Revise Radiology Paeds Flashcards
Reversal of rectosigmoid ratio
Hirschprungs disease
Well defined, round, subcarinal mass in 3YO. Recurrent chest infections
Bronchogenic cyst
MRI enhancement of Cardiac Rhabdomyoma
Minimal first pass enhancement.
Isointense to myocardiumon late gadolinium
Low T1, High T2 orbital lesion with no enhancement or calcification. Adjacent bone scalloping
Epidermoid cyst
Well circumscribed lesion in tubular bones of hands, some have calcfications
Infant, ground glass in right middle lobe and lingula
NEHI (Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia of Infancy)
Loss of zone of provisional calcification in metaphysis of long bones
Sequestration/CCAM diagnosed in utero, best Ix after birth
CT Angiogram
Caroli syndrome vs caroli disease
Caroli syndrome is caroli disease plus congenital hepatic fibrosis
Recurrent cholangitis in Caroli disease, Rx
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Neonate, narrow rectum, dilated proximal bowel
Characteristic intracranial finding in Sturge Weber
Leptomeningeal enhancement
Radial dysplasia with thumb present
TAR (Thrombocytomenia Absent Radius)
Abnormal grey matter nodules along glial pathways to the cortex
Commonest cause of scoliosis in kids
UVC projected above diaphragm, neonate has sudden respiratory distress
Pericardial tamponade (line is within atrium)
Causes of congenital lobar emphysema
Bronchial dysplasia,
Bronchial web,
Inspissated mucus
Bone tumour with lung and bone mets at presentation
Forms of Holoprosencephaly
Alobar: Single posteriorly located monoventricle, fusion of thalami, no separation of cerebral hemispheres
Semilobar: 2 hemispheres posteriorly, fused anteriorly
Lobar: nearly complete separation of hemispheres except mild frontal abnormalities.
Middle interhemispheric variant.
Abnormal midline hemispheric connection in posterior frontal and parietal lobes
Non-radiopaque foreign body inhalation (CXR)
Lateral decub (ipsilateral side down) shows reduced volume on affected lung
Right sided aortic arch most commonly associated syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome
Snowman sign on CXR
Supracardiac TAPVR
Most common malignant pancreatic tumour of young children
Types of right aortic arch
Type 1: Right sided with mirror image branching
Type 2: Right sided with aberrant left subclavian
Type 3: Right sided with isolation of left subclavian
Other heart finding associated with D transposition
Right coronary artery dominance
Choledochal cyst types
1: Fusiform dilatation of CBD, without multiple intrahepatic cysts
2: Diverticulum of bile duct
3: Choledochocele within duodenum
4: Multiple connumicating intra and extrahepatic duct cysts
4a: fusiform dilatation of entire extrahepatic duct with extension of dilatation to intrahepatic ducts
4b: Multiple cystic dilatations involving only the extrahepatic bile duct
5: Cystic dilatations of intrahepatic ducts
Recurrent pneumothoraces, lytic lesion with soft tissue mass overlying parietal bone
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Suitability for Norwood procedure
Severe hypoplasia of left heart (Z score below -2)
Dystrophic nails, yellow teeth, thickened cortices and fractures. Short stature
Post term, hyperinflation
Meconium ileus
Furosemide use in children can cause
Liver mass in child with precocious puberty
Thick walled, confluent cysts in right upper lobe
Severe hydrocephalus vs Hydrancephaly
Thin residual rim of cortical tissue vs near complete absence of cerebral hemispheres
Sturge Weber intracranial appearances
Leptomeningeal enhancement, cortical atrophy, tram-track calcifications
Soft, compressible, multiloculated cystic lesion in posterior triangle
Ix to assess myocardial viability in Kawasaki disease
Cardiac MR with late gadolinium enhancement
Avulsion fragment at inferior patella with soft tissue swelling
Patellar Sleeve Avulsion Fracture
Ossification or calcification at inferior pole of patella
Sindig Larsen Johansson
Irregularitis and fragmentation of tibial tuberosity
Osgood schlatter
Well defined hypodense lesion in temporal lobe with underlying bone remodelling
Hyperdense cortical lesion with mass effect, necrosis and cysts
Hyperinflation and increased lucency with curvilinear opacity from the hilum
Bronchial atresia
Multiple fractures, bone in bone appearance of spine
Hypoattenuating, non enhancing mass with peripheral calcifications, above lateral ventrcles
Normal white matter on MRI (Mature)
Hyperintense on T1, Hypointense on T2
Most characteristic spinal appearance in Sickle Cell
Lincoln Log appearance.
