Peripheral Nervous System and Skeletal Muscle Flashcards
structures affected in demyelinating neuropathy
schwann cells and myelin sheath
mononeuritis multiplex pattern of involvement can lead to ___ distribution of lesion
several nerves, asymmetric
most common chronic acquired peripheral neuropathy
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
most common cause of peripheral neuropathy
one of the most common viral infections of PNS
most common inherited peripheral neuropathy
charcot-marie tooth (CMT) disease
symmetric ascending demyelinating polyradiculoneurpathy
associated with camplylobacter jejuni, mycoplasma pneumoniae, CMV, EBV, prior vaccination
CSF finding: albuminocytologic dissociateion, little pleocytosis, increased protein
Histology: lymphoplasmacytic perivenular and endoneural infiltrate
Demyelination: segmental (most prominent lesion); axonal damage if severe
most common form of distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy; axonal neuropathy
diabetic neuropathy
peroneal muscle atrophy (high arch and claw toe)
progressive, distal sensorimotor neuropathy
charcot-marie-tooth disease
no weakness with exertion (response increases with repetitive exertion) affecting extremities, presynaptic Ca channel is affected resulting to blocked Ach release
associated with neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung
lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome
myasthenic syndrome associated with Type II antibody-mediated hypersensitivitity
fatigable weakness with exertion, postsynaptic Ach receptor, muscle specific receptor tyrosine kinase
diplopia, ptosis, more focal involvement
myalgia progressing to proximal weakness then to distal weakness
with heliotrope rash, gottron papules
mononuclear infiltrate in the perimysial, perivascular
atrophy: perifascicular atrophy