FRCR Self Assessment Mock 3 Flashcards
Tear of the triangular fibrocartilage associated with
Ulnar impaction syndrome
Causes of widening of presacral space
Previous surgery/radiotherapy,
Pelvis lipomatosis/fibrosis,
Dermoid/epidermoid/duplication cysts
Intramedullar and extramedullary lesion with cystic and solid components and flow voids
Commonest cause of bone mets
Bronchial cancer
Immunocompromised, commonest infectious cause of oesophagitis (and findings)
Candida, long/linear oesophageal filling defects
Central anterior beaking of vertebral bodies
Morquio syndrome
Commonest locations of vertebral artery dissection post trauma
C6 and C1
Asymptomatic, incidental fibromuscular dysplasia, Rx
Continued follow up
Commonest malignant bone lesion in pagets
Toxoplasmosis vs Lymphoma
Haemorrhage is seen in Toxoplasmosis.
Thallium shows increased uptake in lymphoma, decreased in toxoplasmosis
Hypoxic injury on US in first 2 days of life
Usually normal
Torus vs Greenstick fracture
Torus is buckle fracture.
Greenstick involves a break on one side of the cortex
Haemochromatosis on MRI
Decreased signal in liver, pancreas and heart
Thick walled ovarian cyst with peripheral strong doppler signal
Corpus luteum cyst, no further management needed
Rib notching in coarctation
Only affects the subclavian artery (and rib side) proximal to the coarctation
Commonest site of monoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Blood results of juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Most are seronegative.
ESR may be raised.
Commonest causative organisms for mycotic aneurysm
Staph aureus,
Osteochondritis dissecans on MRI
T1 defect in the cartilage, with high T2 signal in the defect
Balthazar score for pancreatic necrosis
Score 0-4 points for pancreatic appearance:
0) normal
1) focal/diffuse enlargement
2) peripancreatic inflammation
3) single peripancreatic fluid collection
4) >2 collections +/- retroperitoneal gas
Additional points awarded for necrosis (2 for <30%, 4 for 30-50%, 6 for >50%)
Score of >7 associated with 20% mortality
Staging imaging for oesophageal cancer
Endoscopic US and 18F-FDG PET/CT
Multiple foci of FLAIR intensity in cortical and subcortical regions, TS
Cortical tubers
Heterogenous, well defined mass at mesenteric root with surrounding fat halo, envelops vessels
Mesenteric panniculitis
Imaging to monitor/exclude toxic megacolon in UC
Contrast from bladder into retropubic space vs perineum
Above urogenital diaphragm vs below
?PE, CTPA shows poor contrast opacification
VQ scan
Neonate, Cystic area in frontoparietal region, communicating with ventricles, lined by white matter, lacking septations
Closed lip vs open lip schizencephaly
Open lip has CSF in the cleft
Bronchial wall thickening with mosaic attenuation
Obliterative bronchiolitis
Normal position of DJ flexure
Left of the midline, at or above the duodenal bulm
Common late complication of hepatic transplant
Biliary strictures
Thyroid cancer with microcalcifications
Medullary thyroid
Kyphosis angle for Sheuermann’s disease
Must be >35
MR Spect features of radiation necrosis
Enhancement, low Choline and low Cerebral blood flow
Endobronchial lesion containing calcification
Staging Ix for carcinoid
Gallium PET/CT
Splenic injury grading
1: Subcapsular haematoma <10% area, <1cm deep parenchymal laceration, capsular tear
2: Subcapsular haematoma 10-50% area, parenchymal laceration 1-3cm, intraparenchymal haematoma <5cm
3: Subcapsular haematoma >50% area, laceration >3cm deep, ruptured subcapsular or intraparenchymal haematoma >5cm
4: Splenic vascular injury or active bleeding within splenic capsule, laceration involving segmental or hilar vessels with <25% devascularisation
5: Shattered spleen, active bleeding extending beyond spleen into peritoneum