Square like depressions in superior and inferior endplates on lateral imaging
Best Ix for PHPV (& findings)
MRI, typical triangular shape with low T2 signal
Hyperinflation with coarse, linear densities and focal areas of emphysema (neonate)
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
Right pleural based mass, no rib invasion
Pleuropulmonary blastoma
Hard mass adjacent to orbit, involving lateral wall of orbit
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome monitoring
Abdo US every 3 months to look for Wilms and other tumours
Brachycephaly, maxillary hypoplasia, hypertelorism, Syndactyly
Apert syndrome
Craniosynostosis and facial abnormalities, normal fingers
Crouzon syndrome
5 year survival for thoracic neuroblastoma
Persistent mass after successful reduction of intusussception
Oedematous ileocaecal valve creating pseudomass
Prenatal hydronephrosis, when to US after birth
5-7 days
Heterogenous lesion with enhancing solid components in 3rd ventricle
Reed Sternberg cells
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Recurrent croup caused by
Subglottic stenosis
Large, heterogenous mass with necrotic areas, fever, 10YO
Burkitt Lymphoma
Multiple, hyperechoic masses on echocardiogram
Bladder exstrophy
Herniation of urinary bladder through a hole in the anterior infra-umbilical abdominal wall
Swyer james vs air trapping
Affected lung is smaller in Swyer James
Course of umbilical venous catheter
Posterior from umbilicus,
umbilical vein
through left portal vein
through ductus venosus,
through IVC,
right side of spine
Pathology underlying Caroli disease
Impaired ciliary function
Pulmonary plethora and cyanosis
Screening conducted in first week of life for premature infants
US brain for germinal matrix haemorrhage
Haemorrhage deep to aponeurosis, not limited by suture lines
Subgaleal haemorrhage
5 year survival post atrial switch for D-TGA
DMSA looks for scarring
MAG3 assesses renal function
Well circumscribed heterogenous mass in kidney which enhancess less than the kidney
Most likely to met to lung in child
Plane used to assess for DDH on US
Coronal plane
Echogenic renal pyramids with tubular ectasia
Midgut volvulus can cause (AXR)
Double bubble
Associations with cystic hygroma (fetal)
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia,
Croup management
Nebulised adrenaline
C-section associated with
Thymoma relation to thymus
Often inseparable
Bell shaped thorax, short ribs, normal vertebra
Jeune syndrome (Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy)
Median survival for CF
41.1 years
Enlarging periorbital mass in infant
Capillary haemangioma
Hypoechoic testicular mass with increased vascularity and increased AFP
Yolk sac tumour
Yolk sac tumour on US, next step
Immediate exploration and orchidectomy
Lateral condyle fractures associated with
Ulnar nerve injury
Flattening of femoral head, enlargement of medial joint space
Ill defined, non-encapsulated, trans-spacial multiloculated cystic and solid lesion in orbit
Orbital lymphangioma
Symptomatic CCAM Rx
Immediate surgical resection
Premature closure of sagittal suture.
Long, narrow forehead resembling an upside down boat
Significance of alpha angle in hip
Assesses depth of hip
Gold standard Ix for biliary atresia
Intraoperative cholangiogram
Ground glass opacities with air bronchograms
Medial epicondyle not visible on XR
Medial epicondyle avulsion (little league elbow)