mar 12 Flashcards
can you treat acute prostatitis with nitrofurantoin?
no - it doenst have good prostatic penetration
how do you treat acute prostatitis?
a floroquinolone or TMP-SMX
which occurs first in parkinsons disease, the motor symptoms of dementa?
the motor symptoms
which occurs first in lewy body dementia, the motor symptoms or dementa?
the dementia
characteristics of lewy body dementia
- cognitive fluctuations
- visual hallucinations
- alterations in consciousness
- parkinsonian symptoms
what is the most common cause of small bowel obstruction?
there is an increased risk for which neurological disorder in the early postpartum period?
what is the class triad of symptoms seen in pheochromocytoma?
episodic hypertension, sweating, tachycardia
what will the glucose level be in pheochromocytoma?
how do catelcholamines effect insulin secretion?
they inhibit it
what is the initial step in testing for a pheochromocytoma?
measures urine or plasma metaneprhines
a hemineglect syndrome occurs when there is an infarct to…
the nondominant parietal lobe
psoriasis is commonly found on the ___ surfaces
what acid base disturbance is seen in cyanide toxicity?
metabolic acidosis
A patient with a high-velocity eye injury has no signs of corneal abrasian on routine exam. What should you do?
Fluorescien stain to visualize if there is an injury
clinical presentation of a varicocele?
- soft scrotal mass (nontender, ‘bag of worms’)
- subfertility
- testicular atrophy
why are varicoceles associated with mildly decreased fertility?
the backflow of venous blood likely causes a slightly increased temperature ->reduced sperm production, impaired spermatic motility
do varicoceles transilluminate with a light?
do hydroceles transilluminate with a light?
what are complications are using large-volume crystalloid infusion?
coagulopathy (dilutes coag factors), acidosis, hypothermia and death
instead of just using large-volume crystalloid infusion in a patient with hemorhage, what should you give instead?
blood products (after no more than 1L of crystalloid)
when is bariatric surgery indicated?
BMI > 40
or BMI > 35 with weight-related morbidity
(after attempting non-surgical options)
why does squatting help improve symptoms in tetrallogy of fallot?
it increases systemic vascular resistance -> more blood goes to the lung
what is age related sicca syndrome?
age-related decline in exocrine output
the majority of patients wiht Sjogrens syndrome have a positive ____
A simple breast cyst that is asymptomatic. Management?
A simple breast cyst that is symptomatic. Management?
FNA of a simple breast cyst reveals bloody fluid. Next step?
FNA of a simple breast cyst is performed and the cyst persists. Next step?
FNA of a simple breast cyst is performed and the fluid is clear and patient is now asymptomatic. Next step?
repeat ultrasound in 4-6 weeks
a complication of a cardiac pacemaker is….
tricuspid regurgitation
why does tricuspid regurgitation occur in some patients who have a pacemaker or defibrillator placed?
the right ventricular lead has to go through the triscuspid valve -> may damage the valve
smudge cells are found in which type of cancer?
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
filamentous gram + rods with rudimentary branching =
is several 1 cm lymph nodes in the neck a normal finding?