Genetic Disorders Flashcards
___ is the proportion of those who inherit the gene and express its phenotype
____ is the variability in phenotypic expression among those who inherit the gene
Tall stature, bilateral ectopia lentis, mitral valve prolapse, aortic aneurysm, hyperextensible joints
Marfan Syndrome
corneal rupture, retinal detachment, rupture of colon and large arteries, diaphragmatic hernia, hyperextensible skin, hypermobile joints
Ehler-danlos syndrome
Fibrillar collagen defect
____ disorders are noted to have complete penetrance and early onset and usually, enzyme defects
autosomal recessive disorders
Neurons are ballooned with cytoplasmic vacuoles with gangliosides (+) for oil red O, sudan black B, onion-skin configuration, (+) MR
Retina: (+) cherry-red spot, distended ganglion cells
NO Hepatosplenomegaly
Tay-Sachs disease
defect in hexominidase A leading to accumulation of GM2
cherry red spot in macula, hepatosplenomegaly, membranois inclusion of lamellated figures
(+) foam cells
Nieman-Pick Disease (Type A and B)
Sphingomyelinase deficiency
MR, erosion of long bones, hepatosplenomegaly,
crumpled tissue paper apperance (fibrillary cytoplasm), distended phagocytic cells in spleen, liver, BM, LN, tonsils, thymus, peyer patches
Gaucher disease
- most common,
- glucocerebrosidase deficiency (beta-glucosidase)
All daughters are carriers, father doesnt transmit the disease to their sons, females may express the phenotype due to random inactivation of one chromosome
X-linked recessive disorder
Give 2 examples of x-linked dominant disorders
Alport Syndrome, Vitamin D resistant rickets
Failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during cell division
Trisomy 21 and Turner Syndrome are examples of post-fertilization error which is called
Most commonly associated cardiac anomaly in Trisomy 21
Endocardial cushion defect
Trisomy 21 is most commonly associated with what type of leukemia
Prominent occiput, micrognathia, low set ears, short neck, overlapping fingers, congenital heart defect, renal malformations, limited hip abduction, rocker bottom feet
Trisomy 18: Edwards