Conversações diárias Flashcards


Peter: Hi Jana. Long time no see. What’ve you been up to?

Jana: Just studying a lot.

Peter: You seem a little down. Is everything okay?

Jana: Yeah, everything is okay. Thanks for asking. Sometimes I get a little homesick and miss my family and my language. I didn’t realize how important my home language is to me. It’s really part of who I am.

Peter: I definitely understand that. Even though my parents and sisters are multilingual, we usually only speak our first language with one another.

Jana: But you don’t seem to ever miss your home language.

Peter: Of course I do! But this is a very multicultural campus and city. There are people here who speak your home language. It has helped me to find people who speak my first language. We get together every couple of weeks to talk.

Jana: I’m glad you understand. Part of me thinks I am a failure or I’m not acclimating to the U.S. if I don’t speak English all the time.

Peter: Nonsense! All of our languages are part of who we are and part of our identities. We can’t ignore that.


Long time no see [Faz tempo que eu não te vejo] is an expression in spoken English. It is said when you see someone you haven’t seen for a relatively long period of time.

What’ve you been up to? [O que você tem feito recentemente?] is a question used in informal spoken English. It means What have you been doing recently?

To seem or be a little down [um pouco desanimado] means to seem or be a little sad or less happy/energetic than usual.

Homesick [sentir saudades de casa] is the state of being sad because one is away from one’s family and home. Usually, the verbs used with homesick are be and feel. For example: She is homesick. I feel homesick.

A person who is multilingual [poliglota] is able to speak and understand more than two languages at a high level.

Multicultural: relating to or including people who have many different customs and beliefs.

To acclimate [ajustar-se; adaptar-se] means to adjust or adapt to a new place or situation. Often, acclimate is followed by the word to plus a place or situation. For example: She is acclimating to the new city. He quickly acclimates to the cultures of other countries.

In this context, nonsense [besteira] is used to show that the speaker thinks the previous statement is untrue.

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