Chapter 6: Latin Suffixes 3 (words) Flashcards
insanity (in-sanit-y)
the condition of being mentally unhealthy
lucid (luc-id)
illuminated, clear
vacuous (vacu-ous)
characterized by being empty
absorption (ab-sorpt-ion)
the act of sucking something up
rigidity (rig-id-ity)
error (err-or)
the result of wandering, a mistake
gravid (grav-id)
pregnant, heavy with young
ebullition (e-bullit-ion)
the process or state of boiling
consistency (con-sist-ency)
the quality of standing together or agreeing
cavity (cav-ity)
a hollow space
acuity (acu-ity)
the quality of being sharp
furious (fur-i-ous)
characterized by anger
dissection (dis-sect-ion)
the act of cutting something apart, the surgical separation of tissue for study
progression (pro-gress-ion)
the act of stepping or going forward
tumor (tum-or)
a swelling
gravity (grav-ity)
the quality of being heavy
dormancy (dorm-ancy)
a period of sleep
fragile (frag-ile)
able to be or tending to be broken
brevity (brev-ity)
the quality of being short in duration
proximity, juxtaposition (proxim-ity, juxta-posit-ion)
the quality of being near something
absorbency (ab-sorb-ency)
the quality of being absorbent
translucency, translucence (trans-luc-ency, trans-luc-ence)
the quality of letting light pass through
dementia (de-ment-ia)
the state of being out of one’s mind
fury, furor (fur-y, fur-or)
a state of anger
extension (ex-tens-ion)
the act of stretching out
science (sci-ence)
the result of knowledge, knowing
refraction (re-fract-ion)
a bending or breaking back (eg of light)
vacancy (vac-ancy)
the state of being empty
sanitary (sanit-ary)
characterized by health
fragility (frag-il-ity)
the condition of being susceptible to breaking
deficiency (de-fic-i-ency)
a lack, less than the normal amount
renointestinal (ren-o-intestin-al)
having to do with the kidneys and intestines
seminiferous (semin-i-fer-ous)
tumefacient (tum-e-fac-ient)
tending to produce swelling
superfluity (super-flu-ity)
an overflowing or abundance
bioabsorbable (bio-ab-sorb-able)
capable of being assimilated naturally
mucosanguineous (muco-sanguin-e-ous)
containing mucus and blood
acupuncture (acu-puncture)
anesthetic treatment using the insertion of needles
vivisection (vivi-sect-ion)
cutting into a living animal for investigation