Get Through Mock 5 Flashcards
Serous cystadenoma malignant potential
Commonest site of fibular stress fractures
McCune albright associated with
Multiple endocrinopathies
Primary cilliary dyskinesia associated with
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia causes
Cardiac dextroposition
Foetal ventriculomegaly
Borderline 10-12mm
Mild 12-15mm
Severe >15mm
Most common change on HRCT of drug induced lung injury
Paraspinal mass with widening of intercostal space
GBS associated with
Premature rupture of membranes
Fat ring sign on CT
Epiploic appendagitis
Neonatal CXR with cardiomegaly, mild hyperexpansion and small pleural effusions
RA can cause (CXR)
Superior rib notching
High T1 and T2 adnexal mass
Commonest mesenchymal tumour of oesophagus
Commonest site of GI duplication cysts
Oedema within the lateral femoral condyle and posterolateral part of lateral tibial plateau
ACL tear
Sinusitis and cavitating lung lesions
Child with hip pain, normal X ray, reduced bone uptake in bone scan
Transient synovitis
Can occur early in atherosclerotic disease
Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers
Osteoid osteoma
intracortical nidus, which may display a variable amount of mineralisation, accompanied by
cortical thickening and reactive sclerosis in a long bone shaft.
Simple sacral dimple on newborn, Ix
No imaging needed
Reducing hip replacement artefact in MRI
FSE rather than GE imaging
IBD can cause
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Struma ovarii
Specialised form of ovarian teratoma consisting predominantly of thyroid tissue
Posteriomedial corner of the knee involves
Semimembranosus tendon and posterior oblique ligament
Hypervitaminosis A can cause
Premature fusion of growth plates
Barium studies can detect gastric varices (Sensitivity)
Ovarian mucinous cystadenomas vs serous
Mucinous tend to be multiloculated.
Organo-axial vs Mesenteroaxial gastric volvulus
Organoaxial is more common, causes mirror image stomach.
Mesenteroaxial is less common, causes upside down stomach
Mature vs immature ovarian teratoma
Mature is mainly cystic, immature is mainly solid
Increased metacarpal index and increased clots
Commonest cause of necrotising pneumonia
Staph aureus
Posterior spinal canal lesion with CSF signal
Extradural arachnoid cyst
TNM staging of gastric cancer
T2 involves muscle/serosa
T3 through serosa
T4a adjacent tissue invasion
T4b invasion of further tissues
N1 regional nodes within 3cm
N2 regional nodes further than 3cm
N3 para-aortic, hepatoduodenal, retropancreatic and mesenteric nodes
M1 distant mets
Usual progression of MRI appearances of osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures
Partial return to normal fatty marrow