Energetics and Nutrition: Constitution Flashcards
Traditional energetic systems consider us to have an innate constitution. Thus, we tend to be a predominantly hot, cold, dry almost person (and often a mixture of two or more)
- Our Constitution gives characteristic strengths, which can be used to our advantage in life
- However, the Constitution also gives a tendency to certain types of problems
- Staying in good health depends on making appropriate diet and lifestyle choices to balance rather than aggravate our Constitution
Hot constitutions: Character
- Fiery disposition
- Motivated
- Energetic
- Courageous
Hot constitutions:
- Prone to inflammation
- Stress
- Irritability
- Anger
- Over-acidity
Especially in hot climates and seasons, and during teenage and adult years
Hot constitutions:
* Oily foods
* Red meat
* Chemical additives
* Stimulants
* Cool water
* Raw foods
* Leafy greens
* Better detoxifying herbs
* Warm teas and spices promote sweating and hence ‘cool’
Hot constitutions:
Hot types should consider gentle forms of yoga, Tai chi and exercise in fresh air
Cold constitutions:
- Cool
- Composed
- Steady nature
Cold constitutions:
Prone to:
* Poor circulation
* Tense muscles
* Weak digestion
* Spasmodic pain
* Low mood
Especially in cold climates and seasons
Cold constitutions:
* Refrigerated, frozen foods
* Iced drinks
* Cold, raw and bitter leafy foods
* Warm drinks
* Cooked foods
* Spices such as ginger and cinnamon to increase circulation and digestive power
Cold types need to get ‘fired up’ with more vigourous (cardiovascular) exercise. Get these individuals active
Dry constitutions:
- Quick, light and adaptable nature
Dry constitutions:
- Dry skin
- Stiff joints
- Dry mucosa
- Gas
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Tremors
- Weight loss
- Anxiety
Especially in dry/windy climates and seasons
Dry constitutions:
* Light food
* Legumes
* Starch grains
* Excess spices
* Astringent herbs such as green tea
* Fluids
* Soups, stews
* Smoothies
* Mild aromatic spices
* Okra
* Chia and linseeds
* Licorice
Dry types need to learn to feel secure and content in themselves. Recommend breathing exercises and more social interaction
Moist constitutions:
- Calm
- Reliable
- Loving nature
Moist constitutions:
- Mucus
- Lethargy
- Weight gain
Especially in wet climates and seasons
Moist constitutions:
* Dairy
* Sweet fruit
* Watery fruit and vegetables
* Gluten
* Refined sugars and carbs
* Cold smoothies
* Mucilaginous foods such as okra, chia, linseeds
* Warm, dry and spicy foods
* Whole grains
Damp types need to challenge themselves and take more risks in life (i.e. be adventurous)
It is possible to have one constitution but suffer imbalances of other energetic qualities, because diet and lifestyle excesses can shift us in any direction. For example:
* Hot Constitution: uses too many raw, cold foods, in cold climates and seasons; can eventually get cold problems such as weak digestion and cold hands and feet
* Dry constitution: eats too many sugars and refined carbs in wet climates and seasons; can eventually get damp problems such as mucous congestion and weight gain
Treating acquired constitutions
In this situation, focus first on the quality that is aggravated.
* For a hot Constitution experiencing cold problems, treat the cold.
Increase warm cooked foods and moderates spices
Reduce refrigerated, frozen foods, ice drinks, raw and bitter leafy foods
- For a dry Constitution experiencing damp problems, treat the damp.
Increased light food, legumes, astringent herbs – Green tea
Reduce dairy, refined sugar and carbs, okra, gluten, chia, linseeds, licorice - Once balance is restored return to general constitutional recommendations, but avoid extremes
Acute situations - heat
Acute situations involve heat. Thus hot, dry and moist constitutions experience heat signs if they suffer injury, infection, inflammation (fever, redness, yellow discharges)
* In this case always address heat first using warm treatments:
o Teas, baths and blankets promotes sweating which stimulates immunity and cools the body in fevers
o External warming rubs containing aromatic herbs (Tiger balm, ginger), especially when alternated with cold treatments, reduce inflammation and pain
* Once a acute phases passes return to constitutional advice
Energetics; balance
If we understand the ‘Energetic’ Constitution we can live in a way that keeps the body and mind in balance
* Only when we are balanced is our vital force, immunity and homoeostasis stable
* What constitution and energetics teach us is that there is no general pattern of illness, nor one correct way to eat and live, per se. We all have different risks and different requirements across the seasons and across a lifetime if we are to regain and maintain good health