Chapter 21: Greek Suffixes 3 (words) Flashcards
rhabdoid (rhabd-oid)
rhabd = rod
oid = adjectival
resembling or shaped like a rod
urologist (ur-o-log-ist)
ur = urine
log = word, speech, study
ist = nominal
a physician specializing in the urinary system
dietician (diet-ician)
diet = to regulate
ician = nominal
a person trained in the scientific regulation of diet in health and disease
bacteriolysis (bacter-io-ly-sis)
bacter = rod
ly = to loosen, to dissolve
sis = nominal
disruption of the structural integrity of a bacterial cell
iridoplegia (irid-o-pleg-ia)
irid = iris, rainbow
pleg = paralysis
ia = nominal
paralysis of the iris (especially its sphincter, with lack of contraction or dilation of the pupil)
lipometabolic (lip-o-meta-bol-ic)
lip = fat, fatty tissue
meta = after, change, transfer
bol = to throw, to put
ic = adjectival
relating to the breakdown and utilization of fat (lipids)
iatrogenic (iatr-o-gen-ic)
iatr = doctor, treatment
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
resulting from or induced by the activity of a physician
menarche (men-arche)
men = moon, menstruation
arche = ancient, beginning
the establishment or beginning of menstruation
ophidic (oph-id-ic)
oph = snake
id = adjectival
ic = adjectival
relating to, caused by, or derived from snakes
meningitis (mening-itis)
mening = membrane
itis = nominal
inflammation of the meninges (the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord)
lipocyte (lip-o-cyte)
lip = fat, fatty tissue
cyt = cell
a fat cell
pediatrician (ped-iatr-ician)
ped = child, instruction
iatr = doctor, treatment
ician = nominal
a doctor specializing in the care of children
gyration (gyr-at-ion)
gyr = ring, circle
ate = verbal
ion = nominal
the act of revolution in a circle
pharmacologist (pharmac-o-log-ist)
pharmac = drug
log = word, speech, study
ist = nominal
a drug specialist
ureter (ure-ter)
ure = urine
ter = nominal
tube conveying urine from the kidney to the bladder
iodine (iod-ine)
iod = violet colored
ine = adjectival
an element named for the violet color of its vapors
psychologist (psych-o-log-ist)
psych = mind, soul
log = word, speech, study
ist = nominal
a scientist specializing in the mind and mental processes
sphincter (sphinc-ter)
sphinc = to bind, to tighten
ter = nominal
a band of fibers that constricts a passageway
orthodontist (orth-odont-ist)
orth = straight, correct
odont = tooth
ist = nominal
a dentist specializing in the straightening of teeth
geriatrics (ger-iatr-ics)
ger = old person, old age
iatr = doctor, treatment
ics = nominal
a branch of medicine dealing with the elderly
hypotheses (hypo-the-ses)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
the = to put, to place
ses = nominal
propositions that are subject to experimentation
sporophore (spor-o-phore)
spor = seed, spore
phor = to bear, to carry
part of an organism producing spores
pores or orifices on a surface
gamete (gam-ete)
gam = marriage
ete = nominal
a haploid cell necessary for sexual reproduction
bones in the fingers or toes
astigmatism (a-stig-mat-ism)
a = not, without
stig = point, prick
ism = nominal
vision problem where rays fail to meet at a focal point
cryogenic (cry-o-gen-ic)
cry = cold
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
related to or causing low temperatures
Ophidia (oph-id-ia)
oph = snake
id = adjectival
ia = nominal
the reptilian order that includes snakes
ganglia (gangli-a)
gangli = knot, mass of tissue
nerve cell clusters of the peripheral nervous system
iridodiastasis (irid-o-dia-sta-sis)
irid = iris, rainbow
dia = through, across, between
sta = to stand
sis = nominal
defect of the peripheral border of the iris
pygidium (pyg-id-ium)
pyg = buttock
id = adjectival
ium = nominal
posterior part of some arthropods
bacteriophage (bacter-io-phage)
bacter = rod
phag = to eat
a virus that breaks apart bacteria
metanephroi (meta-nephr-oi)
meta = after, change, transfer
nephr = kidney
oi = nominal
growths in the stage of kidney development
orthopnea (orth-o-pnea)
orth = straight, correct
pnea = breathing
a difficulty in breathing solved by “upright” position
technician (techn-ician)
techn = art, skill
ician = nominal
a person trained in a specific art or skill
stigma (stig-ma)
stig = point, prick
ma = nominal
a mark or spot on the surface of an organism
cryalgesia (cry-alg-e-sia)
cry = cold
alg = pain
sia = nominal
pain due to the application of cold
allesthia (all-esth-ia)
all = other, different
esthe = to feel, to perceive
ia = nominal
distorted sensation occurring other than where a stimulus is applied
menopause (men-opause)
men = moon, menstruation
cessation of menstruation
iodism (iod-ism)
iod = violet colored
ism = nominal
poisoning by iodine or iodine compounds
iridologist (irid-o-log-ist)
irid = iris, rainbow
log = word, speech, study
ist = nominal
a person specializing in the controversial technique of diagnosing illness by examination of changes in the iris
allelomorph (allel-o-morph)
allel = other, each other
morph = form, shape
one of two or more alternative forms of a gene
meniscus (men-iscus)
men = moon, menstruation
iscus = nominal
a crescent-shaped structure (esp. in the knee joint)
oliguria (olig-ur-ia)
olig = few
ur = urine
ia = nominal
diminished urine production and excretion
diatetics (dia-te-tics)
dia = through, across, between
tics = nominal
the science of the regulation of diet
gyrus (gyr-us)
gyr = ring, circle
us = nominal
a convoluted ridge on the cerebral cortex
allergy (all-erg-y)
all = other, different
erg = work
y = nominal
a hypersensitivity to antigens
pharmacopsychosis (pharmac-o-psych-osis)
pharmac = drug
psych = mind, soul
osis = nominal
a drug-induced mental disorder
isosporous (is-o-spor-ous)
is = equal, same
spor = seed, spore
ous = adjectival
producing spores of the same kind (i.e. with no dimorphism)
zootechnics (zo-o-techn-ics)
zo = animal
techn = art, skill
ics = nominal
the raising, breeding, and handling of animals
catheter (cat-he-ter)
cat = down, against, according to
ter = nominal
surgical tube inserted into a cavity
pygalgia (pyg-alg-ia)
pyg = buttock
alg = pain
ia = nominal
pain in the butt
ganglionic (gangli-on-ic)
gangli = knot, mass of tissue
ic = adjectival
related to a mass of nerve tissue
lipiduria (lip-id-ur-ia)
lip = fat, fatty tissue
id = adjectival
ur = urine
ia = nominal
the presence of oil or fat in the urine
chlorine (chlor-ine)
chlor = green/yellow
ine = adjectival
a “green chemical” used for, e.g., disinfecting
meningeal (mening-eal)
mening = membrane
eal = adjectival
related to the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
rhabdosphincter (rhabd-o-sphinc-ter)
rhabd = rod
sphinc = to bind, to tighten
ter = nominal
a band of striated muscle fibers that contract an opening
cryesthesia (cry-esthe-sia)
cry = cold
esthe = to feel, to perceive
sia = nominal
abnormal sensitivity to cold
allogamy (all-o-gam-y)
all = other, different
gam = marriage
y = nominal
cross-fertilization of one plant with another
oligomenorrhea (olig-o-men-o-rrhea)
olig = few
men = moon, menstruation
rrhea = to flow
less than normal menstrual flow