Chapter 10: Other Latin Prefixes and Suffixes (words) Flashcards
multiciliate (mult-i-cili-ate)
mult = many, much
cili = eyelid, eyelash
ate = characterized by (adjectival)
having many eyelashes or eyelash-like hairs
egocentric (ego-centr-ic)
centr = center
ic = characterized by (adjectival)
self-centered, self-absorbed
febrifuge (febr-i-fuge)
febr = fever
fuge = flight, escape
a substance used to drive away a fever
exfoliate (ex-foli-ate)
ex = out, from
foli = leaf
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
to come off or take off in thin, leaf-like layers
herbicide (herb-i-cide)
herb = grass
cide = killing, murder
a chemical agent that is toxic to plants
matricide (matr-i-cide)
matr = mother
cide = killing, murder
the murder of one’s mother
multinodal (mult-i-nod-al)
mult = many, much
nod = knot
al = characterized by (adjectival)
having many nodes
aliform (al-i-form)
al = wing
form = form, shape
shaped like a wing
centripetal (centr-i-pet-al)
centr = center
pet = to seek, to ask for
al = characterized by (adjectival)
center seeking (used of, e.g., a force)
immaculate (im-macul-ate)
im = not
macul = spot
ate = characterized by (adjectival)
unspotted, unblemished
vocal (voc-al)
voc = voice, to call
al = having to do with (adjectival)
related to the voice
calcifuge (calci-fuge)
calci = limestone, calcium
fuge = flight, escape
a substance used to remove calcium deposits
longevity (longev-ity)
ity = quality of being (nominal)
long life or duration
villiform (vill-i-form)
vill = shaggy hair, tuft of hair
form = form, shape
shaped like hairs
pluripotent (plur-i-pot-ent)
plur = many
pot = to be able or powerful
ent = person or thing doing something (nominal)
capable of growing into more than one type of cell
plurennial (plur-enn-ial)
plur = many
enn = year
ial = characterized by (adjectival)
lasting for many years
maculopapular (macul-o-papul-ar)
macul = spot
papul = nipple
ar = characterized by (adjectival)
having colored spots and small, elevated bumps
varicella (varic-ella)
varic = twisted, swollen
ella = little (nominal)
an infectious disease marked by rashes or spots
multicellular (mult-i-cell-ul-ar)
mult = many, much
cell = room
ule = little (nominal)
ar = characterized by (adjectival )
consisting of many cells
nodose (nod-ose)
nod = knot
ose = full of (adjectival)
swollen or knot-like at intervals
uncinariasis (uncin-ariasis)
uncin = hook
the condition of being infested with hookworms
oviform (ovi-form)
ovi = egg
form = form, shape
shaped like an egg
cilioretinal (cili-o-ret-in-al)
cili = eyelid, eyelash
ret = net
al = having to do with (adjectival)
related to the ciliary body and the retina
villosity (vill-os-ity)
vill = shaggy hair, tuft of hair
ous = full of (adjectival)
ity = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the condition of being covered with shaggy hairs
omnivorous (omn-i-vor-ous)
omn = all, every
vor = to eat
ous = full of (adjectival)
consuming foods of both vegetable and animal origin