Female Genital Tract Pathology Flashcards
plasma cells in endometrial stroma
chronic endometritis
lymphocytes or plasma cells in cervical stroma
chronic cervicitis
pelvic pain, adnexal tenderness, fever, vaginal discharge
gross: leukoplakia of the vulva
thinning of the epidermis, basal cell degeneration, hyperkeratosis, sclerotic changes of superficial dermis, dermal lymphocytic infiltrate
lichen slerosus
gross: leukoplakia of the vulva
acanthosis, mitosis, hyperkeratosis, lymphocytic infiltrates
squamous hyperplasia
failure of mullerian duct fusion, accompanied by uterine didelphys
septate vagina
vaginal anomaly associated with DES exposure
septate vagina
___ cyst
remnant of wolffian or mesonephric duct
gartner duct cyst
most common primary vulvar CA
squamois cell CA
patient 4 years old, gross presence of grape-like clusters
sarcoma botryoides
___ term for small, with oval nuclei and tennis racket like appearance with or without striations in sarcoma botryoides
embryonal rhabdomyoblast
fibromyxoid stroma, lined by endocervical type epithelium, usually with inflammation
endocervical polyp
Infects: _____ (mature/immature)
Replicates in: ______ (mature/immature)
Infects immature cells
replicates in mature cells
E___ inactivates Rb leading to cell proliferation
E___ inactivates p53 leading to cellular immortality
[diagnosis: CIN]
nuclear atypia with cytoplasmic “halos”, confined to lower third of epithelium
[diagnosis: CIN]
nuclear atypia with cytoplasmic “halos”, expansion to upper two-thirds of epithelium
CIN + invasion beyond the basement membrane
cervical CA
infertility, dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain
Gross: subserosal red-blue to yellow brown nodules on sites of involvement, ovaries may be converted to cyst
Histology: endometrial glands and stroma
Cyst lining: hemosiderin-laden macrophages in old hemorrhage, fibrosis
chocolate cyst
menometorrhagia, colicky dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, premenstrual pelvic pain
gross: symmetrically enlarged corpus, with multiple blood lakes within the myometrium
histo: (+) endometrial stroma, with or without glands, within the myometrium, separated from the decidual basalis by 2 to 3 mm
due to retrograde menstruation
exophytic mass that project into endometrial cavity, clinically silent AUB, seen in patient on tamoxifen
endometrial polyp
precursor to endometrial CA type I, important cause of AUB
endometrial hyperplasia
most common malignancy of the female genital tract
endometrial carcinoma
postmenopausal bleeding, increased exposure to estrogen
endometrial CA
inactivation of this tumor suppressor gene can lead to atypical hyperplasia leading to endometrial CA