Lecture 37 and 38: Avian comparative Anatomy Flashcards
compared to mammals, bones of birds are __ and ___ due to greater calcium content
Lighter and stronger
In birds their vertebrae undergo considerable ____
How is the pelvis oriented in birds
Open ventrally
The major anatomical differences in birds are adaptations for ___
label the following and note which are just present in avian species
- Premaxilla
- Nasal
- Maxilla
- Mandible
- Lacrimal
- Frontal
- Palatine
- Jugal (ONLY BIRDS)
- Quadrate (ONLY BIRDS)
- Quadratojugal (ONLY BIRDS)
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Occipital
- Sphenoid
- Not present in avian(zygomatic arch)
A. Nasal aperture
B. Orbit
C. Optic foramen
D. Jugal arch (BIRDS ONLY)
E. Sclerotic ring (BIRDS ONLY)
G. External acoustic meatus
H. Occipital condyle
What bones form the bony base of the break
Premaxilla, Maxilla, and mandible
What bones replace the zygomatic bones in avian species
Jugal, quadrate and quadratojugal
How many condyles are present in occipital bone of avian species
1 (2 in mammals)
What is the bony ring present in avian orbits to hold the eye
Sclerotic ring
How many cervical vertebrae do chickens have
How many thoracic vertebrae do chickens have
How many Lumbar and Sacral vertebrae do chickens have
How many coccygeal vertebrae do chickens have
What is the notorium
Fusion T1-3 or 5 vertebrae
What is the synsacrum
Fusion of T7, L,S, and C1
What is the pygostyle
Fusion of C2-5
What parts of the vertebral column make the dorsal trunk rigid
Notorium and synsacrum
What part of vertebral column provides mobility to tail
what is indicated by yellow, red and blue arrows
Yellow: notorium
Red: synsacrum
Blue: pygostyle
Identify 1-4
- Synsacrum
- Ilium
- Pubis
- Ischium
What forms the bony pelvis in birds
Synsacrum, ilium, ischium, and pubis
T or F: hip bones in avian species meet at ventral symphysis
identify 1-3 and yellow arrow
- Vertebral segment
1a. Uncinate process - Sternal segment
- Sternum
Yellow arrow: floating rib
What are the two rib segments in birds
Ventral and sternal segments
What connects the vertebral segments of ribs to caudal rib
Uncinated procces
identify 1-6
- Keel
1a. Lateral surface
1b. Dorsal surface
1c. Ventral surface
1d. Apex - Costal border
- Manubrial spine
- Sternocoracoidal process
- Caudal lateral process
- Caudal medial process
Do avian species have sternabrae
No, just one large ossified piece- keel
At costal border the sternum articulates with
Sternal segments of the ribs
At the cranial region of the sternum the sternocoracoid process extends and articulates with ___
Coracoid bone
Identify 1-10 and a-c
- Clavicle
- Coracoid
- Scapula
- Humerus
- Radius
- Ulna
- Ulnar carpal
- Radial carpal
- Carpometacarpals
- Phalanges
A. Digit II
B. Digit III
C. Digit IV
What bones make up the thoracic girdle in birds
Clavicle, scapula and Coracoid
What two bones does the Coracoid articulate with
Scapula and sternum
Where is the scapula located in avian species
Dorsal surface of ribs
The humerus does not articulate with ___ in a typical ball in socket joint
The ulna is ___ relative to radius
How many phalanges does digit II have
Identify 1-7 and a-d
- Femur
- Patella
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tarsometatarsus
- Metarsus I
- Phalanges
A. Digit I
B. Digit II
C. Digit III
D. Digit IV
What are the two extrinsic flight muscles of the wings
- Pectoralis
- Supracoracoideus
Which muscle pulls the wings down for flight
Which muscle raises the wings for flight
What is the largest muscle in birds
Where does the Pectoralis muscle originate
Sternum, Coracoid and clavicles
Where does Pectoralis muscle insert
Medial surface of proximal epiphysis of the humerus
Where does the Supracoracoideus muscle originate
Lateral surface of the sternum and Coracoid bones
Where does the supracoideus insert
Proximal epiphysis of humerus
Identify 1-6
- Triceps
- Biceps brachial
- Extensor carpi radialis
- Pronator superficialis
- Flexor digitorium
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
The beak is a ___derived structure
The Premaxilla and maxillar bones make up what part of the beak
Upper rhamphoteca
The mandible makes up what part of beak
Lower rhamphoteca
T or F: birds have a soft palate
In most bird species the tongue is a ____ structure
Pointy keratinized
identify 1-3
- Beak
1a. Rhinotheca
1b. Gnathotheca - Tongue
- Hyoid
3a. Paraglossal bone
3b. Rostral basibrachial
3c. Caudal basibranchial
3d. Ceratobranchial
3e. Epibranchial
Before the esophagus enters the thorax it enlarges to produce a pouch like structure known as ___
identify 1-6
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Esophagus
3a. Crop - Thymus
