Chapter 20: Greek Suffixes 2 (words) Flashcards
edema (ede-ma)
ede = to swell
ma = nominal
swelling from abnormally large amounts of fluid in the body’s intercellular tissue spaces
pterygoid (pteryg-oid)
pteryg = wing
oid = adjectival
shaped like a wing
perinephrium (peri-nephr-ium)
peri = around, near
nephr = kidney
ium = nominal
the tissue surrounding the kidney (including the peritoneal envelope and renal fascia)
psoriasis (psor-iasis)
psor = itch
iasis = nominal
a group of chromic, squamous skin diseases
bronchitis (bronch-itis)
bronch = air tube
itis = nominal
inflammation of the bronchi, the larger air tubes of the lungs
aneurysm (an-eurys-m)
an = not, without
eurys = wide
m = nominal
a sac formed by dilation of the wall of an artery, a vein, or the heart
sclerosis (scler-osis)
scler = hard
osis = nominal
a hardening, as from inflammation or increased formation of connective tissue
odontoschism (odont-o-schis-m)
odont = tooth
schis = to split, to rupture
m = nominal
fissure of a tooth
tachyphagia (tachy-phag-ia)
tachy = swift
phag = to eat
ia = nominal
rapid or hasty eating
stenosis (sten-osis)
sten = narrow
osis = nominal
an abnormal narrowing of a duct or canal
amnesia (a-mne-sia)
a = not, without
mne = to remember
sia = nominal
a lack or loss of memory
endolaryngeal (endo-laryng-eal)
endo = within, inner
laryng = larynx
eal = adjectival
occurring within the larynx
biopsy (bi-op-sy)
bi = life
op = eye, sight
sy = nominal
the examination of tissue from a living body
euthanasia (eu-thana-sia)
eu = well, good, normal
thana = death
sia = nominal
easy or painless death; the deliberate ending of life
arthritis (arthr-itis)
arthr = joint
itis = nominal
inflammation of the joints
arachnophobia (arachn-o-phob-ia)
arachn = spider
phob = to fear
ia = nominal
the irrational fear of spiders
pericardium (peri-card-ium)
peri = around, near
card = heart
ium = nominal
the tissue surrounding the heart
hepatitis (hepat-itis)
hepat = liver
itis = nominal
inflammation of the liver
tachycardia (tachy-card-ia)
tachy = swift
card = heart
ia = nominal
excessive rapidity in the action of the heart
arteriosclerosis (arteri-o-scler-osis)
arteri = artery
scler = hard
osis = nominal
thickening of the arterial walls
narcolepsy (narc-o-lep-sy)
narc = stupor
lep = to seize
sy = nominal
recurrent, uncontrollable episodes of sleep
sarcoma (sarc-oma)
sarc = flesh
oma = nominal
a tumor arising from connective tissue
genesis (gene-sis)
gene = to be produced
sis = nominal
the coming into being of anything
aphasia (a-pha-sia)
a = not, without
pha = to say
sia = nominal
loss of the power of expression through speech
hypnosis (hypn-osis)
hypn = sleep
osis = nominal
a state of altered, sleep-like consciousness
dyspepsia (dys-peps-ia)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
peps = to digest
ia = nominal
impairment in the process of digestion
artery (arter-y)
arter = artery
y = nominal
a vessel in which blood goes away from the heart
eurythermal (eury-therm-al), eurythermic (eury-therm-ic)
eury = wide
therm = heat
al, ic = adjectival
able to grow in a wide range of temperatures
carcinoma (carcin-oma)
carcin = cancer
oma = nominal
a cancerous growth or tumor
epigastrium (epi-gastr-ium)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
gastr = stomach
ium = nominal
upper abdomen
dermatitis (dermat-itis)
dermat = skin
itis = nominal
inflammation of the skin
hysteria (hyster-ia)
hyster = uterus
ia = nominal
a state of mental disturbance originally thought to have been caused by the wandering of the uterus
melanoma (melan-oma)
melan = black
oma = nominal
a tumor composed of cells responsible for the production of melanin
microhepatia (micr-o-hepat-ia)
micr = small
hepat = liver
ia = nominal
smallness if the liver
schizophrenia (schiz-ophren-ia)
schiz = to split, to rupture
ia = nominal
psychological disorder involving a “rupture” in thought processes
lithiasis (lith-iasis)
lith = stone
iasis = nominal
a diseased condition in which stones (i.e. gallstones) are formed
synthesis (syn-the-sis)
syn = with, together
the = to put, to place
sis = nominal
the formation of a chemical compound by the union of its elements
glaucoma (glauc-oma)
glauc = gray
oma = nominal
an eye disease usually characterized by increased interocular pressure, so called because of the affected eye’s supposed “gray” appearance
analysis (ana-ly-sis)
ana = up, back, again
ly = to loosen, to dissolve
sis = nominal
separation into component elements, a “breaking up” of constituent parts
laryngitis (laryng-itis)
laryng = larynx
itis = nominal
inflammation of the larynx
ecstasy (ec-sta-sy)
ec = out, from
sta = to stand, to stop
sy = nominal
a state of rapture or elation
pneumonia (pneumon-ia)
pneumon = lung
ia = nominal
inflammation of the lungs
blastoma (blast-oma)
blast = embryonic cell
oma = nominal
a neoplasm (i.e. tumor) composed of embryonic cells
hypertrichosis (hyper-trich-osis)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
trich = hair
osis = nominal
excessive growth of hair
poliomyelitis (poli-o-myel-itis)
poli = gray
myel = spinal cord, marrow
itis = nominal
inflammation in the spinal cord sometimes causing paralysis
ballismus (ball-ismus)
ball = to throw, to put
ismus = nominal
involuntary “throwing” or jerking of proximal limb muscles
sympathy (sym-path-y)
sym = with, together
path = disease, suffering, feeling
y = nominal
an influence produced in an organ by some change in another
pneumarthrosis (pneum-arthr-osis)
pneum = air, gas
arthr = joint
osis = nominal
the presence of air in the joints
pterygium (pteryg-ium)
pteryg = wing
ium = nominal
a winglike structure (esp. an abnormal membrane in the eye)
schistosomiasis (schist-o-som-iasis)
schist = to split, to rupture
som = body
iasis = nominal
disease caused by parasitic “split-body” worms
cyanosis (cyan-osis)
cyan = dark blue
osis = nominal
a bluish discoloration of the skin
myeloblast (myel-o-blast)
myel = spinal cord, marrow
blast = embryonic cell
an immature cell found in the bone marrow
epilepsy (epi-lep-sy)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
lep = to seize
sy = nominal
a syndrome characterized by seizures
schizotrichia (schiz-o-trich-ia)
schiz = to split, to rupture
trich = hair
ia = nominal
the splitting of the hairs
sarcoidosis (sarc-oid-osis)
sarc = flesh
oid = adjectival
osis = nominal
the growth of inflammatory immune cells