april 29 Flashcards
A patient has suspected pancreatitis, first investigation?
serum amylase or lipase (positive if >3 x greater than upper limit)
Criteria for acute pancreatitis?
2+ of the following:
- severe epigastric pain
- serum amylase/lipase >3x upper limit norma
- characteristic findings on imaging
how do gouty tophi appear on imaging?
inflammation in bone/surrounding tissue - > bone erosion with overhanging edges
A patient has testicular torsion for >12 hours and develops testicular necrosis. What will be seen on ultrasound?
heterogenous echotexture
ultrasound of an inguinal hernia would show what?
loops of bowel in the scrotum
onset of acute postradiation proctitis?
<8 weeks post radiation
onset of chronic postradiation proctitis?
> 3 years after radiation
path of acute post radiation proctitis?
direct mucousal damage from radiation
path of chronic post radiation proctitis?
- obliterative endarteritis and chronic mucosal ischemia
- submucosal fibrosis
clinical manifestations of acute post radiation proctitis?
- diarrhea, mucus discharge, tenesmus
- minimal bleeding
clinical manifestations of chronic post radiation proctitis?
- severe bleeding
- strictures + constipation/rectal pain
endoscopic appearance of acute post radiation proctitis?
ulcers, erythema, edema
endoscopic appearance of chronic post radiation proctistis?
- multiple telangiectasies
- mucosal pallor + friability
management of acute post radiation proctitis?
-anti-diarrheals, butyrate enemas
management of chronic post radiation proctitis?
- endoscopic thermal coagulation
- sucralfate or glucotcorticote enema
management following drainage of a perianal abscess?
systemic antibiotics
why are glucocorticoids useful in thyrsoid storm?
-decrease peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
You notice a patient has spinal asymmetry. First step?
Spinal imaging
Hypocalcemia is more common following blood transfusion in patients with…
liver dysfunction (since the liver normally rapidly metabolizes citrate)