Infectious Diseases Flashcards
infectious disease wherein the mononuclear response is primarily plasma cells
Coplik spots
Rubeola (Measles)
Rash: face then spreads to the body, confluent
Rubeola (measles)
Forschmeir spots
rubella (german measles)
low grade fever, then rash, then lymphadenopathy at 2nd week
Rubella (german measles)
high grade fever then rash (neck to extremities)
roseola (HHV 6)
dewdrops on a rose petal
(-) monospot test
large cells with atypia
intranuclear basophilic inclusions
virus associated with paracortical hyperplasia of LN
-) heterophile test (monospot
gram +, rod, non motile, non spore forming, (+) coagulated exudate with marked vascular congestion, interstitial edema, fibrin exudation
C. diphtheriae
facultative non-aerobe
G+, non-spore forming, motile rod, catalase positive, oxidase negative, beta hemolytic
causes granulomatosis infantiseptica
L. monocytogenes
Steeple sign, croup, mucousal erosion, hyperemia, copious mucopurulent exudate
pale necrotic centers with red hemorrhagic periphery, causes coagulative necrosis due to vasculitis, perivascurlar blue haze
painful with shaggy non-indurated border with yellow-gray at base (genitalia), prominent buboes.
What is the causative agent?
Haemophilus ducreyi
beefy red ulcer with indurated borders which can lead to strictures (genitals); not prominent LN,
giemsa/Warthin-starry stain
Klebsiella granulomatis
Ghon focus is usually found in which specific part of the lung
- Subpleural
- lower part of upper lobe
- upper part of lower lobe
simmon focus is located in which specific part of the lung
- apex
Ghon focus with pulmonary hilar involvement. What is this called
ranke complex
TB spreads to adjacent parenchyma, erosions into bronchi or vessels resulting to effusions, empyema, obliterative fibrous pleuritis
miliary TB
most common form of extrapulmonary TB
macrophages filled with acid-fast bacilli but with rare granuloma formation
mycobacterium avium intracellulare
Type of leprosy wherein there is a predominance of TH2, depressed CMI, and antibodies are not protective (causes GN and vasculitis)
lepromin test positive is ____ type of leprosy
lipid-laden macrophages with globi is pahtognomonic of what type of leprosy
[stage of syphilis]
plasma cell rich infiltrate, proliferative endarteritis, dominance of macrophages, lymphocytes
primary stage
[stage of syphilis]
lesser inflammation, mucocutaenous involvement
secondary stage
[stage of syphilis]
central coagulation necrosis, surrounded by palisading macrophages and fibroblast, few treponemes
Tertiary state
[stage of syphilis]
obliterative endarteritis of vasa vasorum leading to loss of elasticity
tertiary stage
[congenital syphilis]
in saddle nose deformity, what bone is destroyed
[congenital syphilis]
triad of late manifestation of congenital syphilis
interstitial keratitis
hutchinson teeth
eight nerve deafness
Test tubes in a rack appearance with papillary dermal edema. What is the causative agent
T. pallidum
papillary fronds covered with hyperplastic squamous epithelium. This is due to?
HPV 6, 11
RPR and VDRL are good screening test for syphilis. these are (treponemal/non-treponemal tests)?
RPR and VDRL detects ___ antibodies
anti-cardiolipin antibodies
Anti T. pallidum antibodies are detected by this test
___ phenomenon wherein there are too many antibodies preventing antibody-antigen complex thus there is no flocculation resulting to a false negative result
prozone phenomenon
Cite all 7 pyogenic bacteria
- S. aureus (aw)
- S. epidermidis (strip)
- S. pyogenes (strip)
- S. pneumoniae (strip)
- P. aeruginosa (P)
- E. coli (E)
- K. pneumoniae (K)
Aw, strip PEK
alpha toxin (lecithinase)
C. perfringes
Toxin A: chemokine
Toxin B: cytotoxin
C. difficile
Mucopurulent exudate reminiscent of a volcano
C. difficile
purulent, abacterial urtethritis
chlamydia trichomatis
strain of chlamydia that causes inclusion cells and stellate abscesses in LN
L strains
predominant hyphae form of candida albicans, seen in ICCs
yeast, PAS positive, mucicarmine positive, prominent polysaccharide capsule
cryptococcus neoformans
soap bubble lesion
cryptococcus neoformans
septate, branching at 40 degree angle, necrotizing pneumonia
non-septate, branching at 90 degree angle, hemorrhagic pneumonia
asexual stages of parasite with hemozoin
plasmodium spp
asexual states of parasite without hemozoin
babesia spp
durck granulomas (perivascular ring hemorrhages)
cerebral malaria
chancre at bite site,parasite in capillary loops (choroid plexus, glomeruli)
african trypanosomiasis
demyelinating panencephalitis
african trypanosomiasis
dilated CMP
T. cruzi
no organism in ganglia of aurbach plexus but noted megacolon
T. cruzi
encyst in striated muscles resulting to loss of striations, formation of collagenous capsule, development of new blood vessels
Trichnella spiralis
larvae in duodenal crypts, with eosinophil-rich infiltrate, in lamina propria, mucosal edema, hyperinfection
Strongyloides stercoralis
result to thickening of tunica vaginalis
B. malayi
W. bancrofti
Meyers-kouwenaar bodies
B. malayi
W. bancrofti
vector is: simulium spp
Onchocerca volvulus
epidermal atrophy and elastic fiber breakdown alternating with hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation with pigment incontinence
Onchocerca volvulus
pipestem fibrosis
S. japonicum
S. masoni
ovoid, white to opalescent, grape-shaped, has invaginated scolex bathed with clear cyst fluid
Taenia solinum
cyst with inner germinative and outer non-germinative layer with surrounding fibrosis, noted degenerating scolices
Echinococcus granulosus
___ accentuation of keratitits with anti-filarial treatment
Mazzoti reaction