Radiology Live Unit 6 Flashcards
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour vs ameloblastoma
AOTs contain calcifications often, vs never
Most specific feature for NPH
Callosal angle <90 degrees
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy distribution
Posterior predominant changes with enhancement
Carotid artery: focal stenosis with adjacent outpuching
Suggests atheromatous plaque rather than dissection
Common causes of skull mets
Breast, lung, prostate, renal
Multiple periventricular and juxtacortical white matter lesions
Cholesteatoma can cause
Most useful MR perfusion paramater for haemodynamic status of Moyamoys
MTT - Mean Transit Time
Best MR sequence for early CVST
T1 fat sat post contrast
Extensive SAH from ruptured basilar tip aneurysm on non-con CT
CT Angio
Most useful MR sequence to assess intramedullary cord lesions
Sagittal T1
Follow up for small (<2.5cm) incidental falx meningiomas
Annual MRI 2-3 years
Progressive unilateral cerebral atrophy
Rasmussen’s encephalitis
Most commonly affected part of corpus callosum in ALS
Odontogenic keratocyst vs dentigerous cyst
Dentigerous cysts cause significant buccolingual expansion of the jaw
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Cerebral and cerebellar atrophy with white matter changes, particularly subcortical
Pituitary gland engorgement
Intracranial hypotension
Pineal cyst MRI
Thin T1 hyperintense rim with isointense centre
TMJ dislocation direction
Anteriorly most common
Motor band sign caused by
Axonal degeneration
Most sensitive sequence for early changes in Rasmussen encephalitis
Cystic posterior fossa lesion communicating with 4th ventricle
Blake pouch cyst
Canavans disease
Diffuse white matter involvement including cerebral and cerebellar
Tracts disrupted in Brown Sequard syndrome
Dorsal column
?Craniopharyngioma on MRI, next step
Commonest age for choroid plexus carcinoma
1 month to 2 years
Most specific sign for radioosteonecrosis of the mandible
Ill defined zone of transition
Best MR sequence to distinguish NPH and vascular dementia
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Most useful MR sequence for spinal ligamentous injury
?brain mets, best Ix
PET CT whole body