The growth of Poverty causes Flashcards
Land and Resources
They could not sustain the population growth. This lead to rising prices, rents and falling wages. There was not enough jobs/housing. This benefited the merchants/farmers/landowners but not the poor and those slipping into poverty.
Poor Harvests
Bad weather reduced crop yields which led to higher prices for scarce goods.
Grain became scarcer e.g. (1519-21), 1527-29, (1549-51), (1554-56), 1586-87.
Prices for other food also rose like butter, eggs, cheese and wool. Those without land or extra resources (money) suffered (peasantry).
Closure of the Monasteries
After the 1530’s a key feature of the community/regional support for ordinary people was gone. Along with work, medical care, food, education and resources.
Inflation (value of your currency)
Especially in the 1550’s- value of English currency being debased, dropping in value meant that prices increased.
England’s wars against Spain and France
In the 1540’s in the later period of Henry’s rule taxation (rising) was common and this led to communities becoming poorer.
Soldiers who returned had no resources, housing, or money and many became vagabonds- this increased vagrancy (for those who got home).
People leaving the countryside seeking employment
People left the countryside to towns to avoid starvation and to seek employment but with not enough jobs and rising prices people felt into vagrancy and it was hard to get out off- no welfare state/help. This made the pressures on towns (urban areas) grow.
Population Growth
1526- 2.26 million
1551- 3.1 million
1591- 3.39 million
72% increase
This put pressure on communities and resources like food, housing and jobs.