Blood-Brain-Barriere Flashcards
main cells that support the BBB
waar zitten de astrocyten aan vast?
aan de endothelial cells van de vessles
smooth muscular cells
what is the physical barriere
door tight junctions, houden moleculen tegen om niet in de vascular tract te komen van het brein
door TJ komt …
selected transport across the BBB
what drugs can enter?
small, unbound, lipophilic drugs.
However, after passing through the barrier the molecule must be hydrophilic enough to move through the interstitial brain fluid to reach the brain.
wat voor drug deliveries are possible?
- intranasal delivery
- nanoparticles
- focused ultrasound
- convection enhanced delivery (catheter)
- intra-arterial delivery
BBB dysfunction in…
MS, AD etc
pathological events in MS
demyelination impaired BBB function immune cell trafficking gliosis neurodegeneration
change in astrocytes and microglia
cns glial cells
astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, radial glial cells, and ependymal cells.
consequences of BBB dysfunction
- Neurotoxic compounds in CNS
- Lack of nourishment
- Endothelial inflammation -Immune cell entry
- Activation of microglia and astrocytes
- Loss of pericyte contacts
Long term effect:
•Cognitive impairment
how does the immune response gets activated
inflamed endothelium attracts immune cells -> immune cell migration
natalizumab werking
prevents the leukocytes from crossing the BBB -> geen immuneresponse die het myeline gaat aanvallen.
It blocks one of the molecules on the leukocytes → integrin PLA 4. By doing that, the leukocyte cannot longer interact with the endothelial cells
natalizumab en JC virus
Natalizumab treatment is associated with the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), an opportunistic brain infection that is caused by the JC virus
3 brain barrieres
blood brain barriere
choriod plexus
wat is de choroid plexus
De plexus choroideus is een onderdeel in de hersenen, waar hersenvocht aangemaakt wordt.[1] Dit gebeurt op plekken waar de pia mater en de weefselwand met elkaar in contact komen. Deze gebieden liggen aan de rand van de hersenventrikels.
wat voor barriere maakt de choroid plexus dus?
een bloed-csf barriere
wat is er mis in MS met de choroid plexus/
alterations in transcriptome
wat gebeurt er dus bij de CP in MS?
Impaired epithelial barriere function
Loss of neuroprotective function
Epithelial inflammation
T cell accumulation and activation
meninges barriere in MS fout?
Accumulation of B cells
Microglia activation
ocrelizumab targets B cells -> potential MoA
Dus de 3 barrieres en wat er mis gaat in MS:
blood brain barriere -> BBB alterations, inflammation, immune cell trafficking
choroid plexus -> T cell infiltration, loss of neuroprotective function
meninges -> B cell infiltration, microglia activation, neurodegeneration