Chapter 19: Greek Suffixes 1 (words) Flashcards
asthenic (a-sthen-ic)
a = not, without
sthen = strength
ic = adjectival
lacking strength or energy, weak
androgynous (andr-o-gyn-ous)
andr = man, male
gyn = woman, female
ous = adjectival
related to or characterized by sexual ambiguity (either physical or psychological)
somatic (somat-ic)
somat = body
ic = adjectival
having to do with the body; pertaining to the body wall as opposed to the viscera
anthropoid (anthrop-oid)
anthrop = human being
oid = adjectival
resembling a human being
spiral (spir-al)
spir = coil
al = adjectival
winding about a center like a coil or the thread of a screw; a winding structure
aerate (aer-ate)
aer = air, gas
ate = verbal
to charge a liquid with air or gas; the exchange of a carbon dioxide for oxygen by the blood
cystic (cyst-ic)
cyst = bladder, sac
ic = adjectival
pertaining to the bladder (esp. urinary bladder or gallbladder)
asthmatic (asthmat-ic)
asthmat = short breathing, panting
ic = adjectival
having recurrent attacks of paroxysmal dyspnea (i.e. sudden difficulty in breathing)
adenoid (aden-oid)
aden = gland
oid = adjectival
resembling a gland; used substantively, a name for the pharyngeal tonsil
acoustic (acou-stic)
acou = to hear
stic = adjectival
having to do with sound or hearing
carpal (carp-al)
carp = wrist
al = adjectival
related to the wrist
synthesize (syn-the-size)
syn = with, together
the = to put, to place
ize = verbal
to put together, to create an integrated whole
epidermal (epi-derm-al)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
derm = skin
al = adjectival
having to do with the outermost layer of skin
thoracic (thorac-ic)
thorac = chest
ic = adjectival
pertaining to the chest
asteroid (aster-oid)
aster = star
oid = adjectival
shaped like a star
cardiac (cardi-ac)
cardi = heart
ac = adjectival
related to the heart
hydrate (hydr-ate)
hydr = water, fluid
ate = verbal
to moisten, to add water to
anthropomorphic (anthrop-o-morph-ic)
anthrop = human being
morph = form, shape
ic = adjectival
having human characteristics or form
kinetic (kine-tic)
kine = to move
tic = adjectival
pertaining to or producing motion
cauterize (cauter-ize)
cauter = to burn
ize = verbal
to destroy tissue by burning (via heat or chemicals)
antagonize (ant-agon-ize)
ant = against, opposite
agon = to compete, to strive
ize = verbal
to irritate
cleidomastoid (cleid-o-mast-oid)
cleid = clavicle
mast = breast
oid = adjectival
related to the clavicle and the mastoid process
caustic (caus-tic)
caus = to burn
tic = adjectival
corrosive, inducing burns
geode (ge-ode)
ge = earth
ode = adjectival
an “earthlike” mass of mineral matter
botanical (botan-ic-al)
botan = herb, plant
ic = adjectival
al = adjectival
having to do with the science of plants
amorphic (a-morph-ic), amorphous (a-morph-ous)
a = not, without
morph = form, shape
ic = adjectival
ous = adjectival
lacking shape or form
nauseate (nause-ate)
nause = (sea) sickness
ate = verbal
to cause a sickening feeling
pediatric (ped-iatr-ic)
ped = child, instruction
iatr = doctor, treatment
ic = adjectival
relating to the treatment of children
protozoan (pro-to-zo-an)
pro = before, in front of, forward
zo = animal
an = adjectival
related to a unicellular organism
gastric (gastr-ic)
gastr = stomach
ic = adjectival
having to do with the stomach
android (andr-oid)
andr = man, male
oid = adjectival
resembling a male
cleidocranial (cleid-o-crani-al)
cleid = clavicle
crani = cranium
al = adjectival
having to do with the clavicle and the head
phyllode (phyll-ode)
phyll = leaf
ode = adjectival
leaf-like (esp. of tumors)
anhydrous (an-hydr-ous)
an = not, without
hydr = water, fluid
ous = adjectival
not containing or deprived of water
geriatric (ger-iatr-ic)
ger = old person, old age
iatr = doctor, treatment
ic = adjectival
related to old people or the treatment of the aging
oxygenate (oxy-gen-ate)
oxy = sharp, quick
gen = to be produced
ate = verbal
to supply with oxygen
amphibious (amphi-bi-ous)
amphi = both, around
bi = life
ous = adjectival
able to live in both water and air
calisthenics (cali-sthen-ics)
sthen = strength
ics = nominal
a system of gymnastic used to improve strength and agility
dendrite (dendr-ite)
ite = adjectival
a “tree-like” structure (e.g. in a neuron)
rheumatic (rheumat-ic)
rheumat = flowing, discharge
ic = adjectival
having to do with rheumatism (i.e. inflammation or degeneration of connective tissue of joints and other structures)
hypodermic (hypo-derm-ic)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
derm = skin
ic = adjectival
beneath the skin
typhoid (typh-oid)
typh = stupor
oid = adjectival
resembling typhus, a group of infections that produce, among other symptoms, fever and stupor
lysosome (lys-o-some)
lys = to loosen, to dissolve
som = body
a “dissolving body” responsible for intracellular digestion
plastic (plast-ic)
plast = to form, to mold
ic = adjectival
capable of being molded; tending to build up tissue
periodontal (peri-odont-al)
peri = around, near
odont = tooth
al = adjectival
situated near or around a tooth
megacystis (mega-cyst-is)
mega = great, large
cyst = bladder, sac
is = nominal
an abnormally large urinary bladder
epileptic (epi-lep-tic)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
lep = to seize
tic = adjectival
related to or susceptible to having seizures
gerontology (geront-o-log-y)
geront = old person, old age
log = word, speech, study
y = nominal
the study of aging and its related issues
entozoal (ento-zo-al)
ento = within, inner
zo = animal
al = adjectival
of a parasitic animal living within the body of its host
pantomorphia (pant-o-morph-ia)
pant = all, complete
morph = form, shape
ia = nominal
the ability to assume all shapes (as an amoeba)
leukorrhea (leuk-o-rrhea)
leuk = white
rrhea = to flow
a whitish discharge or flowing
acephalous (a-cephal-ous)
a = not, without
cephal = head
ous = adjectival
characterized by not having a head
carpopedal (carp-o-ped-al)
carp = wrist
ped = foot
al = adjectival
related to the hand and foot
gynecology (gynec-o-log-y)
gynec = woman, female
log = word, speech, study
y = nominal
the branch of medicine dealing with women’s health
astronomy (astr-onom-y)
astr = star
y = nominal
the branch of science dealing with celestial bodies