Chapter 17: Greek Prefixes 2 (words) Flashcards
sympathy (sym-path-y)
sym = with, together
path = disease, suffering, feeling
an influence produced in any organ by a disease, disorder, or other change in another part
endoscope (endo-scope)
endo = within, inner
scop = to look at, to view
an instrument for the examination of a body cavity or hollow viscus
hypodermic (hypo-derm-ic)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
derm = skin
beneath the skin
metabolism (meta-bol-ism)
meta = after, change, transfer
bol = to throw, to put
the chemical processes by which substances are transformed in an organism (including anabolism and catabolism)
paralysis (para-lys-is)
para = beside, resembling, disordered
lys = to loosen, to dissolve
loss or impairment of motor function in a part due to lesion of the neural or muscular mechanism
anatomy (ana-tom-y)
ana = up, back, again
tom = to cut
the science of the structure of the body and the relation of its parts
apathy (a-path-y)
a = not, without
path = disease, suffering, feeling
lack of feeling or emotion; indifference
entomology (en-tom-ology)
en = in, into, inward
tom = to cut
the branch of zoology dealing with insects
catabolic (cata-bol-ic)
cata = down, against, according to
bol = to throw, to put
having to do with the process by which an organism breaks down material to produce energy
epiphytic (epi-phyt-ic)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
phyt = plant, growth
relating to the growth of one plant organism on another
atom (a-tom)
a = not, without
tom = to cut
a particle originally thought to be “uncuttable”
metastasis (meta-sta-sis)
meta = after, change, transfer
sta = to stand, to stop
movement from one location to another (esp. of disease)
paranephric (para-nephr-ic)
para = beside, resembling, disordered
nephr = kidney
located beside the kidneys
catalyst (cata-lyst)
cata = down, against, according to
lys = to loosen, to dissolve
a substance that increases the rate of a reaction
hypotrophic (hypo-troph-ic)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
troph = nourishment
characterized by underformation or insufficient growth
anabolic (ana-bol-ic)
ana = up, back, again
bol = to throw, to put
tending to build up or construct
anhydrous (an-hydr-ous)
an = not, without
hydr = water, fluid
having no water
symbiosis (sym-bi-osis)
sym = with, together
bi = life
mutually beneficial relationship of two organisms contributing to each other’s nourishment
epidermis (epi-derm-is)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
derm = skin
the outer layer of skin
atonia (a-ton-ia)
a = not, without
ton = stretching, tension
a condition of diminished tension (e.g. of a muscle)
endoderm (endo-derm)
endo = within, inner
derm = skin
an inner lining or layer
acephalous (a-cephal-ous)
a = not, without
cephal = head
having no head
hypothalamus (hypo-thalam-us)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
thalam = chamber, room
part of the brain under the thalamus
empathy (em-path-y)
em = in, into, inward
path = disease, suffering, feeling
the ability to understand another’s feelings
cathode (cat-hode)
cat = down, against, according to
a negative pole
diagnosis (dia-gno-sis)
dia = through, across, between
gno = to know
determination of a diseased condition
analgesic (an-alg-esic)
an = not, without
alg = pain
a substance that relieves pain
metachromatic (meta-chromat-ic)
meta = after, change, transfer
chromat = color
related to a change in color
systolic (sy-stol-ic)
sys = with, together
stol = to send, to contract
related to a rhythmical contraction
synergy (syn-erg-y)
syn = with, together
erg = work
coordinated or cooperative action
hypophysis (hypo-phy-sis)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
phy = to grow
the pituitary gland
haptoglobin (hapt-o-glob-in)
hapt = to grasp, to fasten
glob = sphere, lump
a protein that “binds” free hemoglobin
thyroid (thyr-oid)
thyr = shield
shield-like structure (esp. of a gland or the cartilage in the throat)
toxicology (tox-ic-olog-y)
tox = poison
the science of poisons
diastolic (dia-stol-ic)
dia = through, across, between
stol = to send, to contract
dilation or relaxation of the heart or an artery
syzygy (sy-zyg-y)
sy = with, together
zyg = yoke, joining
a yoking together or joining (e.g. of two organisms)
energy (en-erg-y)
en = in, into, inward
erg = work
power; vigor or intensity of action
arrythmia (ar-rhythm-ia)
a = not, without
rhythm = rhythm
a lack of rhythm or regularity
endocranial (endo-crani-al)
endo = within, inner
crani = cranium
related to the inner part of the skull
metamorphosis (meta-morph-osis)
meta = after, change, transfer
morph = form, shape
a process of changing in form
hypothyroidism (hyper-thyr-oidism)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
thyr = shield
a condition of decreased hormone production and metabolism
dialysis (dia-lys-is)
dia = through, across, between
lys = to loosen, to dissolve
a process of removing soluble substances from a liquid by allowing them to pass through a membrane
trophoblast (troph-o-blast)
troph = nourishment
blast = embryonic cell
a growth of cells allowing an embryo to receive nutrients
antitoxin (anti-tox-in)
anti = against, opposite
tox = poison
an antibody that counteracts some harmful substance
hypostasis (hypo-sta-sis)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
sta = to stand, to stop
poor or stagnant circulation of blood
anabiosis (ana-bi-osis)
ana = up, back, again
bi = life
resuscitation, coming to life again
catatonic (cata-ton-ic)
cata = down, against, according to
ton = stretching, tension
marked by reduced movement or activity
endoplasm (endo-plasm)
endo = within, inner
plas = to form, to mold
the inner substance of a cell
aphyllous (a-phyll-ous)
a = not, without
phyll = leaf
having no leaves
metagenetic (meta-gene-tic)
meta = after, change, transfer
gene = to be produced
alternating between sexual and asexual reproduction
endotoxin (endo-tox-in)
endo = within, inner
tox = poison
a poisonous substance contained within a bacterial cell
prognosis (pro-gno-sis)
pro = before, in front of, forward
gno = to know
a forecast of a probable outcome for a patient
synapse (syn-apse)
syn = with, together
a joining together of two neurons or nerve cells
metagastric (meta-gastr-ic)
meta = after, change, transfer
gastr = stomach
on the posterior end of the stomach
endocrine (endo-crine)
endo = within, inner
crin = to secrete
relating to internal secretions