Our Words (4-6) Flashcards
dorsiflexion (dors-i-flex-ion)
dors = back
flex = to bend
ion = nominal
movement of a part (ie a hand, a foot), at a joint
intraoral (intra-or-al)
intra = within
or = mouth
al = adjectival
within the mouth
lingual (lingu-al)
lingu = tongue
al = adjectival
pertaining to the tongue
seborrhea (seb-o-rrhea)
seb = fat, grease
rrhea = to flow
a disease of the sebaceous glands marked by an increase in the amount, and often and alteration of the quality, of the fats secreted by the sebaceous glands
lactogen (lact-o-gen)
lact = milk
gen = to be produced
any substance that stimulates milk production
costotomy (cost-o-tomy)
cost = rib
tomy = cutting
incision or division of a rib or part of one
palatopharyngeal (palat-o-pharyng-eal)
palat = palate, roof of the mouth
eal = adjectival
pertaining to the palate and pharynx
mammaplasty (mamm-a-plasty)
mamm = breast
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
plastic reconstructive surgery of the breast
pulmonic (pulmon-ic)
pulmon = lung
ic = adjectival
pertaining to the lungs
sinonasal (sino-nas-al)
nas = nose
al = adjectival
pertaining to the nose and nasal sinuses
dentoaveolar (dent-oaveol-ar)
dent = tooth
ar = adjectival
pertaining to the alveolus of a tooth and the tooth itself
oviparous (ov-i-par-ous)
ov = egg
par = to give birth to
ous = adjectival
producing eggs that develop and hatch outside the body
reniform (ren-i-form)
ren = kidney
form = shape, form
shaped like a kidney
mammotomy (mamm-o-tomy)
mamm = breast
tomy = cutting
surgical incision into a breast
faciocervical (faci-o-cervic-al)
faci = face
cervic = neck
al = adjectival
pertaining to the face and neck, especially to progressive dystrophy of facial muscles
liquefaction (liqu-e-fact-ion)
liqu = liquid
fact = to make, to do
ion = nominal
the conversion of a solid into a liquid
tremolabile (trem-o-lab-ile)
trem = to tremble
lab = to slip, to fall
ile = adjectival
of an enzyme, easily destroyed or inactivated by shaking
morbific (morb-i-fic)
morb = disease
fic = to make, to do
causing or producing disease
actigraphy (act-i-graphy)
act = to do, to act
graphy = writing, imaging
the monitoring of body movements with a small device usually attached to the wrist or foot
porous (por-ous)
ous = adjectival
able to let liquid pass
vitrification (vitr-i-fic-at-ion)
vitr = glass
fic = to make, to do
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
the conversion of a silicate material into a smooth, viscous substance by heat
sensitization (sens-it-iz-at-ion)
sens = to feel, to perceive
it = to go
ize = verbal
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
the production by B lymphocytes of specific antibodies and by T lymphocytes of specific cellular reactions to a foreign antigen
accretion (ac-cret-ion)
ac = to, toward, near
cret = to separate, to distinguish
ion = nominal
accumulation of foreign matter in a cavity
virion (vir-ion)
vir = virus
ion = nominal
a complete virus particle
natimortality (nat-i-mort-al-ity)
nat = to be born
mort = death
al = adjectival
ity = nominal
rate of stillbirths in proportion to birth rate
varicography (varic-o-graphy)
varic = twisted, swollen
graphy = writing, imaging
radiography of varicose veins after the injection of a contrast medium
introflexion (intro-flex-ion)
intra = within
flex = to bend
ion = nominal
a bending inward
aquagenic (aqua-gen-ic)
aqua = water
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
caused by water
audiology (aud-io-logy)
aud = to hear
logy = study or science of
the study of hearing disorders through identification and evaluation of hearing loss, and the rehabilitation of those with hearing loss
nutrigenomics (nutr-i-gen-om-ics)
nutr = to nourish
gen = to be produced
nom = rule, law, measure
ics = nominal
the use of knowledge of an individual’s genetic makeup to devise a personality appropriate eating strategy
adipokinesis (adip-o-kinesis)
adip = fatty tissue
kinesis = movement
metabolism of fat with production of free fatty acids
somnology (somn-o-logy)
somn = sleep
logy = study or science of
the study of sleep and sleep disorders
gestation (gest-at-ion)
gest = to carry, to bear
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
in mammals, the length of time from conception to birth
alogia (a-log-ia)
a = not, without
log = word, speech, study
ia = nominal
complete speechlessness
fraction (fract-ion)
fract = to break, to bend
ion = nominal
in biological chemistry, the separable part of a substance such as blood or plasma
undulate (und-ul-ate)
und = wave
ule = nominal
ate = adjectival
having a wavy border with shallow sinuses, said of bacterial colonies
vigilance (vig-il-ance)
vig = to thrive, to be lively
il = adjectival
ance = nominal
the condition of being attentive, alert, and watchful
furor (fur-or)
fur = to be angry
or = nominal
an extremely violent outburst of anger, often without provocation
brevicollis (brev-icollis)
brev = short
shortness of the neck
sanity (sanit-y)
sanit = healthy, to be healthy
y = nominal
soundness of health or mind
tumescence (tum-esc-ence)
tum = to swell
ence = nominal
a condition of being swollen or tumid
rigor (rig-or)
rig = stiff, to be stiff
or = nominal
a state of hardness and stiffness, as in a muscle