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Ix for ?urethral diverticulum
MR urethra pre and post void
Causes of right tracheal wall indentation
Double aortic arch,
Right arch with aberrant left subclavian,
Left arch with aberrant right subclavian with PDA,
Common origin of innominate and left common carotid
Uniformly enhancing retro-orbital mass in child, progressive exophthalmos
Cobra shaped pelvic mass/abscess, long standing IUCD
Biggest risk factor for pulmonary haemorrhage & pneumothorax in lung biopsy
Depth of lesion (deeper is worse)
Heel-toe maneuvre on US improves picture by…
Minimising anisotropy
Stable sized adnexal cystic lesion over months
Paraovarian cyst
Pancreatic transplant performed usually with which procedure1
Simultaneous renal transplant
Post-menopausal, Low T1 and T2
Ovarian Fibroma
Meigs syndrome
Ovarian fibroma, ascites, pleural effusion
Previous endometriosis, bright on T1 and T1 fat sat, enhancing nodules
Clear cell carcinoma
Previous endometriosis associated with
Clear cell carcinoma,
Endometrioid carcinoma (no enhancing solid nodules)
SAH within 4th ventricle, responsible vessel
Non-cyanotic child, mild cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary vascularity
VSD or ASD (VSD is more common)
Pulmonary nodules with endobronchial abnormality
Lung amyloid features
Parenchymal - recurrent infections, peripheral tree-in-bud.
Bronchial - Mass like lesions arising from internal walls
Compressive vertebral haemangiomas distribution
Most commonly in thoracic spine
Most common cause of oesophageal rupture
Commonest location of traumatic (blunt) oesophageal rupture (& associated hydrothorax)
Upper third, causing right sided hydrothorax
Acute congestive heart failure and joint pain, recent infection (child)
Rheumatic fever
Common causes of basal ganglia calcification
Hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism,
Normal variant,
Endometrial thickening & ovarian mass in postmenopausal woman
Granulosa cell tumour
Lytic lesion with cortical expansion and lack of sclerotic rim in spine
Spinal giant cell tumour
Commonest location for spinal GCT
Filling defect in uterine fundus on HSG, low T2 mass abutting the junctional zone on MRI
Low T1/T2 ovarian lesion, with multilocular cystic lesion in same ovary
Brenner tumour, commonly associated with mucinous cystadenoma of same ovary
Cervical cancer with T1 high signal
Suggests haemorrhage
Cystic lesion in cervix with high T1, post radiotherapy for cervical ca
Cervical stenosis with haematometra
Liver biopsy indicated, pt is on anticoagulant and has acute liver failure
Transjugular biopsy
2YO, painless supraorbital fluctuant lump, scalloping of underlying bone and low internal echoes
Angular dermoid
Absolute contraindications to percutaneous vertebroplasty
Haemorrhagic diathesis
Indications for percutaneous vertebroplasty
Symptomatic vertebral angioma
Painful vertebral body tumours
Painful osteoporosis with loss of height or compression fractures
Commonest cause of bone mets to preipheral bones
Lung cancer
Air embolus during dialysis line insertion - Rx
Left lateral position and high flow O2
LeFort fractures
All involve pterygoid plate
LeFort 1 involves maxilla and nasal septum.
LeFort 2 involves nasal bones, frontal process of maxilla, maxillary sinus, medial and inferior orbital wall
LeFort 3 involves lateral orbital wall and zygomatoco-frontal suture
LeFort 2 = Pyramidal fracture
Thickening and clumping of cauda equina nerve roots
Similar to HOA, autosomal dominant
High pressure chronic retention
Caused by prostatic hypertrophy usually.
Rx is catheter and possible TURP, not nephrostomy
Testicular vein rupture during coiling, Rx
Conservative management
Liver mets resectability criteria
No strict number of mets, but more than 6 is unlikely.
At least 3 segments spared.
No nodal involvement.
At least one hepatic and portal vein branch spared
Most specific CT sign for mesenteric injury and associated bowel wall ischaemia
Decreased or absent enhancement
Neonate, HIDA scan shows no tracer in bowel at 24hrs. Normal GB on US
Biliary atresia
Angiographic signs of active bleeding
Contrast extravasation,
Vessel spasm,
Vessel cut-off,
Early venous filling
MRI signal in brain swelling
Can be normal
Scaphoid fractures distribution
Waist 70%, proximal pole 20%, distal pole 10%.
Scaphoid AVN
Proximal pole is at more risk
Focal dissection at site of angioplasty, next step
Is usually normal, measure pressure gradient, should be <10mmHg
Endotracheal tube correct location
Should be at least 5cm above the carina
Intra-aortic counter pulsation balloon location
Proximal aspect distal to arch vessels
DISH extraspinal manifestations
Calcification of enthesis and hypertrophic bone changes, commonly involving olecranon, patella, calcaneum
Stable low T2 and diffusion restriction in peripheral prostate. Firm nodule on DRE
Granulomatous prostatitis
Gout erosion location
Typically extra-articular
MCUG, child already on prophylactic Abx, what to do with Abx
Take 3 day course of treatment dose Trimethoprim, starting on day of procedure
Heterogenous, hemispheric mass with necrosis, haemorrhage and enhancement
Enhancing intravascular mass with flow voids and hydrocephalus
Choroid plexus papilloma
Urothelial vs squamous cell bladder Ca
Squamous cell is sessile, rather than papillary, and doesn’t demonstrate pure intraluminal growth