
neur = nerve, tendon
some = form, model, example
any particle found in the protoplasm of a neuron
phonendoscope (phon-endo-scope)
phon = sound, voice
endo = within, inner
scope = instrument for viewing
a device used to intensify auscultatory sounds
photokinesis (phot-o-kinesis)
phot = light
kinesis = movement
movement in response to light
homeostatic (home-o-stat-ic)
home = same, similar
stat = to stand
ic = adjectival
tending to maintain the “same standing” in an internal system
apophysis (apo-phy-sis)
apo = from, away, off
physis = growth
any outgrowth (esp. a bony process)
ecchymosis (ecc-chym-osis)
ec = out, out of
chym = juice
osis = nominal
a small hemorrhagic spot
laparohysterosalpingooophorectomy (lapar-o-hyster-o-salping-o-oo-phor-ectomy)
lapar = abdomen
hyster = uterus
salping = tube
oo = egg
phor = to bear, to carry
ectomy = cutting out, removal
removal of the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries
hologenesis (hol-o-genesis)
hol = whole, entire
genesis = birth, origin
theory that humans originated everywhere on earth, not in a localized area
phenotype (phen-o-type)
phen = to appear, to show
typ = imprint, form
observable or apparent traits of an organism
clyster (clys-ter)
clys = to wash
ter = nominal
an enema or “washing”
laparotomaphilia (lapar-o-tom-a-philia)
lapar = abdomen
tom = to cut
philia = intense attraction to or love for
Munchausen syndrome in which the patient desires abdominal surgery
mycetoma (mycet-oma)
mycet = fungus
oma = nominal
infection caused by a fungus
leptomeninges (lept-o-mening-es)
lept = thin, delicate
mening = membrane
the pia mater and arachnoid mater
phosphene (phos-phene)
phos = light
phen = to appear, to show
the visual perception of light when the eyes are closed and in the absence of visual light
idiopathy (idi-o-pathy)
idi = one’s own, distinct
pathy = disease, disorder, suffering
a disease arising from an unknown origin or cause (so called because it seems to come about on its on)
chyle (chyl-e)
chyl = juice
a milky fluid or juice produced during digestion
progeria (pro-ger-ia)
pro = before, in front of, forward
ger = to carry, to bear
ia = nominal
premature senility
phanerogenic (phaner-o-gen-ic)
phaner = to appear, to show
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
having a known origin or cause
tocodynamometer (toc-o-dynam-o-meter)
toc = childbirth
dynam = power
meter = meter, measure
instrument measuring uterine contractions during childbirth
hypophysis (hypo-physis)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
physis = growth
the pituitary gland, an “undergrowth” of the brain