Neuroscience Week 8: Depressive Disorders Flashcards
What is mood?

Depression prevalence
3rd most Common leading cause of woldwide disability
Depression treatment importance
Because it is treatable!!!!!
it is very dangerous if untreated (suicide)
Comorbidity of depression
4 listed
- Anxiety
- substance use
- personality disorders
Bipolar disorder treatment importance
dangerous if untreated (suicide)
Bipolar disorder comorbidity
3 listed
- anxiety
- substance use
- high IQ
Depression pathology components
4 listed
- Cognitive thoughts
- emotions and feelings
- Vegetative or physiological symptoms
- behavioral (impulsivity)
Kay Jamison

Depression diagnostic characteristics
- 5 or more of the following symptoms for at least 2 weeks
- 1 symptom must be depressed mood or decreased interest

Depression symptom mnemonic
- Sleep changes
- Interest
- guilt or worthlessness
- Energy loss
- concentration loss
- appetite loss or weight loss
- psychomotor agitation or retardation
- Suicidal ideation

depression: changes in the brain
3 listed
- decreased flow to the left frontal areas
- atrophy in the hippocampus
- antidepressants improve and neuroplasticity in the hippocampi

Manic Episode description

Hypomanic Episode description

Major Depressive Disorder: onset
25-35 years of age
Major Depressive Disorder: episodes
2 listed
- depressive episodes that last 10-12 weeks
- average number of episodes per lifetime is 4
Major Depressive Disorder: chronic
12% of patients have chronic unremitting course
Course of Major Depressive Disorder

Cycling disorders
3 listed
Bipolar I
Bipolar II

Onset of Bipolar I disorder
19-29 years of age
Bipolar I episodes
- manic episodes last 5-10 weeks
- Depressed episodes last 19 weeks
- Average number of episodes in lifetime is 10
Bipolar I Manic episodes duration
last 5-10 weeks
Bipolar I depressed episode duration
19 weeks
Bipolar I average # of episodes per lifetime
Major depressive disorder Episode duration
10-12 weeks
Major depressive disorder average # of Episodes per lifetime
Bipolar I disorder cycle
euthymia to mania to depression to euthymia

Bipolar II disorder cycle
Euthymia to hypomania to depression to euthymia

Cyclothymia disorder cycle
euthymia to hypomania to dysthymia to hypomania to euthymia
Course of Bipolar I Disorder

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
- only seen in children
- patterns of tantrums and erratic irritable moods
Persistent Depressive Disorder AKA
Persistent Depressive Disorder description and diagnostic criteria
2 years or more of:
- appetite changes
- sleep changes
- low energy or fatigue
- low self-esteem
- poor concentration or indecisiveness
- feelings of hopelessness
Cyclothymic disorder description
Dysthymic and hypomanic periods
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder description
in the majority of menstrual cycles at least 5 symptoms starting the week before menses and ending after
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood description
- occurs within 3 months of a stressor
- can be good things like getting married or buying a house or bad things such as losing job etc.
- much higher rates of suicide attempts and suicide completion
Uncomplicated Bereavement description
- normally grieving doesn’t have feelings attached to themselves
- if they indicate self involvement this might be more of a depression
Specifiers of mood episodes

with anxious distress
anxious presentation
…with mixed features
Manic symptoms, includes mood elevations or depressions
…with melancholic features
- terminal insomnia
- wake up feeling melancholic at a specific time such as 3 AM
- biological depression
terminal insomnia description
Wake up way to early
…with atypical features
- often women
- eat too much
- sleep to much
- diurnal mood variation
- limb paralysis (arms and legs feel heavy)
- increased rejection sensitivity
- typically res[pond to MAOIs
initial insomnia description
having trouble falling asleep
Middle insomnia description
waking up in the middle of the night
…with mood-congruent psychotic features
- only get psychotic when depressed
- delusions of something (feelings, brain rotting, dying)
…with mood in-congruent psychotic features
as mood congruent but incongruent
… with catatonia
abnormality of movement and behavior arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless overactivity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism.
With peripartum onset
peripartum depression
…with seasonal pattern
these are described as major depressive episode with a seasonal pattern
Prevalence of depression

High-risk populations for depression

Psychological risks
6 listed
Early traumas

Genetics of depression
Twin studies

Neurotransmitters of depression
- Serotonin
- Norepinephrine
- Dopamine

Monoamine Deficiency Hypothesis
Also stress/inflammation/neuroplasticity

There is reversible loss of ___________ after early depressive episodes
hippocampal volume
Antidepressant drugs increase levels of ______
- hippocampal neurogenesis
- neuritic elongation
- idendritic branching density of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells
These changes correlate with changes in learning and long-term potentiation
Brain changes in depression
5 listed

Abnormal sleep in depression
↓ REM Latency
Geriatric depression features
- late onset depression associated with cerebrovascular disease
- enlarged ventricles
- cognitive impairment (pseudodementia)
metabolite of serotonin
Homovanilic acid
metabolite of dopamine
negative triad
the negativity of past present and future
was a failure
am a failure
will be a failure
Neural model of biased reprocessing to negative information in Major Depressive Disorder
goes to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Decreasing REM sleep can?
help depressed patients feel better
Suicide genetics
runs in families
Suicide is associated with
- impulsivity
- aggression
- alcohol/drug use
- anxiety
Suicide threats?
take threats seriously
Suicide and healthcare
- 20-48% see a primary physician in the week prior to suicide
- 40-70% within a month prior to suicide
Suicide overview

Assessing for suicide

Treating depression
5 listed

Psychotherapy for mood disorders

Interpersonal Psychotherapy
resolving loss, disputes, deficits
Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy
correcting negative thoughts
behavioral activation
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
identify maladaptive defenses and decrease their use
Psychotherapy vs medication for acute depression

Psychotherapy for chronic depression
minimally efficacious for chronic depression
Treatment of Bipolar Disorders
practical and emotional support
social considerations
Available caregivers
health facilities
ambulatory/outpatient treatment
combinations of medication and psychotherapy and sleep hygiene is crucial
Hospitalize Bipolar Disorders
- for psychosis
- suicidality
- continued self-harm due to substances
- inability to care for self
- medical problems
- legal problems
Mood stabilizers for Bipolar disorder
- lithium
- carbamazepine
- lamotrigine
- Atypical antipsychotics
- stop antidepressants
- sleep hygiene/benzos
- psychotherapy