Gender identity, sex hormones and the brain Flashcards
wat komt meer voor bij meiden
anxiety and depression
regional sex differences in volume and tissue density
amygdala, hippocampus, insula
als er 2 soorten breinen zouden zijn dan..
zou er dimorphism moeten zijn, en internal consistency
hoe heet deze weinig overlap:
en was er dimorphism?
nee, er is juist heel veel overlap tussen mannen en vrouwen breinen
wat is internal consistency
dat er binnen een bepaald brein (man/vrouw) veel overeenkomst is. maar dit is niet zo: mannen en vrouwen breinen kunnen alletwee meer mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn
what is the typical development of males and female gender identity
male: wel testosteron
female: geen testosteron
atypical development
complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
has X and Y, so therefore is male, but insensitive to androgens (male hormones). therefore might have female physical traits + has female gender identity and role.
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
hebben xx, maar ook testosteron. Daarom vaak vrouwelijke gender identity maar male gender role. vaak gender dysphoria
during life differences is men and women…
early life stress, makeup, alcohol –> epigenetic changes
welke delen van de trimesters leiden tot wat?
1st trimester: genitals
2/3rd trimester: brain
trans women nucleus…
looks like female nucleus
ttranswomen treatment
anti-androgen and estrogen
wat krijgen transwomen door die treatment
minder brain volume, minder cortical thickness
sexual differentiation hypothesis
The classic model of sexual differentiation suggests that genetic and hormonal messages are the main factors in initiating sexual differentiation of the male and female brain. Mainly, sexual differentiation is initiated by the presence of the sex-determining region Y (Sry) gene located on the Y chromosome.
transmen treatment
androgen, bigger brain volume and cortical thicknesss
testosteron is..
an androgen
trans men increase in cth in….
mesial temporal and insular cortices
trans women decrease in
all cth
neuroimaging studies in adolescents with GD
early onset
gender identity developement in adolescence
effects puberty suppression
transgender brain phenotype
seem to present with own unique brain phenotype, rather than shifting towards one end of male-female spectrum
waar zitten meer similarities with gender identity: functional or structural
body perception hypothesis
there is a difference in body perception networks in children with gender dysphoria