employment cycle
all stages in process of employing staff
- est phase
-maintenance phase
-termination phase
employement cycle:
1. est phase:planning
identification of staffing needs
employement cycle:
1. est phase:planning
in this case…
job analysis needed: process of gathering info abt a job to determine its tasks,resp n requirments
job analysis consists of 2 parts
1.job desc: duties, tasks n resp associated with the job
- job specifications: qualifications, skills n experiences that an employee will need to carry out the job
employement cycle:
1. est phase:recruitment
process of attracting suitable applicants to the position using ads, amployment agencies n word of mouth
why may a business employ internally adv
- utilize existng talent
- familiar with business culture
- reduce time take to hire
why may a business employ internally disadv
- lack of fresh perspectives
- gap in workforce due to pre-existing position empty
why may a business employ externaly adv
-brings new ideas, skills and diverse experiences
why may a business exmplo externally dis
- longer to find right employee
employement cycle:
1. est phase:selection
process by which suitable applicants are chosen to fill the position
employee arrangements
can include permenant emp, casual or fixed term for designated period of time
monetary payment made to the exmployee in return of service
takes forms as: salary, wage, commision, bonuses, awards(free use of company products)
employement cycle:
2. maintenance: induction
acquainting new employees with the business n knowledge of their tasks and resp
employement cycle:
2. maintenance:training
provide empoyee wit necessary skills
employement cycle:
2. maintenance:performance management
monitor to find for improvements
employement cycle:
3. termination: managing termination
involuntary/voluntary departure
employement cycle:
1. termination:entitlement n transition issues
allow for beenfits to be payed
technology impacts on staffing needs
-may need further training to adopt to it
-reduction in staffing requirements
- rates of pay may need to be adjusted to take into account new skills acquired by employees
job analysis
study of an employees job in order to determine the duties performes
how can job analysis be undertaken
-observation method
- interview
- critical incidents technqiues
benefits of job analysis and job designs
analysis ensures staf will have necessary skills, allows bus to create better recruitment n selective strategies
limitation of job analysis and job designs
time consuming, can be outdated due to tech
internal recruitment
recruits someone already employed in business to vacancy
methods of external rec
online agencies, company websites, ads
employee selection
process of choosing the candinant who best matches bus requirements
employee selection methods
interview: adv opportunity to ask q f2f dis: doesnt asses actual skills
psychological testing: adv: asses skills dis:not reliable
work testing: adv: asses actual skills to be carried out dis: may test technical skills and not broader skills
online selection: adv: can be cmolpeted any time dis: gives no indication of actual person performing tasks
most secure form of employment
full time (38pw) n part time
fixed term
employment offered for specific period
no set working hours
national employment standards
hours of work
parental leave
annual leave
equal opportunity act
legislation promoting fairness and prohibits discrimination
organisation supporting eeo act
- victorian equal opportunity n human rights commision: inform n educate public on eeo n human rights, 7 recieve and resolve complains
workplacegender equality agency: prmotes and improve gender equality outcomes
employee induction
introduce new employees to bus
why employee induction impo
familarises new eployees, gives them sense of belonging
coers conditions objectives policies duties procedures