Lung and Pleura Flashcards
abrupt onset of significant hypoxemia and bilateral infiltrates without heart failure
acute lung injury
type II pneumocyte necrosis can lead to hypoxemia due to decrease in
[diagnosis: type of lung disease]
lung volume is increased
FEV1 severely decreased
FVC decreased
FEV1/FVC = <0.7
obstructive lung disease
[diagnosis: type of lung disease]
lung volume decreased
FEV1 decreased
FVC severely decreased
FEV1/FVC = normal to increased
restrictive lung disease
[diagnosis: type of lung disease]
Associated conditions are bronchial asthma, COPD, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis
obstructive lung disease
[diagnosis: type of lung disease]
associated conditions include pulmonary fibrosing disease, chest wall disorders
restrictive lung disease
Irreversible destruction fo air spaces distal to terminal bronchiole, leading to their enlargement, without obvious fibrosis
abnormally large alveoli separated by thin septa with only focal centriacinar fibrosis
cough with sputum production for at least 3 months at least 2 consecutive years without identifiable cause
chronic bronchitis
[type of emphysema]
most common, associated with smoking
[type of emphysema]
less common, from respiratory bronchiole to alveoli, associated with alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
type on emphysema associated with spontaneous pneumothorax
distal acinar ir paraseptal
[diagnosis: type of COPD]
common in 40-45 y/o, infection is common, increased airway resistance, prominent vessels and enlarged heart, cor pulmonary is common
predominant bronchtis
[diagnosis: type of COPD]
common among 50-75 years old, occasional infection, not associated with cor pulmonale, airway resistance is increased, noted hyperinflation of lungs and small heart
predominant emphysema
chronic disorder of conducting airways, immunologic reaction, episodic bronchoconstriction due to increased airway sensitivity, inflammation of bronchial walls
Bronchial asthma
In bronchial asthma, the first exposure is associated with ___ response
TH2 response, IgE production and eosinophil recruitment
Subsequent exposure in bronchial asthma is associated with
mast cell degranulation
occlusion of bronchi and bronchioles by thick tenacious mucous plug; presence of curshmann spirals and charcot-leyden crystals
status asthmaticus
destruction of smooth muscle and elastic tissue; permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles
progressive interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and respiratory failure
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
patchy interstitial fibrosis with varying age; initially starts with fibroplastic focus later turn to honeycomb fibrosis
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
most common pneumoconiosis in the world
[diagnosis; pneumoconiosis]
eggshell calcifications of LN, fine nodularities in the upper lung zone; increased susceptibility to tuberculosis
most common malignancy associated with asbestosis
lung CA
non-caseating granuloma with giant cell; presence of schaumann bodies (concretions of Ca and proteins) and asteroid bodies (stellate inclusions in giant cells)
cut-off value for pulmonary hypertension
mean PA pressure >/25
BMPR2 LOF mutation; medial hypertrophy of the pulmonary muscular and elastic arteries, pulmonary arterial atherosclerosis, RVH
pulmonary hypertension
location of the cough center (specific location in the brainstem)
nucleus tractus solitarius
[adventitious breath sound]
discontinuous, intermittent, non-musical, brief
like dots in time
crackles or rales
[adventitious breath sounds]
continuous, >/ 250msec, musical, prolonged, like dashes in time; high pitch with hissing and shrill quality
[adventitious breath sounds]
continuous, >/ 250msec, musical, prolonged, like dashes in time; low pitch, snoring quality
patchy consolidation, consolidated areas of acute suppurative inflammation, neutrophil-rich exudate that fills the ariways
[stage of pneumonia]
red, heavy boggy, few neutrophils, numerous bacteria
[stage of pneumonia]
red, firm, airless, numerous neutrophils, RBCs and fibrin
red hepatization
[stage of pneumonia]
grayish brown; RBCs disintegrate, fibrinosuppurative exudate
gray hepatization
[stage of pneumonia]
Resorption of exudates or organization (fibrosis); ingestion by macrophages
[type of pneumonia]
mononuclear infiltrates (lymphocytes, monocytes, plasma cell)
viral pneumonia
[type of pneumonia]
predominance of neutrophil, intra-alveolar inflammation
bacterial pneumonia
suppurative destruction of the lung parenchyma with central area of cavitation
lung abscess
[diagnosis: PICH]
CMV, pneumocystis jirovicii, drug reaction cause ___ infiltrates
[diagnosis: PICH]
G(-) bacteria, S. aureus, aspergillus, candida, malignancy cause ___ infiltrates
[type of pneumonia: chronic or acute]
localized lesion without LN involvement
[lung CA]
most common, seen in never smokers and females, peripheral location
[lung CA]
glandular differentiation with mucin production
[lung CA]
second most common, common in males, central/hilar location
squamous cell CA
[lung CA]
causes paraneoplastic syndrome: hypercalcemia due to PTHrP
squamous cell
[lung CA]
keratinization (pearls or dyskeratotic cells), intercellular bridges
squamous cell CA
[lung CA]
third most common, highest association with smoking, located either central/hilar/peripheral
small cell CA
[lung CA]
salt and paper chromatin, necrosis, basophilic staining of vessel walls
small cell CA
[lung CA]
causes paraneoplastic syndrome: SIADH and Cushing syndrome
small cell CA
[lung CA]
no squamous or glandular differentiation, negative IHC stain for adenoCA and SCCA, large pleomorphic cell
large cell CA
[paraneoplastic syndrome]
enophthalmos, ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis, lung tumor on the superior sulcus
horner syndrome (pancoast tumor)
[paraneoplastic syndrome]
Autoantibodies agains neuronal calcium channel
lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome
intraluminal polypoid mass seen mostly on mainstem bronchi, collar button lesion; rosette-like arrangement of neoplastic cells; rare mitotic activity; regular cells
diarrhea, flushing, cyanosis
carcinoid syndrome
primary tumor that is notorious in producing massive hemorrhagic pleural effusion
[diagnosis: pneumothorax]
rupture of alveoli in pulmonary disease
[diagnosis: pneumothorax]
young people, subpleural blebs, self limiting, recurrent attacks common
spontaneous idiopathic
[diagnosis: pneumothorax]
due to perforating injury to the chest wall
[diagnosis: pneumothorax]
sufficient to cause circulatory compression to mediastinal structures
[diagnosis: lung primary CA]
chest pain, dyspnea, recurrent pleural effusion
thick layer of soft, gelatinous, grayish pink tumor tissue enclosing affected ling
malignant mesothelioma