Human resource managemet - BM3CHAP2 Flashcards
Human resource management
maintenance of the formal relationship between employees and their employer.
A Human Resource Manager is the coordinator of the:
Holding on to; and
Termination of
a business’ employees.
hrresponsible for
maintaining employee motivation and getting the most out of its staff’s talents
HR Management and Business Objectives
motivating emp to reach their potential will get the most out of them - increased productivity
Increased productivity
when more goods and services can be produced without having to increase the amount of paid hours worked by employees
masow hierarchy of needs
- believed all indiv exist in hierarchy of 5 needs
- each need acts as a motivator while it goes unsatisfied
-needs at 1 level must be satisfied before moving on
why is maslow important:
bc its suggested that bus have to create workplaces that r trying to satisfy all needs, its not enough to just motivate through pay rises or job security
hirarchy (low to high)
- physiological:need for air food water health - satisfactory pay for survival need for safety shelter stability - safe work conditions n job secuirity for love belonging inclusion - teamwork, involvment in decision making, spportive management
4.esteem:self esteem,power,control - responsibility, promotion,recognition
- self actualisation: need for development,creativity growth - creative interesting jobs, opportunities for advancement
adv and dis of hierarchy
adv: allows managment to develop understanding of all specific indiv needs
dis: its only a theory, not backed up by evidence, may not apply to all indiv
Goal setting theory (locke and latham)
-states that emp r motivated by working towards clear goals, recieving apprpriate feedbacck, bing recognised for efforts
princples of goal setting:
clarity: goals should be specfic,measurable,have due date
challenge: tasks should be highly valued by management n challenging enough to extend the employees
commitment: empl will be more committed to achieving goal if they have some say in what the goal is
feedback: encourages to keep up their effort, time to make any changes they might need to
task complexity: tackling multiple complex tasks - challenging not overwhelming
adv and dis of goals etting
adv; staff will perform at higher standard due to clear and specific goals - increased productivity
dis: setting vague goals can lead to poor performance as they r not challenging enough
4 drive theory (lawrence and nohria)
- provided an interpretation of human behaviour that shapes the way we think and behave
drive to…
acquire: material things like money and immaterial things like achievement, recognition
bond: empl desire to feel they belong
learn: empl r curious and want to learn and be challenged mentally, r looking for new experiences
defend: empl want trust in their management, n do not want any insecurities in the workplace
dis and adv of 4 drive
adv: adaptable to complicated situations
dis: otherdrives may exist, these those explain all chactersitics of motiv
motivation strategies -performance related pay
financial reward to empl whos work has reached a goal
performance relared pay includes
Pay Increases - a rise in the hourly wage or weekly salary
Bonuses - a one-off payment
Commission - an amount paid per sale made
Share Plan - a registered business can offer shares in itself
Profit Sharing - offering a percentage of its profits
Gainsharing - if an employee’s suggestions help save on costs, they can receive some of the savings
adv and dis of performance related pay
adv:provides financial reward to emp directly related to improved performances
dis: may not be affordable
motivation strat - Career advancement:
when an employee is promoted more responsibility, usually with added benefits such as increased salary
adv and dis of career advancement
adv: promoted emp will feel that they can contributemroe to the bus, increasing productivity
dis:can cause resentment among other emp who feel like they deserve it more
motivational strat - Investment in training is
the investment of both money and time in upskilling employees.
- more skilled emp is, more productive n efficient their work will be,helping reach obj
- more qualified they will become
dis and adv of training
adv: increases confidence
dis: cost of training may not be affordable
motivation strat-support strat
any services provided by the business to help employees cope with difficulties that may impede their work performance. E.g. counselling and mentoring
Benefits of support start
- Motivates employees to do better, and try harder
- Increases loyalty to the business, resulting in less employee turnover
adv and dis of support strat
adv: forms of motivation such as encouragement can be provided with little to no costs
dis: may become to depended on support services
motivation strat - sanctions
forms of penalties or disciplines imposed on an employee for poor performance.
