Neurology I Flashcards
Neural plate development mechanism
Notochord induces overlying ectoderm to differentiate into neuroectoderm and form neural plate –> neural plate gives rise to neural tube and neural crest cells.
What are neural crest cells derived from?
Neural plate
Hindbrain gives rise to..
mesencephalon + myelencephalon
CNS embryology
Code: /forebrain telencephalon + diencephalon. Eagle with talons into cerebral hemispheres on wall on left + between two ventricles/telencephalon cerebral hemispheres + lateral ventricles. Pile of dice on wall on left + Kai thaler on sitting on top + aqueduct lined with ham/diencephalon thalamus + third ventricle. Meso soup on wall across + brain in the middle + aqueduct behind it lined with brains/mesencephalon midbrain + cerebral aqueduct. /hindbrain metencephalon + myelencephalon. Metropolitan museum of art in right corner + pond in front of it + bell hanging above pond + covered in hair/metencephalon pons and cerebellum + 4th ventricle. Mylo in front of hair covered aqueduct on wall on right + medusa head/myelencephalon medulla + 4th ventricle.
Location: Computer lab in library
What are microglia derived from?
Origin of CNS and PNS neurons
CNS neurons from neuroectoderm.
PNS neurons from neural crest
Neural tube area of codebook is basically…
What are ependymal cells derived from?
When do NTD’s usually happen?
4th week
Caveat about spina bifida occulta
AFP won’t be increased.
spina bifida occulta characteristics
1) dura intact
2) no herniation
What commonly herniates in meningomyelocele?
Cauda equina
Anencephaly findings
1) increased AFP
2) polyhydramnios (due to lack of swallowing center in brain).
Anencephaly association
maternal type I diabetes
♣ Coded character: /failure of left and right hemispheres to separate. 2 sharks at a table by window, hailing on one, other one sitting on a mound of hash/usually occurs during weeks 5-6. Erica emms is the waitress + has a clef lip + a Cyclops head/moderate form has cleft lip/palate, most severe form results in cyclopia.
♣ Location: right side of park burger
Chiari I malformation
o Code: kiara with a top hat on driving/Chiari I. /often diagnosed in adults and adolescents (less severe so less likely to present earlier). big mouth with inflamed tonsils on fairway + worm crawling out/Type I = significant herniation of cerebellar tonsils and vermis through foramen magnum. /more common but less severe than Chiari II. Nail through head + tape over mouth + antlers/presentation = headache and neck pain + lower brainstem symptoms (dysarthria + dysphagia + nystagmus). /can by asymptomatic.
o Location: Driving range at woodlands
arnold chiari malformation
♣ Coded character: huge mouth with tonsils hanging out + worm crawling out + medusa head on top/type II = tonsils + vermis + medulla herniate into the foramen magnum. Arnold Palmer: Roman aqueduct surrounding putting green/aqueductal stenosis. Arnold dancing around/mostly asymptomatic. Geiser of water coming out of his head + he’s on a stretcher (paralysis code) + huge sack hanging out of his lumbosacral region/presentation = hydrocephalus + lumbosacral meningomyelocele (this is what generates the pressure gradient and causes the herniation) + paralysis below level of defect. Siamese twin kiaras putting/Chiari II. He’s naked but wearing a cloak/syringomyelia is common.
♣ Location: Putting green at the woodlands
Enlargement of 4th ventricle…
Dandy-Walker syndrome
Dandy walker associations…
1) noncommunicating hydrocephalus
2) spina bifida
anterior white commissure part of…
Spinothalamic tract
syringomyelia causes
1) chiari malformations
2) trauma
3) tumors
Chiari 1 presentation
headaches + cerebellar symptoms
Most common location of syrinx
neuro loss with syringomyelia?
Bilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation with fine touch sensation preserved.
Tongue brachial arch origins
o Code: big tongue stuck ito ground with arch overhead. Hat on top + chicken nesting on top/anterior 2/3s of tongue is associated with pharyngeal arches 1 and 2. Hambone stuck into bottom/posterior 1/3 of tongue associated with pharyngeal arch 3.
o Location: patio outside St. Marks
Taste innervation of tongue
anterior - CN VII
posterior - IX, X (extreme posterior)
Pain innervation of tungue
anterior - V3
posterior - IX,X
hyoglossus action
retracts and depresses tognue