Imaging SBAs Unit 3 Flashcards
Commonest pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Gastrinomas are commonest in MEN1
Right hepatic vein divides
Anterior (segments 5 and 8) and posterior (6&7) segments of right lobe of liver
Primary vs secondary haemochromatosis distribution
Primary: Liver, pancreas, heart, pituitary, thyroid, synovium.
Secondary: Spleen and kupffer cells
Spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus typical location
Lower third, left lateral (anatomical weakness at this point)
Distal ileum, Diffuse circumferential wall thickening, bulky masses, extension into small bowel mesentery
New liver lesions in metastatic GIST
Can be sign of treatment response in previous occult lesions
Sign of progression in metastatic GIST with liver mets
New enhancing nodule within hypodense lesion
Sigmoid cancer vs diverticulitis on CT
Enlarged pericolonic lymph nods suggests cancer
T Staging of rectal cancer
T3 = extension into perirectal fat.
T3a: <1mm
T2b: 1-5mm
T3c: 5-15mm
T3d: >15mm
SBO secondary to laparoscopic Roux-en-Y, commonest cause
Internal hernia (open surgery has more adhesions and less internal hernias compared to laparoscopic)
Commonest fluoroscopic finding in gastric MALT
Ulceration (various size, depth, number)
Diabetic, RUQ pain, echogenic GB wall with echogenic foci in lumen
Emphysematous cholecystitis
Trauma, focal areas of linear hyperattenuation (155HU) in liver
Active haemorrhage
Proportion of L rib fractures in blunt trauma associated with splenic injury
Commonest manifestation of abdominal TB
Lymphoma vs TB: Nodes
TB: Peripancreatic, mesenteric, portal
Lymphoma: Para-aortic
Peripheral or homogenously enhancing lymphadenopathy (abdomen)
Hernia between lateral edge of rectus abdominis and medial edge of lateral abdominal wall muscles
Spigelian hernia
Littre’s hernia
Hernia involving incarcerated meckel’s diverticulum
Richter’s hernia
Only one edge of bowel is trapped in hernia
Petit’s hernia
Hernia through inferior lumbar triangle
Grynfeltt’s hernia
Through superior lumbar triangle
Clinically carcinoid tumour, best Ix
SPECT with octreotide
Most commonly injured part of pancreas in blunt trauma
Indications for TIPS
Variceal haemorrhage resistant to medical or endoscopic therapy
Refactory ascites
Budd chiari
Hepatorenal syndrome
Contraindications for TIPS
Portal vein occlusion
Gaucher’s disease abdominal finding
Duodenal yellow plaques on OGD, proximal small bowel mucosal thickening, bulky low density adenopathy.
Whipple’s vs Sprue
Sprue usually spares duodenum
Standard initial staging Ix for oesophageal cancer
Inadequate breath holding in MRCP can cause
Bile duct apparent stenosis or dilatation
Known diverticular disease, well defined midline pelvic structure containing pocket of gas on barium enema
Colo-vesical fistula
Polycystic liver disease prognosis
Usually asymptomatic, rarely progresses to advanced liver disease
Bouveret syndrome vs gallstone ileus
Bouveret syndrome is gallstone impacted in distal stomach or proximal duodenum.
Gallstone ileus classically refers to stone in the terminal ileum
Signs of pneumoperitoneum on supine AXR
RUQ gas (several locations),
Rigler’s sign,
Ligament visualisation (falciform, umbilical-medial, lateral),
Triangular air,
Football sign,
Scrotal air in kids