Inhaled Anesthetic Flashcards
Stage of anesthesia:
Decreased awareness of pain
Impaired consciousness
State of General Anesthesia
Unconsciousness Analgesia Amnesia Skeletal Muscle Relaxation Loss of reflexes
Stage of anesthesia:
Delirium or excitement
Irregular respiration
Incontinence or retching
Stage of anesthesia:
No pain reflex, maintained respiration and BP
Surgical Anesthesia
Stage of anesthesia:
Severe respiratory and CVS depression
Mechanical and pharmacological support needed
Medullary depression
Stages of anesthesia in order: A. medullary depression B. surgical anesthesia C. analgesia D. disinhibition
Analgesia - Disinhibition - Surgical anesthesia - Medullary depression
Measure of concentration in inhaled anesthetics
Partial pressure or Tension
Standard pressure of total inhaled mixture
760 mmHg (atm pressure)
Measure of potency of inhaled anesthetic
Minimal alveolar Anesthetic Concentration
Alveolar concentration required to eliminate response to a standardized painful stimulus in 50% of patients
Minimum alveolar Anesthetic Concentration
True or False
MAC of inhaled anesthetics are additive
Solubility of inhaled anesthetic in blood or gas
Partition coefficient
Inhaled anesthetic unstable in soda lime
Pungent inhaled anesthetic
Inhaled anesthetic with slowest onset and recovery
Effect of inhaled anesthesia (T/F)
Decreased ventilatory response to hypoxia
Effect of inhaled anesthesia (T/F)
Inhaled anesthetics are bronchoconstrictors
Inhaled Anesthetic MOA
GABA-mediated inhibition
NMDA blocked
Ach-N receptors blocked
Inhaled anesthetic for dental or minor surgical procedures
Nitrous Oxide
Inhaled anesthetic causing Euphoria/Laughing gas
Nitrous oxide
Inhaled anesthetic the cause Megaloblastic Anemia
Nitrous Oxide
Inhaled anesthetic with least potency and least cardiotoxic
Nitrous Oxide
Potency level of inhaled anesthetic when there is LOW MAC
High potency
Inhaled anesthetic that is a pulmonary irritant
Desflurane cause bronchospasm
Inhaled anesthetic for General Anesthesia
Desflurane, Sevoflurane, Isoflurane, Enflurane, Halothane, Methoxyflurane
Common side effect of inhaled anesthetics for general anesthesia
Peripheral vasodilation
Inhaled anesthetic causing renal insufficiency
Inhaled anesthetic that cause cathecholamine-induced arryhthmia
Sevoflurane and Halothane
Inhaled anesthetic that cause spike and wave activity, muscle twitching, breath-holding
Inhaled anesthetic that cause myocardial depression
Enflurane and Halothane
Hepatic side effect of Halothane
Postoperative Hepatitis
Halothane + Succinylcholine side effect
Malignant hyperthermia
Inhaled anesthetic with highest potency