Sanctions can range from:
Verbal warnings
Reassignment of duties
Demotion or a reduction in salary
adv and dis of sanctions
adv: may quickly stop inappropriate behaviour
dis: may cause resentment in empl between management and staff
process of teaching staff how to do their job more efficiently and effectively by boosting their knowledge and skills.
train benef for empl and bus
beefits for emp: improved job satisfaction through better job performance
benefits for bus: goals r more effectivly met
on the job training
When employees learn a specific set of skills to perform particular tasks within their workplace
using equiptment, machinery, and documents found in the workplace while they r actually performing their job duties
on the job train adv and dis
adv: cost effective
dis: not everyone has ability to teach effectivly
off the job training
When employees need to go ‘off-site’ in order to learn skills
sending emp to particular training intitutions outside their workplace - broader experience
off the job training adv and dis
adv: can provide broader experiences
dis: more expensive
Perfromance management:
relating of the bus performance objec to the emp performance obj
performance strat includes
-man by obj
-emp self evaluation
-emp observation
manag by obj:
man and emp agree on a set og goals for each emp which contributes to whole bus obj
setting clear obj, negotiating goals, monitoring progress, feedback, appraisal
adv and dis of management by obj
adv: choosin course of action to be followed to achieve goals, results in more productivity
dis: time consuming
performance appraisal:
formal assessment of how well an employee is performing in their role over a set period of time
methods of appraisal
1.essay method - type of journal the manager keeps on each emp
2.criticle incidient method: like essay method, but only in times of exceptionally gd or bad work peformance
3.comparison method:criteria is predetermined, n then every emp is evaluated and ranked accordingly
after appraisal:
results discussed asap
adv andds of appraisal
adv: feedback helps emp improve their performance
dis: emp may expect pay rise, expensive for bus
emp self evaluation
process of emp carrying out their own assessment of themselves based on a set of agreed criteria
adv and dis of emp self eval
adv: allows emp to assess their own contribution to te bus
dis: may be bias towards themselves
emp observation
uses feedback taken from variety of diff parties n opportunities in order to create a complete pic of past and current performance
adv and dis of emp observation
adv: broad range of observation on an empl from variety of diff sources
dis: staff may feel stress tha they are being observed
1.retirement - voluntarily leaves workplace and workforce
2. resignation - ‘quitting’ voluntarily
3.redundancy - when job no longer exists, emp nominate themselves to be made redundant (annual leave, long service leave
- dismissal - when behaviour of an emp is unnacceptable which leads to termination
- redundancy-when an emp is asked to leave bus againts their will
entitlement considerations:
entitlements owed to them (wage salary, annual leave,long service leave)
transition conciderations:
supports that a bus can provide to its emp when thy r changing from one job to anoter
(outplacement services
job training,career coaching,referencing, resumes,councelling)
workplace relations:
interaction between empoyers and employees to achieve set of working condiotns
(conditions: level of pay, working hours,duties,entitlements)
work plaec relations - participants
1.human recource man
3.emp associations
5. fair work commison
workplace relation - employers
smaller bus, workplace relation issues r handled by the bus owner, in larger, this comes under domain of HR manager
workplcase relation - employees
- negotiares endiv emp conditions directly with emplo
-may need to vote on a new agreement that has been negitiated on behalf of all emp by representetives orgunsation
workplace relation - HR managers
negotiates emp agrement with employees, train managers to put agreements into place, deal with disputes,implement agrement
workplace reations - unions
formed by emp in an industry, representin all its members in their efforts to improve wages + working conditions. also acts as representitive for members in dispute with emp
workplace relations - employee associations
unions for mployers, created in response to its employees unionizing, represent n assist employers n provde info about legislativ changes they need to abide
legally binding doc determined by FWC that sets out minimum wages n conditions for whole industries or occupations
adv and dis of award
adv: less costly for bus
dis: less felxibility,cant be customised to needs of workplace
enterprise agreement:
enterprise agreement usually
agreement on pay n conditionns of work,negotiation between groups of empl and employers
-have expirey dates
adv and dis of enterprise agreement
adv: emp need to be better off overall in the agreement compared to relevant award
dis: time consuming to negotiate, must go through approva; process
dispute resolution
1.listening to staff
2.negotiatiating - resolving disputes whereby discussions between parties result in agreement of dispute - least formal
3.mediation: discussing issues in a non threatening env,with neautral third party present, encourages parties to come up with shared reso
- conciliation:plays a more active role
5.arbitration: involves independent third party like FWC hearingboth arguments then making decision in favour of one or other -formal
adv of mediation
adv:cost effective as it occurs in less formal setting
dis: not legally binding
adv n dis of arbitration
adv: legally bidning
dis: reduced control of outcome
why would anyone volunteer for redundancy:
doing so provides added benefits
resp for setting industry awards and working conditoins n approves enterprise agreememnts made between empl+emplyers
emp associationsz;
like unions for employers- created in response to employees unionizing, povide empl info on lesgislative changes that that they need to abide