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Carney triad
Pulmonary chondroma
Gastric GIST
Multiple extra-adrenal neuroblastomas
MR Foetal lungs
Increase in T2 intensity as they mature and produce more fluid
SLE associated with
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Cystic mass at appendix with wall calcification
Appendix mucocele
Pathological fractures in non-ossifying fibroma - prognosis
Tend to heal spontaneously
GCS <15 on initial clinical assessment after head injury (child)
CT head within 1 hr
Well defined apical mass with sharp inferior margin
Multiloculated cystic lesion with enhancing septa in liver
Biliary cystadenoma
Aggressive lesion with stippled calcification
Mucocele of sphenoid sinuses can cause
Enlarged optic canals
Commonest cause of term or post mature infants respiratory distress
Meconium aspiration
Ulnar nerve symptoms, unremarkable plain films
MRI wrist
Anterior sacral meningocele associated with
Marfan’s, NF1
Epilepsy, retardation, adenoma sepaceum
Tuberous sclerosis
PCP affects HIV pts with CD4
Erosion of foramen ovale causes
fatty atrophy of masticator muscles
Benign mesothelioma/solid fibrous tumour of the pleura, MRI
T1 hypointense, T2 hyperintense, avid contrast enhancement
Schatzker classification of tibial plateau fractures
Type 1: Lateral tibial plateau - split, no depression
Type 2: Lateral tibial plateau - split with depression
Type 3: Lateral tibial plateau - depression only
Type 4: Medial plateau split and/or depressed
Type 5: Medial and lateral tibial plateau, metaphysis in continuity with diaphysis
Type 6: Medial and lateral tibial plateau & subcondular tibial fracture with separation of metaphysis from diaphysis
Most anterior ethmoid air cells. Can pneumatise posteriorly to narrow frontal recess
Agger Nasi cells
Post THR, focal radiolucencies around the prosthesis with zsmooth endosteal scalloping
Histiocytic response
Multiple skin lesions, unilocular cystic lesion in mandible
Gorlin Goltz, Odontogenic keratocyst
Well circumscribed lesion with narrow zone of transition, oriented longitudinally with homogenous enhancement
Commonest cause of non-stenotic small bowel ulcers
Most likely fibroids to undergo detachment following embolisation
Lisfranc fracture dislocation type with no dislocation of the first metatarsal
Cyst in posterior wall of nasopharynx
Tornwaldt’s cyst
Floating tooth sign
Most commonly multifocal histiocytosis
Alveolar microlithiasis bone scintigraphy
intense uptake
Crohn’s, polypoid mass in duodenum
Adenocarcinoma of small bowel
Retroareolar lesion with dilated duct
Fibrosis distribution - general tips
Inhaled tends to affect upper zones (asbestos is an exception).
Haematogenous and IPF tend to affect lower zones.
Ank spond affects upper zones
Gymnast’s wrist
Physeal stress changes in distal radius, causing positive ulnar variance
Best MR view to assess mitral valve
2 chamber view in mid-diastole
Arthritis and diabetes
MIBG use in adrenal imaging
Used to image adrenal medullary disorders
Stress fracture of femoral neck distribution
Inferior surface of neck
Most likely primary to metastasize to the trachea
Malignant melanoma
Enlarged, hypoechoic, hypervascular thyroid with micronodules
?ectopic pregnancy, free fluid on pelvic US
Graves eye disease associated with
Dilatation of the superior ophthalmic vein
Small bowel loops compressed on one side
Beta angle hip
Vertical cortex of ilium and triangular labral fibrocartilage.
Can help determine type of hip dysplasia
Soft tissue mass with avid enhancement, low T1 and high T2
Chronic headache, enhancement and erosion of frontal sinuses
Pott’s puffy tumour