MS pathology Flashcards
normal appearing white matter
alleen groene (myeline) en rode bolletjes (axonen)
roze op post mortem
scar tissue
active lesion
lot of active (blue) immune cells, loss of myelin.
chronic active lesion
immunocells have eaten away the myelin, in het midden geen immuno cellen meer maar een rand er om heen.
chronic inactive lesion
irreversible, alle immunocellen zijn weg, het myeline is veranderd in scar tissue.
pathology description
demyelination PLP infiltration of leukocytes (MHCII) foamy macrophages perivascular infiltrate axonal damage (APP) axonal loss (silverstain)
volgorde active etc
preactive - active - chronic active - chronic inactive
grey matter lesions in
hippocampus, (hypo) thalamus, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, neocortical, spinal cord grey matter
wat voor symptomen door grey matter damage
motor function, fatigue, epilepsy, cognitive decline
grey matter lesions
classified based on anatomical region
no leukocyte infiltration
no macrophage activation
no signs of BBB breakdown
dus vragen hierbij
waarom geen leukocyte infiltration?
hoe dan neuronal loss?
en hoe demyelination?
CNS extrinsic model: outside in
eerst immuunsysteem iets fout, daarna pas aanval in het brein.
inside out
eerst damage in het brein, daarna aangevallen door immuunsysteem
shadow plaques
may be leading to remyelination -> repopulated oligodendrocytes that lead to remyelination
possible triggers in ms
oligodendrocyte damage
neuronal/axonal injury
disrupted synapses
axo-myelinic synapse
chemical synapse between axon and myelin, one that supports activity-dependent communication between the two.
ms is an autoimmune disease…
maar is het primary or secondary?
what is plp
major myelin protein in the CNS