BUSMANCHAP5 Flashcards
ability to influence or motivate people to work towards achieving business objectives
An effective leader will …
reduce resistance to change by acting as the bridge from old to new, while stakeholders, cross from the current familiar state to the new desired position
Leadership actions and skills:
Preparation and Planning
Leadership actions and skills:
Preparation and Planning
- prepare n plan themselves and bus for change
-dev action plan describing strat to be implemented to deal with it
Leadership actions and skills:
- vision for change
-challenges that bus is facing that are driving forces for change - progress of change
- 2 way comunication
- empathy and good listening skills
Leadership actions and skills:
- ensure employees are provided with assistance or services (councelling, training, mentoring) to help cope with change
Leadership actions and skills:
- pple are likely to accept a change when they feel a sense of ownrship for it
- effective leader will delegate tasks, create opportunitis for empl
Leadership actions and skills:
- being held responsible for when the change is working, and when it is not
- employees r likely to trust man
During a time of change, a leader should
- est high expectations of empl
- resolves conflicts
-open minded
-setting good examples
man strat (1)
- Staff Training
- Staff Motivation
- Change in Management Styles or Management Skills
- Increased Investment in Technology
- Improving Quality in Production
- Cost Cutting
man strat (2)
- Initiating Lean Production Techniques
- Redeployment of Resources (Natural, Labour, and Capital)
- Innovation
- Global Sourcing of Inputs
- Overseas Manufacture
- Global Outsourcing
man strat
Staff Training:
teaching staff how to do their job efficiently, boosting their knowledge and skills. It can be completed on-the-job or off-the-job.
kpi - Level of staff turnover
Number of workplace accidents
man strat
Staff Motivation:
drives employees to apply effort over a sustained period of time.
kpi- Rate of productivity growth
Number of customer complaints
Rate of staff absenteeism
Level of staff turnover
man strat
Change in Management Styles:
behaviour and attitude when making decisions, directing and motivating staff, and implementing plans to achieve business objectives.
man strat
Change in Management Skills:
abilities or competencies that a manager will use to achieve business objectives. (communicating, delegating, planning, leading, decision-making, and interpersonal skills)
man strat
Increased Investment in Technology:
operate its processes and practices more efficiently and effectively, cutting costs and improving productivity.
kpi: Rate of productivity growth
Level of wastage
Number of workplace accidents
Number of sales
Net profit figures
man strat
Improving Quality in Production:
degree of excellence of goods or services and their fitness for a stated purpose
kpi: Number of customer complaints
Number of sales
Level of wastage
man strat
Cost Cutting:
where costs in the production of its good or service can be cut
Net profit figures
Rate of productivity growth
Level of wastage
Number of sales
Initiating Lean Production Techniques
business-wide approach that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of operations by eliminating waste and improving quality.
Percentage of market share
Number of sales
Net profit figures
Rate of productivity growth
man strat
Redeployment of Resources (Natural, Labour, and Capital):
to moving resources from one area in a business to another area of the business, usually to improve efficiency
Level of wastage
Rate of productivity growth
Level of staff turnover
man strat
A way for businesses to seek new opportunities, by creating new goods, services, methods or processes, or improving on existing ones
Percentage of market share
Net profit figures
Rate of productivity growth
Number of sales
Level of wastage
Number of customer complaints
Number of workplace accidents
man strat
Global Sourcing of Inputs:
practice of seeking the most cost-efficient materials and other inputs, including from countries overseas.
Net profit figures
Percentage of market share
Number of sales
Number of customer complaints
man strat
Overseas Manufacture:
good being produced in a country different to the location of the business’ headquarters
Net profit figures
Percentage of market share
Number of sales
Number of customer complaints
man strat
Global Outsourcing:
part of a business’ operations is transferred overseas to an external party. take advantage of the lower cost and effectiveness
KPIs this can address:
Net profit figures
Rate of productivity growth
Percentage of market share
Number of sales
Number of customer complaints
Corporate Culture
shared values and beliefs that characterise a business
When it comes to change management:
- The corporate culture first thing to be considered, to determine if the change will be possible.
- change require positive corporate culture to support it.
- A positive culture guides = acting appropriately and in making decisions that support the achievement of bus obj
Benefits of a positive corporate culture
- emp experience high morale npositive attitude = emp productivity
- more loyal = reduce ep turnover
strat for dev corporate culture:
rewards, celebr, change man style, heroes, change man style
Senge’s Learning Organisation
Businesses should aim to be ‘learning organisations’ - always adapting and improving, with managers and emp actively seeking to expand their capacity to achieve desired results.
resulting in pos change
The five disciplines (or principles) of a learning organisation
Mental Models - but remember it as CHALLENGING mental models
deeply held assumptions and generalisations of how people and org understand the world. about who we are, what we do, how we do it - or stopping us from learning new ways.
