Our Words (7-10) Flashcards
motor (mot-or)
mot = to move
or = quality of being, act of (nominal)
a part or center that induces movements, as nerves or muscles
sedation (sed-at-ion)
sed = to sit, to settle
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the state of being calmed
stimulant (stimul-ant)
stimul = to urge, to goad
ant = person or thing doing something (nominal)
any agent temporarily increasing functional activity
eruption (e-rupt-ion)
e = out, from
rupt = to break, to burst
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
a visible breaking out, esp. of a skin lesion or a rash accompanying a disease such as measles or scarlet fever
ligase (lig-ase)
lig = to bind
the general term for a class of enzymes that catalyze the joining of the ends of two chains of DNA
filamentous (fil-a-ment-ous)
fil = thread
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
ous = full of (adjectival)
made up of long, interwoven or irregularly placed threadlike structures
ambulant (ambul-ant)
ambul = to walk
ant = person or thing doing something (nominal)
able to walk; not confined to bed
integument (in-teg-u-ment)
in = into, on, not
teg = to cover
ment = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a covering; the skin, consisting of the dermis and epidermis
spirograph (spir-o-graph)
spir = to breathe
graph = to write
a graphical record of respiratory movements
depilation (de-pil-at-ion)
de = down, away, off
pil = hair
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
hair removal
vivification (viv-i-fic-at-ion)
viv = life to live
fic = to make, to do
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
transformation of protein through assimilation into the living matter of cellular organisms
osseous (oss-e-ous)
oss = bone
ous = full of (adjectival)
bonelike, concerning bones
infirm (in-firm)
in = not
firm = strong, able
weak or feeble, esp. from old age or disease
leprosarium (lepros-arium)
arium = place of (nominal)
a hospital that provides care for patients with leprosy
vital (vit-al)
vit = life, to live
al = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
pert. to or characteristic of life
oscillate (oscill-ate)
oscill = to swing
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
to rapidly move back and forth between two locations or physical states
euphoriant (eu-phor-iant)
eu = good, well, normal
phor = to bear, to carry
iant = person or thing doing something (nominal)
any agent or drug that induces an extraordinary sense of well-being
erosion (e-ros-ion)
e = out, from
ros = to gnaw
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
an eating away of tissue
pilosebaceous (pil-o-seb-aceous)
pil = hair
seb = fat, grease
aceous = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
concerning the hair and sebaceous glands
germinoma (germin-oma)
germin = sprout, bud, germ
oma = nominal
a neoplasm usually arising from germ cells in the testis, ovary, or mediastinum
planoconvex (plan-o-con-vex)
plan = flat
con = with, together, very
an optical lens that is flat on one side and convex on the other
cutization (cut-iz-at-ion)
cut = skin
ize = to make, to cause to be (verbal)
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
skinlike changes in a mucous membrane as a result of continued inflammation
exsiccation (ex-sicc-at-ion)
ex = out, from
sicc = dry, to dry
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the process of drying up (in chemistry, removing the water from compounds or solutions)
florid (flor-id)
flor = flower
id = tending to, inclined to, able to be (adjectival)
complete or full-bodied, as in an illness that is in full flower
conglobation (con-glob-at-ion)
con = with, together, very
glob = sphere, lump
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
an aggregation of particles in a rounded mass
ferrotherapy (ferr-o-therapy)
ferr = iron
therapy = treatment
the use of iron in treating anemia
ungual (ungu-al)
ungu = fingernail, toenail
al = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
pert. to or resembling the nails
animism (anim-ism)
anim = soul, spirit
ism = nominal
attribution of spiritual qualities and mental capabilities to nonhuman living creatures, e.g. animals or trees, or to inanimate objects, e.g. mountains
micturate (mict-ur-ate)
ur = urine
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
to pass urine from the bladder
mortal (mort-al)
mort = death
al = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
subject to death
vermifugal (verm-i-fug-al)
verm = worm
fuge = flight, escape
al = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
expelling worms from the intestines
carnivore (carni-vore)
vor = to eat
an animal that eats primarily meat
multiglandular (mult-i-gland-ul-ar)
mult = many, much
ule = little (nominal)
ar = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
concerning several glands
waveform (wave-form)
form = form shape
the shape or the representation of a signal, as in cardiology, the shape of the electrical shock used in cardioversion or defibrillation
villose (vill-ose)
vill = shaggy hair, tuft of hair
ose = full of (adjectival)
pert. to or furnished with villi or with fine hairlike extensions
matrilineal (matr-i-lin-eal)
matr = mother
eal = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
pert. to or affecting inheritance from the mothers in a family, but not the fathers
equipotential (equ-i-pot-ent-ial)
equ = equal, even
pot = to be able or powerful
ent = person or thing doing something (nominal)
ial = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
having the same electric charge or physical strength
biocide (bi-o-cide)
bi = life
cide = killing, murder
any substance or physical intervention that destroys living organisms
mediocarpal (medi-o-carp-al)
medi = middle
carp = wrist
al = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
pert. to the middle part of the carpus
plurihormonal (plur-i-hormon-al)
plur = many
al = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
producing or secreting more than one hormone, as do some pituitary adenomas
centriole (centr-i-ole)
centr = center
ole = little (nominal)
a minute organelle consisting of a hollow cylinder closed at one end and open at the other, found in the cell center or attraction sphere of a cell
calcilytic (calci-ly-tic)
calci = limestone, calcium
ly = to loosen, to dissolve
tic = having to do with/characterized by (adjectival)
tending to block calcium sensing receptors on parathyroid chief cells
spiculation (spic-ul-at-ion)
spic = point, spike
ule = little (nominal)
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
in radiology, the presence of spike-shaped lines extending from the surface of a mass