Red Blood Cell and Bleeding Disorders Flashcards
ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to that of whole blood
average volume of red cells
weight of Hgb of the average red cell
Average concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red cell
Reflects variability in red cell and shape
[red cell index]
___ = Hgb/3
[red cell index]
____ = RBC x 3
[red cell index]
___ = Hct/RBC
macrocytic, microcytic, normocytic
[red cell index]
_____ = Hgb/RBC
hypochromic, normchromic
[red cell index]
____ = (Hgb/Hct) x 100
increased MCHC, RBC is round, without central pallor
intrinsic type of hemolysis, extravascular site of hemolysis
Hereditary spherocytosis
Heins bodies, Bite Cells, Protective against malaria
intrinsic type of hemolysis, intravascular and extravascular site of hemolysis
G6PD deficiency
presence of codocytes (dehydrated RBCs), drepanocytes, protective against malaria, extramedullary hematopoeisis
intrinsic type of hemolysis, extravascular site of hemolysis
Sickle cell anemia
E6V mutation; RBC changes shape in low pH and low oxygen tension
Sickle cell anemia
Hydroxyurea is used in treating sickle cell anemia. This increasesthe ____
symptomatic infants starting 5-6 months of age, acute splenomegaly, painful vaso-occlusive crisis, causes autosplenectomy
sickle cell anemia
infants become symptomatic at 6-9 months of age, crew-cut appearance
microcytic, hypochromic anemia, intrinsic type, extravascular hemolysis
beta thalassemia
deficiency in complement regulatory proteins CD55, CD59, C8 binding protein
increased complement mediated lysis (C5-9)
less blood pH at night, increases complement activity
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
most common immunohemolytic anema
warm agglutinin
[type of immunohemolytic anemia]
Associated with SLE nad drugs
warm agglutinin
[type of immunohemolytic anemias]
IgM mediated
associated with mycoplasmal infections and infectious mononucleosis
prefers fingers, toes, aears
Cold agglutinin disease
[type of agglutinin]
low RBC, increased MCV, increased MCHC
PBS: red cell agglutination
cold agglutinins
[hypoproliferative anemia]
impaired nuclear maturation with normal cytoplasmic maturation (nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony); abnormally large erythroid precursors and red cells; megakaryocyte is large with bizarre, multilobate nuclei
megaloblastic anemia
anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, giant metamyelocytesa nd band forms (>/ 5 lobes)
megakaryocyte: large, with bizarre, multilobate
megaloblastic anemia
vitamin deficiency associated with neurologic manifestations (degeneration of posterolateral cord tracts)
Vitamin B12
[type of anemia]
microcytic, hypochromic, increased RDW
low serum Fe, low ferritin, increased TIBC
[type of anemia]
low serum iron, high ferritin, low transferrin
Anemia of chronic disease
Normocytic, normochromic
BMA: hypocellular, dry tap
Aplastic anemia
normocytic, normochromic
BMA: virtually absent erythroblasts in marrow, normal granulo- and thrombopoietic elements
pure red cell aplasia
virus that preferentially infect erythroid precurosrs
space occupying lesion that replace normal marrow elements; tear-drop shaped cells
myelopthisic anemia
abnormally high red cell county with increase in hemoglobin;
polycythemia vera
deranged bleeding ime means there is a defect in platelet _____
usually seen in adults 40y/o, associated with SLE, CLL, HIV; antibodies against gp IIb-IIIa, gbIb-IX
BMA: increased megakaroyocytes
PBS: large platelets
Spleen congestion, follicular hyperplasia
Treated with glucocorticoids
Chronic ITP
usually seen in children associated with post-viral illness; antibodies against gp IIb-IIIa, gbIb-IX
BMA: increased megakaroyocytes
PBS: large platelets
Spleen congestion, follicular hyperplasia
self limited`
acute itp
defect in platelet adhesion due to deficiency in gpIb-IX
bernard-soulier disease
defect in platelet aggregation due to deficiency in gpIIb-IIIa
glanzman thrombastenia
most common inherited bleeding disorder
von willebrand disease
platelet count: normal
bleeding time: impaired
von willebrand
platelet count: normal
bleeding time: normal
most common hereditary syndrome with life threatening bleeding
- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Renal failure
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
normal ADAMTS13 level
- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Renal failure
- Fever
- Neurologic manifestation
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
ADAMTS13 is decreased
this is a metalloproteinase of vWF that is normal in HUS
___ syndrome wherein a thrombi lodged to a gian hemangioma (DIC-related)
Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome)
low PC, prolonged bleeding time, prolonged PT, prolonged aPTT
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: normal
Bleeding time: normal
PT: normal
PTT: normal
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: low
Bleeding time: prolonged
PT: normal
PTT: normal
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: low
Bleeding time: prolonged
PT: normal
PTT: normal
Bernard soulier
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: normal
Bleeding time: prolonged
PT: normal
PTT: normal
glanzmann thrombastenia
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: normal
Bleeding time: prolonged
PT: normal
PTT: prolonged
vWF disease
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: normal
Bleeding time: normal
PT: normal
PTT: prolonged
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: normal
Bleeding time: normal
PT: prolonged
PTT: prolonged
vitamin K deficiency
[diagnosis, bleeding disorders]
PC: low
Bleeding time: prolonged
PT: prolonged
PTT: prolonged
[type of transfusion reaction]
presence of preformed IgM to donor red cell antigen
Acute hemolytic transfusion reactions
[type of transfusion reaction]
IgG to red cell antigen the patient was previously sensitized to
[type of transfusion reactions]
Activation of PMNs in lung vasculature