Revise Radiology H&N Flashcards
Slow growing, sclerotic lesions attached to outer table of skull
Commonest complication of acute mastoiditis
Sigmoid sinus thrombosis
Hyperattenuating mass conforming to shape of orbit without deforming it
Orbital lymphoma
Bunch of grapes overlying skull
Skull vault haemangioma
Sarcoid orbital disease distribution
Intensely enhancing tumour with calcifications near petrous bone
Endolymphatic sac tumour
Cholesteatoma MRI
Iso T1, Iso T2, no enhancement, restricted diffusion
Pars flaccida cholesteatomas are T2 bright
Expansile, unilocular lesion with sclerotic rim in posterior mandible
Odontogenic keratocyst
Infiltrative, intermediate T1 and T2 lesion in maxilla, CML
Granulocytic sarcoma
Subdural spinal bleed
Much rarer than epidural, inverted mercedes benz on axial imaging
Ix to evaluate extent of disease in paillary thryroid cancer
I-123 whole body scan
Glomus jugulare location
Depressed blood flow and metabolism affecting the cerebellar hemisphere after a contralateral supratentorial insult
Crossed cerebellar diaschisis
Dentigerous cyst underlying pathology
Developmental anomily during enamel formation
Skull vault haemangioma histology
Hamartoma with fat, smooth muscle, fibrous tissue and endothelium
Branchial cleft cyst types
Type 1: external auditory canal to angle of mandible
Type 2: Near angle of mandible, anterior and medial to SCM
Type 3: Deep to SCM or posterior
Type 4: Near larynx or thyroid
Acquired vs congenital cholesteatoma
Cochlear promontory is first involved in congenital, spared in acquired
Acoustic neuroma vs meningioma
Meningioma has dural tail, neuroma centered on internal audiory canl
Pars flaccida cholesteatoma commonest eroded bone
Long handle of incus
Optic nerve glioma MRI
Enlarged optic nerve with T1 hypo and t2 hyperintensity
High T2 in cystic areas and enhancing mural nodule
Well circumscribed lesion surrounding an unerupted tooth
Dentigerous cyst
Facial nerve injury caused by
Transverse fracture of temporal bone
New cystic level 2 mass in older person
SCC until proven otherwise (Head and neck)
Hard, painless thyroid mass
Reidel’s thyroiditis
Lateral semicircular canal erosion causes
Labyrinthine fistula
Heterogenous giraffe skin appearance of thyroid on US
Atlas fracture classification
Type 1: Anterior arch
Type 2: Posterior arch, usually bilateral
Type 3: Anterior and posterior arch (Jefferson burst fracture)
- 3a: Intact transverse atlntal ligament
- 3b: disrupted transverse atlantal ligament
Type 4: Lateral mass
Type 5: Isolated C1 transverse process fracture
Warfarin, intraspinal haemorrhage, Rx
Vitamin K, then surgery
Recurrent odontogenic keratocysts
Multilocular lesion with thin enhancing rim
Hangman fracture
C2 pars interarticularis fracture, classified by Levine and Edwards
Subglottic tumours likely to spread to (node level)
Level 3 nodes
Flexion teardrop on CT, next step
Immediate surgical intervention
Attachments of the tympanic membrane
Scutum (superior) and tympanic annulus (inferior)
Dentigerous cyst Rx
Air in cochlear or vestivule
Perilymphatic fistula
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Multiple peripheral haemorrhagic foci in normotensive pt
Metastatic papillary thyroid Ca on US and FNA
Surgery and then look for distant mets
Paget Schroetter syndrome
Compression and thrombosis of subclavian vein as it enters the thorax, seen in young sporty ppl
Peripheral vascularity in lymph node
Suggests malignant
Normal optic nerve diameter
optic nerve 2mm
CSF thickness 1.5mm
Expansile skull vault lesion with sunburst pattern
Skull vault haemangioma
Hypointense filling of sinuses on T1 and T2
Fungal sinusitis
Corpus callosum normal myelination
Splenium 3-4 months, genu 6 months
Carotid body tumours associated with
MEN 2a
commonest cause of pulsatile tinnitus
Glomus jugulare tumour
Tell demarcated mixed lytic and sclerotic lesions, common in jaw
Ossifying fibroma
Trigeminal neuralgia underlying pathology
Neurovascular compression at root entry zone of trigeminal nerve
Septum pellucidum lesion, iso T1 and T2, enhances with gadolinium
Central neurocytoma
Large sella and hypertelorism
Orbital cavernous malformation aka
Orbital haemangioma
Silent sinus syndrome
Progressive facial symmetry with unilateral enophthalmos.
Complete opacification and volume loss of affected sinus
Swollen external auditory canal with bony destruction, diabetic
Necrotizing otitis media
Hangman fracture, no neuro deficit, Rx
Hard cervical collar
OMU consists of
Hiatus semilunaris,
Ethmoid bulla
Uncinate process
Maxillary infundibulum
Incidental FDG avid thyroid nodule
40% chance f malignancy