FRCR Self Assessment Mock 1 Flashcards
Commonest location for oesophageal carcinoma
Mid oesophagus
MRI findings of adhesive capsulitis
Thickened joint capsule,
Thickened coracohumeral ligament,
small subscapularis bursa
Lymphatic filling
Klippel-Feil syndrome associated with
Chairi I
Multiple, intra-articular cartilaginous nodules, some with calcification
Young = primary osteochondromatosis
Older = Secondary osteochondromatosis
Osteosclerosis, calcifications in right and left upper quadrants
Sickle cell
MRI features of hip AVN
T2: Adjacent subchondral hypo and hyperintense T2 linear signal (double line sign)
Multiple pulmonary nodules with epistaxis
HHT (pulmonary AVMs and nasal telangiectasia)
Causes of basilar invagination
Fibrous dysplasia
RA, Rickets
Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteomalacia
Chairi I/II, cleidocranial dysostosis
Infective colitis organism vs location
CMV - Ileocolic
Salmonella - Ascending colon
Shigella - Sigmoid
HSV - Proctitis
Carmen meniscus
Gastric folds don’t reach edge of ulcer, sus for malignant ulcer
Most specific MRI sign of carpal tunnel syndrome
Enlargement or change in diameter of median nerve
Haematuria, no obvious cancer on CT, Ix
Cystoscopy (CT is poor at assessing bladder)
Infant, Low T1/T2, minimal enhancement in kidney
Usually ABSENT in ARDS
Pleural effusions
Focal GB mural thickening with foci of T2 high signal in curvilinear pattern
Fever, fatigue, malaise, rash on arms and back. Next Ix
CXR - associated with lung malignancy and ILD
Commonest causes of medullary nephrocalcinosis
Renal tubular acidosis,
Medullary sponge kidney
rarely seen in PCP
Pleural effusion,
DISH skeletal associations
Calcaneal spur,
Ossification of patella tendon,
PLL calcification
Post surgical fibrosis vs recurrent disc prolapse
Fibrosis enhances early, prolapse enhances late or not at all
Upper vs lower pole of duplex collecting system
Ectopic usually arises from upper pole, inserts more inferiomedially or sometimes into vagina.
Upper pole is prone to ureterocele and obstruction, causing drooping lily appearance
Low density, well rounded lesion in chest with serpiginous structure
Hydatid cyst
Pyogenic discitis and osteomyelitis in IVDU
Strep viridans
Commonest mets to breast
(In that order)
Microhaemorrhages at grey-white matter junction and cerebellum
Multiple osseous lytic lesions, normal bone scan, Dx and Ix
Multiple myeloma, get biopsy
Commonest site of lymph node involvement in Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Anterior mediastinum and paratracheal stripe
Colorectal cancer with lung mets, without liver mets, likely site of cancer
Rectum, inferior and middle rectal veins drain into IVC, bypassing portal vein unlike rest of colon
Bone lesions, hepatosplenomegaly, diabetes insipidus, proptosis and dermatitis
Hand-Schueller-Chrostian disease (chronic LCH)
Most common visceral injury in blunt abdominal trauma vs penetrating
Blunt - Spleen
Penetrating - Liver
Rathke clefts sometimes
contain an intracystic nodule
Hepatosplenomegaly, Paranasal sinus obliteration due to medullary expansion
Gastric lymphoma vs carcinoma
Lymphoma more likely to spread to duodenum
Haemangiopericytoma vs meningioma
Both can have dural tail.
Haemangiopericytomas cause bony erosion
Iso T1, low T2, enhancing in joint
Vasculitis affecting renal and multiple other medium arteries
Polyarteritis nodosa
Most useful MRI sequences to assess cartilage
T2 or proton density fat sat
Cardiac defects associated with VACTERL
Most commonly VSD then ASD
Ischial tuberosity avulsion fracture caused by (muscle)
Hamstrings (Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, Semitendinosus and adductor magnus)
Vomiting, abdo pain, retrocardiac air-fluid level, raised lactate
Gastric volvulus
Gastric volvulus types
Organoaxial more common in adults, mesentro-axial commoner in kids
Hypovascular, poorly enhancing renal cancer
Papillary RCC
Midline cerebellar lesion, with low T1, heterogenous T2 and diffusion restriction, Ix
Medulloblastoma, get MRI whole spine
Contrast enhancement extending into the sulci
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, associated with breast primary