Male Genital Tract Flashcards
most common cause of infectious urethritis
N. gonorrhoeae
most common common cause of non-infectious urethritis
chlamydia trachomatis, ureaplasma urealyticum
most common cause of non-infectious urethritis
reactive arthritis (Reiter syndrome)
inflamed granulation tissue covered with friable mucosa
may ulcerate and bleed
urethral caruncle
[diagnosis: penis]
abnormal opening on the ventral shaft of the penis
abnormal opening on the dorsal shaft of the penis
foreskin orifice too small to permit normal retraction; favors infection and CA
infection of glans and prepuce
single, multiple, sessile, pedunculated, red papillary excrescences, noted koilocytosis, papillomatosis, acanthosis with irderly maturation and no atypia rarely progresses to cancer
condyloma acuminatum
HPV 6 and 11
associated with HPV 16, solitary, thickened, fgray-white, opaque plaque
shiny, red velvety plaque
Histo: dysplastic with large hyperchromatic nuclei, lack of orderly maturation, Basement membrane is intact
10% risk of penile SCCA
bowen disease
erythroplasia of queyrat is see in ____
bowen disease
associated with HPV 16, multiple, reddish-brown papules
Histo: dysplastic with large hyperchromatic nuclei, lack of orderly maturation, Basement membrane is intact
no risk of penile SCCA
bowenoid papulosis
most common site of location of testis in cryptochordhism
inguinal canal
most common phase of arrest in cryptochordism
what month of gestation in which the testis descends the abdomen at the inguinoscrotal level
4th to 7th month AOG
gonorrhea and TB first affects this part of the male genital tract
syphilis first affects this part of the male genital tract
this part of the male genital tract is spared in syphilis infection
tender mass with or without fever, painless mass (mimics testicular tumor), non-caseating granulomas in spermatic tubules
granulomatous orchitis
____ (tuberculous/non-tuberculous) diffuse caseating granulomas in testis confined to seminiferous tubules
post-pubertal males, unilateral, occurs a week after parotitis,
mumps orchitis
characteristics of mumps orchitis are not associated with infertility
unilateral, interstitial involvement, patchy and haphazard involvement
golden period in testicular torsion
6 hours
___ deformity associated with increased mobility of testis
bell-clapper deformity
most common cause of painless testicular enlargement
testicular tumor
most common type of testicular tumor
germ cell tumor
most common method of metastasis of testicular tumor is via lymphatic spread via the ____ nodes
retroperitoneal para-aortic nodes
peak age of seminoma
3rd decade
[diagnosis: testis]
large, polyhedral, with clear cytoplasm, central nuclei with one or two prominent nucleoli; moderate lymphatic infiltrate
CD117 (c-kit), PLAP (+), AFP (-)
(+) HCG
other term for yolk sac tumor
endodermal sinus tumor
infantile embryonal carcinoma
patient 20-30 years old, extend through tunica albuginea and epididymis
gross: smaller than seminomas, poorly demarcated mass, punctuated with foci of hemorrhages
cytology: large, anaplastic cells with indistinct borders, tumor giant cells and frequent mitosis
CD30 (+) CD117 ckit (-)
embryonal carcinoma
patient is <3 years old
gross: encapsulated, solid; homogenous, yellow-white, mucinous/gelatinous cut surface
cytology: lace-like, reticular network; medium-sized cuboidal or flattened cells
(+) AFP (highly charactestics)
yolk sac tumor
schiller-Duval bodies/glomeruloid (50%), hyaline-like globules
(+) alpha 1 antitrypsin
(+) AFP
yolk sac tumor
normal sized testis, small palpable nodule
(+) HCG
cyto: atypical cytotrophoblasts and syncitiotrophoblast without villi
complex tumor, more than 1 germ cell later
well-differentiated cells and organoid structures in a fibrous stroma
mature testicular teratoma
second most common testicular tumor in infants and children
most common form of testicular neoplasm in men >60 years old
testicular lymphoma
patient 20 years old, testicular swelling, gynecomastia, sexual precocity
cyto: well-differentiated polygonal cells with abundant granular cytoplasm
leydig cell tumor
produce androgen or estrogen
crystalloids of reinke
leydig cell tumor
patient 40 years old, testicular swelling, hormonally silent
cyto: trabeculae, cords resemble semineferous tubules
sertoli cel tumor
most common site of prostatic epithelial neoplasia and cancer
peripheral zone
most common site of nodular prostatic hyperplasia
transitional zone (inner periurethral)
most common cancer in males
prostate cancer
65 year old male with urinary obstruction, prostate is fibromuscular and glandular lcoated in the transitional zone
nodular prostatic hyperplasia
fever, chills, dysuria, tender, boggy prostate
prostatic secretion: >15/HPF without pyuria
(+) cultrue
acute bacterial prostatitis
fever, chills, dysuria, tender, boggy prostate
(+) E. coli on culture
prostatic secretion: >15/HPF without pyuria
chronic bacterial prostatitis
most common cause of chronic abacterial prostatitis
C. trachomatis
M. hominis
U. urealyticum
(-) history of recurrent UTI
painful ejaculation
fever, chills, dysuria, tender, boggy prostate
prostatic secretion: >10/HPF
negative culture
chronic abacterial prostatitis
dysuria, increased urinary frequency, complete urinary retention, hematuria, back or hip pain
PSA is not so elevated
prostatic adeno CA
most common site of bone metastasis of prostatic CA
predominant lesion of bone metastasis from prostatic CA
blastic lesion
PSA is synthesized by what cell of the prostate gland
epithelial cell
normal PSA value range is ____
0-4 ng/mL
If free PSA is high, what is the diagnosis
if complex PSA is high, what is the diagnosis
in gleason scoring, positive for this status is associated with a fatals outcome regardless of T
nodal status
in gleason scoring, the best prognostic factors includes
grade and stage