Chapter 22: Greek Compound Suffixes 1 (words) Flashcards
eusthenia (eu-sthenia)
eu = well, good, normal
sthenia = condition of strength
a condition of normal strength and activity
therapist (therap-ist)
therap = to nurture, to treat
ist = nominal
a person skilled in the treatment of disease
otalgia (ot-algia)
ot = ear
algia = condition of having pain in
pain in the ear
anemia (an-emia)
an = not, without; up, back, again
emia = condition of the blood
low concentration of erythrocytes or hemoglobin in the blood
cheirospasm (cheir-o-spas-m)
cheir = hand
spas = to draw, to jerk
m = nominal
a spasm of the muscles of the hand
barotrauma (bar-o-traum-a)
bar = weight
traum = injury, trauma
injury due to excessive pressure, esp. to body cavities such as the middle ear or lung
necrophilia (necr-o-philia)
necr = corpse, dead tissue
philia = intense attraction to or love for
fascination or obsession with dead bodies (usually in reference to sexual attraction)
astomatous (a-stomat-ous)
a = not, without
stomat = mouth
ous = adjectival
having no mouth (such as certain ciliates)
acrophobia (acr-o-phobia)
acr = extremity, summit
phobia = intense fear of or aversion to
irrational fear of heights
platypodia (platy-pod-ia)
platy = broad, flat
pod = foot
ia = nominal
a condition in which the arch of the foot has been lowered and flattened out
hemophilia (hem-o-philia)
hem = blood
philia = intense attraction to or love for
a “blood-loving” condition marked by hemorrhaging
autophobia (aut-o-phobia)
aut = self
phobia = intense fear of or aversion to
the irrational fear of oneself
euphoria (eu-phoria)
eu = well, good, normal
phoria = carrying or transporting
exaggerated feeling of well-being
hypoglycemia (hypo-glyc-emia)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
glyc = sugar
emia = condition of the blood
an abnormally low concentration of blood sugar
neuralgia (neur-algia)
neur = nerve, tendon
algia = condition of having pain in
pain extending along the nerves
coprophobia (copr-o-phobia)
copr = excrement
phobia = intense fear of or aversion to
an abnormal repugnance for defecation and feces
anorexia (an-orex-ia)
an = not, without
orex = appetite
ia = nominal
lack or loss of appetite for food
esotropia (eso-tropia)
eso = inside, internal
tropia = turning or inclination
a “turning inward” (i.e. crossing) of the eyes
argyremia (argyr-emia)
argyr = silver
emia = condition of the blood
the presence of silver in the blood
autonomous (aut-o-nom-ous), autonomic (aut-o-nom-ic)
aut = self
nom = rule, law, measure
ous, ic = adjectival
self-controlling, functionally independent
hypersthenia (hyper-sthenia)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
sthenia = condition of strength
great strength and tonicity
leukemia (leuk-emia)
leuk = white
emia = condition of the blood
a disease marked by an increase in white blood cells
chiromegaly (chir-o-megal-y)
chir = hand
megal = great, large
y = nominal
abnormal largeness of the hands
hyperopia (hyper-opia)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
opia = condition of the vision
defect in vision arising from light rays converging at a focus behind the retina
neocytosis (ne-o-cyt-osis)
ne = new, young
cyt = cell
osis = nominal
the presence of immature erythrocytes in the blood
monomania (mon-o-mania)
mon = 1
mania = madness, obsession
excessive preoccupation with one thought or idea
homotherm (hom-o-therm)
hom = same, similar
therm = heat
an animal with a constant or “same” blood temperature (i.e., a warm-blooded animal)
anethesia (an-esthe-sia), analgesia (an-alg-e-sia)
an = not, without
esthe = to feel, to perceive
alg = pain
sia = nominal
absence of sensibility to pain
dysphoria (dys-phoria)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
phoria = carrying or transporting
a state of feeling unwell or restless
heterotropia (heter-o-tropia)
heter = other, different
tropia = turning or inclination
the inability of the eyes to focus at the same point
argyria (argyr-ia)
argyr = silver
ia = nominal
a silvery, ashy discoloration of the skin
paleothalamus (pale-o-thalam-us)
pale = old, ancient
thalam = chamber, room
us = nominal
the phylogenetically older part of the thalamus
sternognosis (ster-nogn-osis)
stere = solid, three-dimensional
osis = nominal
sensory perception of solid objects
acrosclerosis (acr-o-scler-osis)
acr = extremity, summit
scler = hard
osis = nominal
hardening of the skin on the extremities, esp. in the fingers
coprozoic (copr-o-zo-ic)
copr = excrement
zo = animal
ic = adjectival
living or found in fecal matter
polytrauma (poly-traum-a)
poly = many
traum = injury, trauma
the occurrence of injuries to multiple body systems
otorrhea (ot-o-rrhea)
ot = ear
rrhea = to flow
a discharge from the ear (esp. a purulent one)
hematoma (hemat-oma)
hemat = blood
oma = nominal
localized collection of blood from a broken vessel
necrocytosis (necr-o-cyt-osis)
necr = corpse, dead tissue
cyt = cell
osis = nominal
the premature death of cells
homochronous (hom-o-chron-ous), homochronic (hom-o-chron-ic)
hom = same, similar
chron = time
ous, ic = adjectival
occurring at the same age or life stage in successive generations
pleura (pleur-a)
pleur = side, rib
a serous membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the thoracic cavity
traumatherapy (traum-a-therapy)
traum = injury, trauma
therapy = treatment
treatment of wounds and injuries
heterophoria (heter-o-phoria)
heter = other, different
phoria = carrying or transporting
failure of the visual axes to remain parallel
paleogenetic (pale-o-gene-tic)
pale = old, ancient
gene = to be produced
tic = adjectival
originated in the past, not newly acquired (e.g. of traits)
spasmophilia (spas-mo-philia)
spas = to draw, to jerk
mo = to move
philia = intense attraction to or love for
a tendency to have spasms or convulsions
aeronomic (aer-o-nom-ic)
aer = air, gas
nom = rule, law, measure
ic = adjectival
related to the study of the upper atmosphere
orexigenic (orex-gen-ic)
orex = appetite
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
increasing or stimulating the appetite
glucokinetic (gluc-o-kine-tic)
gluc = sugar
kine = to move
tic = adjectival
activating sugar so as to maintain blood sugar levels
pleuralgia (pleur-algia)
pleur = side, rib
algia = condition of having pain in
pain in the side or ribs
neomorph (ne-o-morph)
ne = new, young
morph = form, shape
a newly acquired or developed organ or structure
stereoarthrolysis (stere-o-arthr-o-lysis)
stere = solid, three-dimensional
arthr = joint
lysis = dissolution, breaking apart
restoration of mobility in a stiffened joint
stomach (stom-ach)
stom = mouth
muscular organ of the digestive system
anisometropia (an-is-o-me-tropia)
an = not, without
is = equal, same
me = to go, to pass through
tropia = turning or inclination
a condition in which both eyes have different refractive power
traumatogenic (traumat-o-gen-ic)
traumat = injury, trauma
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
capable of causing a wound, or caused by a wound
parorexia (par-orex-ia)
par = beside, resembling, disordered
orex = appetite
ia = nominal
disordered appetite, craving for unusual food