free elections were supposedto happen in july to reunite these 2 but didnt bc….
sv leader, diem was afraid to lose to a communist, refused to let sv partake in the elections
viet minh
nv communist force, loyal to ho chi minh
viet cong
fought againts sv gov of diem
berlin blockade
soviet attempt to block west berlin from rest of germany
berlin airlift
US flew over supplies and resources - 89 berlin wall came down
politicial approach, striving to appeal to people who feel tht their conserns are disregarded
policy introduced to soviets in 80s to promote openness and transperancy and freedom of speach
2 consepts
perestoika and glasnot, impleemnted by gorbachev which allowed for some priv bus ownerships 85-91
eastern bloc
groups of socialist states under influence of the soviets, abandoned it via 89 revolution