Radiology Live Unit 3 Flashcards
Most specific CT finding for Crohns
Comb sign
Traction diverticular shape
porcelain GB on CT, Ix
Genetic disease associated with Carolis
liver nodule with nodular peripheral enhancement and incomplete fill in
Atypical haemangioma
previous prostate Ca, low ADC nodule on MRI, Ix
Inferior lumbar triangle hernia
Protrudes through Petit’s triangle, inferior lumbar triangle, bordered by:
- Iliac crest inferiorly
- External oblique anteriorly
- Lat dorsi posteriorly
Posterior beam attenuation (US Liver)
Fatty liver
Key landmark to differentiate direct vs indirect hernias
Inferior epigastric vessels
Stellate enhancing mass on CT, next Ix
MRI with contrast
Multiple, small discrete ulcers with normal intervening mucosa (oesophagus)
HSV oesophagitis
Dedifferentiated carcinoid uptake (NM)
High FDG, low Octreotide
Most sensitive CT finding for sclerosing mesenteritis
Increased attenuation of mesenteric fat
Commonest bowel segment in obstructed femoral hernia
Labelled RBC scans can detect
Bleeding as little as 0.1ml/min
Most sensitive MRI sequence to detect rectal cancer recurrence
Highest time for false positive findings in MRI post rectal cancer radiotherapy
3-6 months
cystic pancreatic lesion associated with VHL
Serous cystadenoma
Retention of contrast material (swallow)
Pulsion diverticulum
Most specific feature of HCC in cirrhosis
Enhancing capsule
Haemochromatosis on XR, next Ix
MRI liver with T2* (unenhanced)