Chapter 18: Greek Numerical and Other Prefixes (words) Flashcards
microorganism (micr-o-organ-ism)
micr = small
organ = instrument, organ
a microscopic organism
dimerous (di-mer-ous)
di = 2
mer = part
ous = adjectival
made up of two parts
oligodontia (olig-odont-ia)
olig = few
odont = tooth
ia = nominal
a condition of having too few teeth (specifically classified as missing six or more)
prototype (pro-to-type)
pro = before, in front of, forward
typ = imprint, form
the original type or form after which other types or forms are developed
octopus (oct-o-pus)
oct = 8
pus = foot
a marine mollusk having eight tentacles
isodactylism (is-o-dactyl-ism)
is = equal, same
dactyl = finger, toe
a condition in which the fingers are of relatively even length
micropsia (micr-ops-ia)
micr = small
op = eye, sight
ia = nominal
a visual disorder in which objects appear smaller than their actual size
panencephalitis (pan-encephal-itis)
pan = all, complete
encephal = brain
an inflammation of “all of the brain,” including both gray and white matter
pentacyclic (pent-a-cycl-ic)
pent = 5
cycl = circle, wheel
ic = adjectival
containing five fused rings or closed chains in the molecular structure
kilohertz (kil-ohertz)
kil = 1,000
a measure of frequency of 1,000 hertz
hydrophilic (hydr-o-phil-ic)
hydr = water, fluid
phil = to love, to have an affinity for
ic = adjectival
readily absorbing moisture
megalomania (megal-o-man-ia)
megal = great, large
man = madness
ia = nominal
unreasonable conviction of one’s own greatness
isometric (is-o-metr-ic)
is = equal, same
metr = meter, measure
ic = adjectival
of equal measurement or dimensions
macrodontia (macr-odont-ia)
macr = large, long
odont = tooth
ia = nominal
the condition of having teeth of large size
mesomorph (mes-o-morph)
mes = middle
morph = form, shape
a muscular build or physique
tripod (tri-pod)
tri = 3
pod = foot
something that has three feet or supports
decapoda (dec-a-pod-a)
dec = 10
pod = foot
an order of crustaceans having ten feet
polyphagia (poly-phag-ia), hyperphagia (hyper-phag-ia)
poly = many
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
phag = to eat
ia = nominal
excessive eating, gluttony
micropodia (micr-o-pod-ia)
micr = small
pod = foot
ia = nominal
abnormal smallness, of the feet
heptatomic (hept-a-tom-ic)
hept = 7
a = not, without
tom = to cut
ic = adjectival
having seven atoms
isochromatophil (is-o-chromat-o-phil)
is = equal, same
chromat = color
phil = to love, to have an affinity for
staining equally with the same dye
monosymptomatic (mon-o-sym-pto-mat-ic)
mon = 1
sym = with, together
pto = to fall
ic = adjectival
expressed by a single symptom
tetraplegia (tetr-a-pleg-ia)
tetr = 4
pleg = paralysis
ia = nominal
another name for quadriplegia
macrodactyly (macr-o-dactyl-y), mega(lo)dactyly (mega-dactyl-y)
macr = large, long
mega = great, large
dactyl = finger, toe
y = nominal
abnormal largeness of the fingers or toes
dimorphism (di-morph-ism)
di = 2
morph = shape, form
the property of having or existing in two forms
lithography (lith-o-graph-y)
lith = stone
graph = to write
y = nominal
a method of printing originally using a stone plate
chlorophyll (chlor-o-phyll)
chlor = green
phyll = leaf
a green pigment important for photosynthesis
isopathy (is-o-path-y)
is = equal, same
path = disease, suffering, feeling
y = nominal
the treatment of a disease by means of the products of the disease or by material from the affected organ
mesoderm (mes-o-derm)
mes = middle
derm = skin
the “middle skin” of the three primary embryonic germ layers
pandemic (pan-dem-ic)
pan = all, complete
em = in, into, inward
ic = adjectival
widespread occurrence of a disease
cryptomere (crypt-o-mere)
crypt = hidden
mer = part
a “hidden” gene or genetic factor
megakaryoblast (mega-kary-o-blast)
mega = great, large
kary = nucleus
blast = embryonic cell
an early precursor in the thrombocytic series
polyodontia (poly-odont-ia), hyperdontia (hyper-dont-ia)
poly = many
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
odont = tooth
ia = nominal
a condition of having more than the normal number of teeth
macropodia (macr-o-pod-ia), megalopodia (megal-o-pod-ia)
macr = large, long
megal = great, large
pod = foot
ia = nominal
excessive size of the feet
diaphoretic (dia-phor-et-ic)
dia = through, across, between
phor = to bear, to carry
ic = adjectival
pertaining to or promoting sweating
phosphorus (phos-phor-us)
phor = to bear, to carry
us = nominal
a “light-bearing” element essential to the human diet
proptosis (pr-op-to-sis)
pro = before, in front of, forward
op = eye, sight
pto = to fall
the forward “falling” or displacement of the eye
polymer (poly-mer)
poly = many
mer = part
a compound formed by the joining of smaller molecules
microlith (micr-o-lith)
micr = small
lith = stone
a small calculus (i.e. stone)
dikaryotic (di-kary-ot-ic)
di = 2
kary = nucleus
ic = adjectival
characterized by having two nuclei in each cell
heptachromic (hept-a-chrom-ic)
hept = 7
chrom = color
ic = adjectival
pertaining to or exhibiting seven colors
monochloride (mon-o-chlor-ide)
mon = 1
chlor = green/yellow
a compound containing one chlorine atom
endodontics (end-odont-ic-s)
endo = within, inner
odont = tooth
ic = nominal
study and treatment of the dental pulp
hemianopia (hemi-an-op-ia)
hemi = 1/2
an = not, without
op = eye, sight
ia = nominal
defective vision or blindness in half the field of vision
apoptosis (apo-pto-sis)
apo = from, away, off
pto = to fall
a “falling off” or systematized death of individual cells through phagocytosis
symptom (sym-ptom)
sym = with, together
pto = to fall
any evidence for a disease or condition
pancarditis (pan-cardi-tis)
pan = all, complete
cardi = heart
diffused inflammation of the entire heart
archegonium (arche-gon-ium)
arche = ancient, beginning
gon = to be produced, seed
female organ of a plant
dioxide (di-ox-ide)
di = 2
ox = sharp, quick
a binary compound of two oxide ions