Our Words (1-3) Flashcards
intradermal (intra-derm-al)
intra = within
derm = skin
al = adjectival
intracutaneous, specifically, within the dermis
percutaneous (per-cut-ane-ous)
per = through
cut = skin
ane = adjectival
ous = adjectival
effected through the skin
ictal (ict-al)
ict = stroke, blow
al = adjectival
pert. to or caused by a sudden attack or stroke such as epilepsy
capsid (caps-id)
caps = box, container
id = nominal
the protein covering around the central core of a virus
interatrial (inter-atri-al)
inter = between, among
atri = chamber
al = adjectival
between the atria of the heart
buccopharyngeal (bucc-opharyng-eal)
bucc = mouth, cheek
eal = adjectival
pert. to the mouth and pharynx
prepubescent (pre-pubesc-ent)
pre = before, in front of
ent = nominal
pert. to the period just before puberty
demyelination (de-myel-in-at-ion)
de = down, away, off
myel = spinal cord, marrow
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
destruction or removal of the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves
juxtaglomerular (juxta-glomer-ul-ar)
juxta = by the side of, close to
ule = nominal
ar = adjectival
near or next to a glomerulus
antecubital (ante-cubit-al)
ante = before, in front of
cubit = to lie down, to recline
al = adjectival
in front of the elbow or at the bend of the elbow
infraspinous (infra-spin-ous)
infra = below
spin = spine
ous = adjectival
beneath the scapular spine
suprarenal (supra-ren-al)
super = above
ren = kidney
al = adjectival
located above the kidney
retromandibular (retro-mandib-ul-ar)
retro = backward, behind
ule = nominal
ar = adjectival
posterior to the mastoid process
intragastric (intra-gastr-ic)
intra = within
gastr = stomach
ic = adjectival
within the stomach
coinfection (co-in-fect-ion)
co = with, together, very
in = into, on, not
fect = to make, to do
ion = nominal
multaneous infection with two or more microorganisms
circumduction (circum-duct-ion)
circum = around
duct = to lead, to draw
ion = nominal
movement around an axis such that the proximal end of a limb is fixed and the distal end traces a circle
corniculate (corn-ic-ul-ate)
corn = horn
ic = adjectival
ule = nominal
ate = adjectival
containing small horn-shaped projections
inert (in-ert)
in = into, on, not
not active, sluggish; in chem, having little or no tendency or ability to react with other chemicals
expansile (ex-pan-sile)
ex = out, from
pan = all, complete
ile = adjectival
expanding, growing outward; in cancerous tumors, ballooning/enlarging, but not necessarily invading surrounding tissues
vesicofixation (vesic-ofix-at-ion)
vesic = bladder
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
attachment of the uterus to the bladder or the bladder to the abdominal wall
subtarsal (sub-tars-al)
sub = under, up from under
al = adjectival
inferior to the tarsus
subcutaneous (sub-cut-ane-ous)
sub = under, up from under
cut = skin
ane = adjectival
ous = adjectival
deep to the skin
ocularist (ocul-ar-ist)
ocul = eye
ar = adjectival
ist = nominal
an allied health specialist who is prepared by training and experience to make and fit artificial eyes
revaccination (re-vaccin-at-ion)
re = back, again, against
ate = verbal
ion =nominal
an inoculation against a disease to sustain a passive immune response against a potentially infectious organism
transocular (trans-ocul-ar)
trans = across, through
ocul = eye
ar = adjectival
across the eye
semiflexion (semi-flex-ion)
semi = half
flex = to bend
ion = nominal
halfway between flexion and extension of a limb
octaploidy (oct-apl-oid-y)
oct = 8
oid = adjectival
y = nominal
the condition of having eight sets of chromosomes
bicipital (bi-cipit-al)
bi = twice, 2
cipit = head
al = adjectival
pert. to a biceps muscle, having two heads
furcation (furc-at-ion)
furc = fork
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
the branch point of a tooth with several roots
papillate (papill-ate)
papill = nipple
ate = adjectival
having nipple-like growths on the surface, as a culture in bacteriology
quintipara (quint-i-par-a)
quint = 5th
par = to give birth to
a woman who has had five pregnancies that have continued beyond the 20th week of gestation
unilineal (un-ilin-eal)
un = 1
eal = adjectival
inherited from a single parent
venogram (ven-o-gram)
ven = vein
gram = thing written
a radiograph of the veins, a tracing of the venous pulse
potentiation (pot-ent-i-at-ion)
pot = to be able or powerful
ent = nominal
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
the synergetic energy of two substances in which the total effects are greater than the sum of the independent effects of the two substances
digitate (digit-ate)
digit = finger, toe
ate = adjectival
having finger-like impressions or processes
trilineage (tri-lineage)
tri = 3
pert. to or affecting all three types of blood cells
venation (ven-at-ion)
ven = vein
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
the distribution of veins to an organ or structure
radiolucent (radi-o-luc-ent)
radi = spoke, ray
luc = light, to shine
ent = nominal
penetrable by x-rays