PSYCH3 measuring sleep Flashcards
awareness of something either internal or external to yourself”
Categories of consciousness
- Normal waking consciousness (NWC)
- Altered state of consciousness (ASC)
- Normal waking consciousness (NWC)
state of consciousness in which An individual is awake and aware
- Altered state of consciousness (ASC)
any state of consciousness that is significantly different from normal waking consciousness
regular and naturally occurring altered state of a consciousness involving a loss of awareness and disengagement with internal and external stimuli
There are two categories of sleep:
Rapid Eye
Movement (REM)
Non-Rapid Eye
Movement (NREM).
Electroencephalograph (EEG)
detects, amplifies and records the electrical activity of the brain.
Through electrodes that are placed on the surface of one’s scalp
When we’re analysing the brainwave patterns
from an EEG…
we tend to look at the amplitude and frequency of the waves.
By frequency -
number of waves per second.
By amplitude –
the height of the wave (from trough to peak).
In terms of sleep,
the lower the frequency and the higher the
amplitude = the deeper the sleep.
Electro-oculargraph (EOG)
detects, amplifies and
records the electrical activity of the muscles around the eye.
high activity
No/little activity
Electromyograph (EMG)
detects, amplifies and records the electrical activity of the muscles.
the deeper the level of
sleep, the more relaxed our muscles are =
less activity.
sleep diary
‘log’ used to
self-record and self-report sleep and waking activities over period of time”
sleep diaries can be useful by
providing subjective information on sleep – giving us info about one’s sleep that otherwise may be missed if we focused on
only what we can see.
Video monitoring
When assessing one’s sleep, place participants or
patients in a sleep laboratory.
participants asked to
engage in their normal activities before bed and go to sleep the time they normally would.
One advantage of using video monitoring is
being able to re-watch the footage recorded.
disadvantages include of sleep monitoring:
- The artificiality of the sleep lab – it’s not the same as being in your room.
- being connected to an EEG machine whilst you sleep
3.diff to interpret