- Vagus nerve
- Cervical muscles
What are some functions of the crop
Food storage, partial food digestion and production of crop milk
What does the crop produce when offspring are present
Semi-yellowish substance that is high in fat and protein. Also contains antioxidants, IgA
identify 1-9
- Esophagus
- Crop
- Proventriculus
- Ventriculus (gizzard)
- Small intestine
5a. Duodenum
5b. Jejunum and ileum
5c. Messengers - Large intestine
6a. Ceca
6b. Colo-rectum - Cloaca
7a. Vent - Pancreas
- Liver
9a. Gallbladder
What are the two chambers of the stomach
Proventriculus and ventriculus
What is the common Oran for the terminal parts of urinary, digestive and reproductive systems
Which part of the stomach is the glandular stomach
What part of the stomach secretes HCL and mucous to break down proteins
What part of stomach is muscular
What part of stomach does mechanical breakdown
What separates the Proventriculus and ventriculus
identify 1-4
- Proventriculus
- Isthmus
- Ventriculus
3a. Cranial blind sac
3b, caudal blind sac
3c. Pylorus
3d, muscular region - Duodenum
What do oxyticopeptic cells produce
HCl in Proventriculus
What do pepsinogen cells produce
Mucous in Proventriculus
What is Meckel’s diverticulum
Diverticulum on jejunum that is a small remnant of yolk sac
label 1-7
- Ileum
- Ceca
- Ileocecal folds
- Colo-rectum
- Iliocolic junction
- Cecal sphincter
- Cloaca
identify 1-7
- Colo-rectum
2, coprodeum - Urodeum
- Proctodeum
- Vent
- Cloacal bursa
7, dorsal proteodeal gland
What is the coprodeum
Union of colorectum with cloaca
What is the urodeum
Union of urinary tract with cloaca
What is the proctodeum
Union of reproductive tract with cloaca
identify 1-11
- Nasal cavity
- Nares
2a. Operculum - Nasal septum
- Chana
- Conchae
5a. Rostral
5b. Medium
5c. Caudal - Oropharynx
- Hyoid
- Larynx
8a. Glottis - Artyenoid cartilages
- Cricoid cartilage
- Trachae
What is the cornified flap that partially covers the nostril
What 3 laryngeal cartilages do birds have
Artyenoid, procricoid and cricoid
Do birds have an epiglottis
No, they have a glottis that is just an incomplete slit
identify 1-4
2. Syrinx
3. Primary bronchi
4. Lungs
What structure does the trachea divide into before the primary bronchi
What is the syrinx
Voice organ
identify 1-6
- Trachea
- Tympanum
- Lateral tympaniform membrane
- Medial tympaniform membrane
- Pessulus
6, primary bronchi
During exhalation the air makes what structures vibrate
Lateral and medial tympaniform membranes
What separates the bronchial divisions and provides stability to them
label 1-4
- Lung
1a. Costal impressions - Ribs
- Intercostal muscles
- Intercostal nerves and vessels
Primary bronchi enter the ventral surface of the lung and pass diagonally as the ____
Each mesobronchus gives rise to ____ and ___
Secondary bronchi and parabronchi
What makes up the paleopulmo
Secondary bronchi of medial area and associated parabronchi
What makes up the neupulmo
Secondary bronchi of lateral area and associated parabronchi
Which bronchi connect to cranial air sacs
Secondary paleopulmonic bronchi
Which bronchi connect to caudal air sacs
Secondary neuplumonic bronchi
Where does gas exchange take place
Walls of parabronchi
What are the expansible respiratory organs
Air sacs
The air sacs cause ___ of bones
The cervical air sac is associated with what bones
Cervical vertebrae, notorium and humerus
The clavicular air sac is associated with what bones
Coracoid and sternum
The cranial thoracic air sac is associated with what bones
The abdominal air sac is associated with what bones
Synsacrum and femur
What bones help birds fly
Pneumatic bones
Where air sac does fresh air travel to and which air sacs does stale air travel to
Fresh: caudal
Stale: cranial
Which parabronchi open air sacs and pull air in
Which parabronchi close and push air out
Neupulmonic parabronchi
T or F: birds have a renal pelvis
True or False: birds don’t have a bladder or urethra
identify 1-4
- Kidney
- Testes
- Epididymis
- Deferent duct
How do testicles appear in immature non–reproducing birds
Yellowish and small
Where is seminal fluid produced in birds
Testes and ductus deferents
What is the phallus composed of
3 mucous extensions of cloaca
What vessels are involved in bird erection
Paracloacal lymphatic vessels
The female reproductive system is formed by
Ovary and oviduct
What side of female reproductive organs usually regress
identify 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
- Ovary
1a, ovarian follicles - Oviduct
- Cloaca
- Ventral ligament of oviduct
- Right oviduct
True or false: birds don’t have lymph nodes
What are cecal tonsils
Lymphoid tissue at each ceca
What is the cloacal bursa
Lymphoid organ