Chapter 4: Latin Suffixes 1 (words) Flashcards
costal (cost-al)
having to do with the ribs
caudal (caud-al)
related to the tail
mammary (mamm-ary)
associated with the breasts
lactic (lact-ic)
pertaining to milk
febrile (febr-ile)
having to do with a fever
scapular (scapul-ar)
related to the shoulder blade
atrial (atri-al)
pertaining to a chamber (esp. of the heart)
bipedal (bi-ped-al)
possessing two feet
ovate (ov-ate)
egg shaped
renal (ren-al)
having to do with the kidneys
fibular (fibul-ar)
associated with the fibula
uterine (uter-ine)
having to do with the uterus
ocular (ocul-ar)
pertaining to the eye
palatal (palat-al)
belonging to the roof of the mouth
aural (aur-al)
related to the ear
dorsal (dors-al)
having to do with the back
salivary (saliv-ary)
pertaining to saliva
dentate (dent-ate)
characterized by having teeth
facial (faci-al)
related to the face
sebaceous (seb-aceous)
characterized by having fatty material
bicaudal (bi-caud-al)
having two tails
cranial (crani-al)
having to do with the skull
virile (vir-ile)
having masculine qualities
effeminate (ef-femin-ate)
having feminine qualities
rectal (rect-al)
of the rectum
urinary (urin-ary)
pertaining to urine
spinal (spin-al)
belonging to the spine
frontal (front-al)
belonging to the forehead
auricle (aur-ic-le)
the external flap of the ear (“little ear”)
nasal (nas-al)
having to do with the nose
renopulmonary (ren-o-pulmon-ary)
having to do with the lungs and kidneys
intercostal (inter-cost-al)
occurring or located between the ribs
linguodental (lingu-o-dent-al)
having to do with the tongue and teeth
atrioventricular (atri-o-ventr-ic-ul-ar)
related to the atrium and ventricle of the heart
frontonasal (front-o-nas-al)
related to the forehead and nose
lactiferous (lact-iferous)
dorsoventral (dors-o-ventr-al)
pertaining to the back and stomach
costocervical (cost-o-cervic-al)
related to the ribs and neck
linguogingival (lingu-o-gingiv-al)
having to do with the tongue and gums
nasopalatine (nas-o-palat-ine)
pertaining to the nose and roof of the mouth