Chapter 23: Greek Compound Suffixes 2 (words) Flashcards
nycturia (nyct-ur-ia)
nyct = night
ur = urine
ia = nominal
frequency of urination at night
proctology (proct-o-logy)
proct = anus, rectum
logy = study or science of
the study of the rectum and anus, and of the treatment of their diseases
splenectomy (splen-ectomy)
splen = spleen
ectomy = cutting out, removal
excision of the spleen
biopsy (bi-op-sy)
bi = life
op = eye, sight
sy = nominal
the removal and examination of tissue from the living body
osteopathy (oste-o-pathy)
oste = bone
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
any disease of the bone
cacophony (cac-o-phon-y)
cac = bad
phon = sound, voice
y = nominal
a combination of sounds that are harsh or discordant
iridokeratitis (irid-o-kerat-itis)
irid = iris, rainbow
kerat = horn, cornea
itis = nominal
inflammation of the iris and cornea
salpingectomy (salping-ectomy)
salping = tube
ectomy = cutting out, removal
surgical removal of the uterine tube
angioplasty (angi-o-plasty)
angi = vessel
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
the widening of a blood vessel that has become narrow
enterostomy (enter-o-stomy)
enter = intestine
stomy = cutting of an opening or mouth
the formation of an opening into the intestine through the abdominal wall
atrophy (a-trophy), dystrophy (dys-trophy)
a = not, without
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
trophy = nourishment
a wasting away from a lack of nourishment
enteropathy (enter-o-pathy)
enter = intestine
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
any disease of the intestines
autopsy (aut-op-sy)
aut = self
op = eye, sight
sy = nominal
postmortem examination
nyctophobia (nyct-o-phobia)
nyct = night
phobia = intense fear of or aversion to
irrational fear of the night
ophthalmology (ophthalm-o-logy)
ophthalm = eye
logy = study or science of
the medical specialty dealing with the eye
astronomy (astr-o-nomy)
astr = star
nomy = study or science of
the branch of science dealing with celestial bodies
heliotherapy (heli-o-therapy)
heli = sun
therapy = treatment
treatment by exposure to the sun’s rays
rhinoplasty (rhin-o-plasty)
rhin = nose
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
surgical reshaping of the nose
oncology (onc-o-logy)
onc = tumor, swelling
logy = study or science of
the branch of medicine dealing with tumors
tracheostomy (trache-o-stomy), tracheotomy (trache-o-tomy)
trache = rough, windpipe
stomy = cutting of an opening or mouth
tomy = cutting
surgical opening of the trachea
cheiloplasty (cheil-o-plasty)
cheil = lip
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
plastic surgery on the lip
angiography (angi-o-graphy)
angi = vessel
graphy = writing, imaging
a technique used to visualize the blood vessels
antrostomy (antr-o-stomy)
antr = cavity
stomy = cutting of an opening or mouth
the making of a surgical opening in a cavity
telepathy (tele-pathy)
tele = from far away, at a distance
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
extrasensory perception of another’s mental activity
heliotaxis (heli-o-tax-is)
heli = sun
tax = to order, to arrange
the movement of cells in response to the sun
pneumoenteritis (pneum-o-enter-itis)
pneumon = lung
enter = intestine
itis = nominal
inflammation of the lung and intestine
pyretotherapy (pyret-o-therapy)
pyret = fire, fever
therapy = treatment
treatment of disease by raising body temperature
phonology (phon-o-logy), phonetics (phon-etics)
phon = sound, voice
logy = study or science of
etic = nominal
the science of vocal sounds
leptodactylous (lept-o-dactyl-ous)
lept = thin, delicate
dactyl = finger, toe
ous = adjectival
having slender digits
lymphotrophy (lymph-o-trophy)
lymph = water, lymph
trophy = nourishment
the nourishment of cells by lymph
pyrogen (pyr-o-gen)
pyr = fire, fever
gen = to be produced
a fever-producing substance
splenomegaly (splen-o-megal-y)
splen = spleen
megal = great, large
y = nominal
enlargement of the spleen
leptorrhine (lept-o-rrhine)
lept = thin, delicate
rrhin = nose
possessing a long, slender nose
blepharectomy (blephar-ectomy)
blephar = eyelid
ectomy = cutting out, removal
the removal of a lesion of the eyelid
phlebography (phleb-o-graphy)
phleb = vein
graphy = writing, imaging
visualization of the veins through a contrast medium
keratoplasty (kerat-o-plasty)
kerat = horn, cornea
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
surgery on the cornea (e.g., in a transplant)
taxonomy (tax-o-nomy)
tax = to order, to arrange
nomy = study or science of
the classification of organisms into categories
oncotomy (onc-o-tomy)
onc = tumor, swelling
tomy = cutting
the cutting of a tumor or swelling
telekinetic (tele-kine-tic)
tele = from far away, at a distance
kine = to move
tic = adjectival
related to the movement of objects by the mind
phonasthenia (phon-a-sthenia)
phon = sound, voice
a = not, without
sthenia = condition of strength
weakness of the voice
lymphocytosis (lymph-o-cyt-osis)
lymph = water, lymph
cyt = cell
osis = nominal
excess of normal lymph cells in the blood
pylorus (pylor-ous)
pylor = gate, entrance, lower stomach
us = nominal
distal part of the stomach adjacent to the duodenum
leukotaxis (leuk-o-tax-is)
leuk = white
tax = to order, to arrange
the deployment of white blood cells in areas of injury
blepharoncus (blephar-onc-us)
blephar = eyelid
onc = tumor, swelling
us = nominal
a tumor on the eyelid
leptocyte (lept-o-cyte)
lept = thin, delicate
cyt = cell
abnormally slender erythrocyte seen in some blood diseases
heterophthalmia (heter-ophthalm-ia)
heter = other, different
ophthalm = eye
ia = nominal
difference in the direction of the axes or color of the eyes
phonocardiography (phon-o-cardi-o-graphy)
phon = sound, voice
cardi = heart
graphy = writing, imaging
graphic representation of any acoustic phenomena of the heart
pyretic (pyret-ic)
pyret = fire, fever
ic = adjectival
related to or characterized by fever
procteurynter (proct-euryn-ter)
proct = anus, rectum
euryn = wide
ter = nominal
bag-like device used to dilate or widen the rectum
otorhinolaryngology (ot-o-rhin-o-laryng-o-logy)
ot = ear
rhin = nose
laryng = larynx
logy = study or science of
branch of medicine concerned with the ear, nose, and throat
pylephlebitis (pyle-phleb-itis)
pyle = gate, entrance, lower stomach
phleb = vein
itis = nominal
inflammation of the portal vein
cheiloschisis (cheil-o-schis-is)
cheil = lip
schis = to split, to rupture
sis = nominal
cleft lip
cacosmia (cac-osm-ia)
cac = bad
osm = smell
ia = nominal
perception of bad odor without exposure to such stimuli
osteophyte (oste-o-phyte)
oste = bone
phyt = plant, growth
a bony growth
salpingography (salping-o-graphy)
salping = tube
graphy = writing, imaging
visualization of the uterine tubes via radiography