These beliefs direct how we behave. must be challenged if the business is to adapt and change successfully.
The five disciplines (or principles) of a learning organisation
Building a Shared Vision
business should create a shared vision of the future - end goal of what the business looks like in the future after changing.
- Makes people invested in the long-term
- Encourages positive risk-taking, innovation, and ideas from employees to help get the business to this desired future vision
The five disciplines (or principles) of a learning organisation
Personal Mastery
people in the business must be committed to continuous learning and self-improvement - becoming ‘masters’ of their roles
offering continuous training, development, and career advancement
The five disciplines (or principles) of a learning organisation
Team Learning
people in the business must learn how to efficiently and effectively work as a team to achieve joint outcomes.
The five disciplines (or principles) of a learning organisation
Systems Thinking - the centre of it all
people of the business must see the business as a connected system of departments, processes, and teams
Each person must understand their role within the system and how it affects the other parts / employees
of a learning organisation
benefits: encourages bus and pple within to constantly improve n reflect on what they r good at and what they need to grow
limitation: many pple are resistant to the concept of working in teams n sharing knowledge
Low-risk strategies
best ways to effectively manage change, as they are likely to generate positive outcomes both in the short-term and the long-term.
tend to seek small , involve employees more in process
Low-risk strategies
how management transfers information about the change to employees (Reasons, immpact, n timeline of change) = trust
Low-risk strategies
involving employees in the change process, providing them with greater responsibility and decision-making power
Low-risk strategies
management providing employees with assistance in moving from the current state to the new
councelling, training, time
Low-risk strategies
financial or non-financial rewards provided to employees to encourage them to embrace a change
Providing bonuses
Offering promotions
Offering training and career advancemen
Low-risk strategies
2 way comm povide opp for emp to put forward ideas
supports and incentives may be expensive
High-risk strategies
associated with an autocratic approach to change, failing in man emp resistance leads to neg outcomes
may work in the short-term, but risks generating bad feelings between employees and employers
- High-Risk Strategies
skilful exertion of influence over someone to get them to do what you want, often by providing incomplete info
- High-Risk Strategies
suggestion that some sort of neg consequence will occur if employees fail to follow a requested change.
Employees may appear compliant, but could be seething and resentful, leading to resistance, sabotage, harrasment, stress claims, and disputes.
- High-Risk Strategies
- immediate implementation o change, rapidly n successfully
-fosters neg corporate culture - mistrust
Lewin identified three levels in which change can occur:
Individual level - everyone within the business is capable of change.
Structural level - change results in a new structure or set of systems within a business.
Cultural level - the style of management, the internal environment, and the real culture of the business can change.
step 1: unfreeze
prepare bus for change, identify what needs to change, rel aspects of bus should be put on table, need for change to be created,
unfreezing changes conditions in which the bus is currently operating
step 2: change
moving the bus from current situation to the new, key staff r empowered to implement req change. Reduces resistance = change implem effectivly
step 3: refreeze
stabilising n institutionalising the change - consolidate change onto its culture through new policies, celeb chaivenemnts, mainitng support.
lewin benefits:
structured approach t change, w clear steps for proceeding with a change
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
Stakeholders -
individuals or groups that have a vested interest in the activities of a business
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
sole trader greatly directly impacted by change, whereas a shareholder not so much
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
improved financial performance is likely to result in an increased resturn on investment
may lose bus or value of shares
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
have the responsibility for successfully achieving business objectives
Changes in man styles in response to KPI data, or different management skills,
Intro new tech
downsizing or expanding, merging, acquiring another business, = change of business structure or employment
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
more emp centric man style or skills may improve morale or motiv
may be uncomfortable using diff man style/skills n fnd change stressfull, reduce roles
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
tech is intro,
downsizing or expanding, merging, acquiring another business, result in a change in business structure or employment
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
opp to learn new skills, change results in better emp conditions
job loss
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
customers expect high quality products at competitive prices
fall in pric or improve qual increase customer satis,
may not like idea to dscontinue g/s, opp to adv
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
supply materials and other resources to a business so that it can conduct its operation
if change increases amount of resources needed, suppliers may experience increased sale
opp for dis
The Effect on Stakeholder Groups
general community
the individuals who live in the same area as a business’ locations
creation of jobs, increase customer traffic =increase sales, reuction in pollution, social needs
loss of jobs, reduce cust traffic=lose sales, poll
Good reputation= customers’ loyalty, attracting high-performing employees and potential investors
entails higher costs: labour costs, materials costs
CSR Considerations for Change
Employees and Managers
gen comm